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第八十一天:20111217(Kislev 21, 5772)

請讀:     以西結書第三十七章

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第八十天:20111216(Kislev 20, 5772)

請讀:     以西結書第三十七章

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第七十九天:20111215(Kislev 19, 5772)

請讀:     以西結書第三十六章、第三十七章

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第七十八天:20111214(Kislev 18, 5772)


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第七十七天:2011年12月13日(Kislev 17, 5772)

請讀: 耶利米書25:11







Day 77 of 100 Days: Breaking out of desolation: “God Revives Unfulfilled Prophetic Destiny” Read: Jer. 25:11

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月13日 1:27

As we come into agreement with God through intercession, He often reminds us of His plan of prophetic destiny. Daniel discovered this when he had to go back 70 years to find out what God had promised the people of Israel. The prophet Jeremiah had prophesied that the whole land would go into desolation and serve the King of Babylon for 70 years(see Jer. 25:11). As Daniel received the prayer burden from God, he was able to understand this word that Jeremiah the prophet had spoken. It was now time for the power of desolation to be broken and for restoration to begin!

That’s how it is with us many times. Some of our grandparents and great grandparents had incredible prophetic destinies that were never realized. We need to understand how their prophetic inheritance became captive to the enemy. We also need to understand how the generational blessings of God have not been fulfilled.

I had to come to an understanding of unfulfilled prophetic destiny in my own life by watching my father. My father was a man who had a great deal of potential. However, he made bad choices. The path he chose for himself had corruption and defilement. Instead of glorifying God, his path ended with him dying a premature death. His destiny was never fulfilled.

God has created each one of us to reflect His glory. When we understand our identity in Him and begin to come into the fullness of that identity, His glory is seen through us. The absence of His glory indicates a curse. A curse working in our life brings desolation and postponement to the fulfillment of His promises. By seeing the mess that my father had made of his own life, and even by being abused by his hand, I could have said, “O woe is me, look at what my father did.” Instead I found myself saying, “Look at what my father could have been. Look at what he could have accomplished had he allowed God to bring him into His ultimate plan for his life. Look at what should have been.”

The Lord even once revealed to me the overwhelming love that He had for my earthly father. When I saw how much God loved him and what an incredible plan He had for my father’s life, I immediately said, “Lord, let me not only come into the fullness of my own life, but let me accomplish the things that were meant for my father in his generation that were sent astray by his alignment with the enemy.” I have learned, that prophetic destiny is often tied to the generations of our families. I therefore want to be sure that I somehow complete what God has intended for my bloodline. I need to become successful where there has been failure in my family. I need to overcome the enemy where others in my bloodline have not withstood him. To have prophetic fulfillment in our own lives, we need to allow the Lord to revive the unfulfilled prophetic destiny in our family line and give us a success mentality of completion and fulfillment.

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第七十六天:2011年12月12日(Kislev 16, 5772)

請讀: 以西結書第二十二章 希伯來書7:25







代禱是指到某人那裡去、或是去見某人來強迫他們去改變情況。在希伯來書 7:25中有關耶穌的描述,「凡靠著他進到 神面前的人,他都能拯救到底;因為他是長遠活著,替他們祈求。」基督為我們的代禱是有效的,這就是所有關於代禱呼召的事,聖靈將會與我們一起同工,並顯明我們的逃命計畫與脫離荒涼的方法。但是,我們必須願意禱告,我們必須願意與神相會面,直到我們得到前進的策略,然後剛強站立去抵擋那設法要將我們困在荒涼的敵人。如果我們這樣做,神不僅會打破我們的荒涼,祂也會帶我們脫離任何可能會使我們墮落到荒涼之地的腐敗,祂會潔淨、更新並使我們恢復到與祂親密相交的關係。

Day 76 of 100 Days: Breaking out of Desolation: “God Gives an Intercessory Call” Read: Ez. 22; Heb. 7:25

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月12日 8:23

As was the case with Daniel, God often first releases an intercessory burden in our lives. A burden is a deep impression of God’s heart and will within our spirit. This burden feels like a weight or a stirring within us that is so strong that we must respond to God so that change can come into our lives or environment. This is how intercession begins.

Intercession always proceeds what God is doing to break desolation from our lives. Prophetic fulfillment is a continuing process. In other words, all that God has done, even in the midst of the desolation season, has a purpose and will work together to move us into what He has for us in our new place. Dutch Sheets writes:

God wants to shift our thinking from becoming discouraged during these times to realizing the necessity of chronos seasons. . . . Knowing that we are cooperating with God and giving Him what He needs to bring the new, we can rejoice over, rather than despise, small beginnings.

We need to get in line with what God is doing and connect ourselves with it for our now season. We need to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to align ourselves with God’s mind and connect with His heart so that we can move forward. This can only happen by communicating with a holy, sovereign God. As we come into agreement with God through His intercessory call to us, He will propel us out of our desolate circumstances and move us into prophetic fulfillment.

In Ezekiel 22, God was ready to restore the people of Judah. In verses 23-29, God describes how the priests had been unholy, the prophets had been conspirators, the government officials had been like ravenous wolves, and the people had fallen into divination. Nevertheless, in verse 30, God says that if He can find one person who will make a wall and stand in the gap before Him on behalf of the land, He will reverse everything the prophets, priests and government officials had done wrong. He even promised to reverse the sinful corruption into which the people had fallen. He would do all of this if He could just find someone to meet with Him.

Intercession is defined as reaching or meeting someone to pressure them strongly to change a situation. Hebrews 7:25 states of Jesus, “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Christ is available to us to make intercession for us. This is what an intercessory call is all about. The Spirit of God will co-labor with us and reveal our plan of escape and the way out of desolation. But we must be willing to pray. We must be willing to meet with God until we gain strategy for moving forward and then take a stand against the enemy who would seek to keep us bound in desolation. If we do this, God will not only break us out of our desolation, but He will also bring us out of whatever corruption we may have fallen into in our place of desolation. He will cleanse, renew and restore us to a place of communion with Him.

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第七十五天:20111211(Kislev 15, 5772)


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第七十四天:20111210(Kislev 14, 5772)


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第七十三天:2011年12月9日(Kislev 13, 5772)

請讀: 路加福音第四章 哥林多後書11:14 以弗所書6:11 提摩太前書3:7提摩太後書2:26




Day 73 of 100 Days: “The Enemy Prowls and Lies in Wait!” Read: Luke 4; 2 Cor. 11:14; Eph. 6:11; 1 Tim. 3:7; 2 Tim. 2:26

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月8日 23:46

In our spiritual life we find that timing is everything. God is not in time like we are in time. He is Sovereign. However, He wants us to respond to Him out of time. For instance Jesus came to redeem mankind. This was at the perfect time for the fall of man to be redeemed and reconciled. After Jesus was baptized, He was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit. We have talked about the power of temptation. Jesus, who was God and Man, had come to earth to defeat the works of the enemy.  By the power of the Spirit He was called to resist Satan and every temptation that would be known to man. You can read this account in Luke 4. However, we see another issue worth mentioning.Luke 4:13 says, “Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed form Him until and opportune time.”   In other words, Satan was saying: “I could not overcome you here by the tactics I have tempted you with on your path, so I will wait until I find another way and a perfect time to stop you”.

Satan disguises himself as an angel of light(2 Cor. 11:14). That is why we must  put on “the whole armor of God(Eph. 6:11). This makes us able to stand against the wiles of the devil.   He plans and plots so that on our path he devises “the snare of the devil(1 Tim. 3:7; 2 Tim. 2:26). This tells us that we must stay on alert so the Light of Word illuminates our path.  If you remain “firm in your faith(1 Pet. 5:9) with offensive, persevering opposition, you will always uncover the enemy’s plan.   James says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you(Jas. 4:7).  One of my favorite scriptures is “give no opportunity to the devil(Eph. 4:27).  Even though he is looking for a more opportune time to overthrow us, we do not have to give him that opportunity.  Rather, we must allow the Holy Spirit to go deep within us to uncover the “hidden’ things that could us to be ensnared. The blind spots we have are very dangerous. They can cause us not to see the snares on our path.

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第七十二天:2011年12月8日(Kislev 12, 5772)




Day 72 of 100 Days: “Uncovering The Enemy That’s Hidden”

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月8日 0:37

When you begin to diligently seek the Lord, the enemy becomes threatened. He knows that if you ever get comfortable in your abiding place with God, you will move forward in your destiny and liberate many others. He knows that if you get used to going in and out of the Throne Room, you will be used mightily by God to overthrow the wiles that he has established in your sphere of authority.  Therefore, he must discourage and stop you. If he can cause fear, that will be his tactic.  However, the closer you get to the Lord and the more you yield your life to Him, the more that seems to be uncovered for a season. The enemy relies upon hidden factors in your blood or bloodline to get you off center from your purpose and cause your hope to be deferred.  For the next few days we will focus on this so you can detect the enemy’s ways when they seem hidden.

Have you ever known something was wrong, but you just could not put your finger on the issue? Have you ever seemed troubled and can’t really grasp what you are sensing? Have you ever had anxiety or even panic rise up in you and not be sure where the root of the fear is originating? Have you ever felt like there is destruction on the path ahead of you, yet, you are not sure if you are operating in fear or having some sort of discernment?  Have you hated sin, but then find yourself mysteriously being drawn to that which you hate?  Do you almost have victory and then find your self in hopelessness? Are you depressed for no certain reason?  Do you have a tendency toward a certain besetting sin? Do you feel like you have no resistance?  If so, this is evidence of the enemy working in secret against you.

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第七十一天:2011年12月7日(Kislev 11, 5772)

請讀: 哥林多前書15:24 以賽亞書14:12-15; 24:21; 34:4 利未記第十一章 申命記第十四章




Jessie Penn-Lewis在他的書「與撒旦的戰爭」(The Warfare with Satan)中說道,「我們知道復活的主透過祂的使徒約翰傳給祂百姓的緊急呼召,就是要明白去戰勝仇敵的重要意義之前,我們應當認識黑暗君王與牠的國度有關的一些事情,這是有必要的。我們的第一個問題一定是:誰是黑暗君王以及牠是從那裡來的?聖經裡面有提到,但卻只能模糊地瞥見牠的起源與住所,聖經的主旨則是更明確地顯明上帝,亦即祂成為人類救贖者的一位基督、亞當在伊甸園中墮落以後的救贖歷史、透過十字架的救贖之道、以及上帝百姓的永恆命運—那時基督就要『將一切執政的、掌權的、有能的都毀滅了。』(哥林多前書15:24)把王權交還給父神,並且上帝要在萬有之上、要作萬物的主。一般所知道的是,當先知以賽亞最初提到上帝和人類的敵人時,他說,『明亮之星,早晨之子啊,你已經從天上墜下來了。…你心裏曾說:…我要高舉我的寶座在上帝的眾星以上…我要與至高者同等。然而,你必墜落陰間,掉入深淵。…到那日,耶和華必懲罰天界的掌權者和地上的統治者。…太陽、月亮,和星辰都瓦解成灰。天要消失,像被捲起的書卷;星星墜下,像無花果和葡萄樹的葉子掉落。』(以賽亞書14:12-15; 24:21; 34:4參考和合本與現代中文譯本)」

我們大部分的人一想到我們的仇敵就是蛇,那是很正常的事,因為我們在聖經中第一次看到牠,牠就是以蛇的形體來顯現的,Clinton Arnold在他的書「黑暗權勢」(Powers of Darkness)中提到,「在伊甸園事件中,撒旦像是個誘惑者般,那就是牠的特質的最經典寫照—那是在整本新約聖經中所發現的一個主題,特別是保羅在對付黑暗權勢的事情上,這個敘述並沒有顯示出魔鬼是一種靈或者是天使,但是當牠賦予一條蛇使它說話時,牠的超自然特質就會讓讀者對牠的認識變得更加明朗了。在上帝的律法中,蛇是一種『典型的不潔動物』的代表(利未記第十一章與申命記第十四章)這訊息顯示出救贖歷史的開端,因為亞當的墮落就建立了人類救贖的需要,它指向魔鬼的活動就是在助長罪惡、背叛上帝,結果為了帶來上帝的救贖計畫並使之實現,因此就有對魔鬼予以致命一擊的需要〔創世記3:15:『我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇;你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此為仇。女人的後裔要傷你的頭;你要傷他的腳跟。』〕。」我希望在這篇訊息中,你能開始獲得啟示,知道如何去奔跑一個更優勢的比賽,然後堅定不移地抵達終點。

Day 71 of 100 Days: “Understanding the Origin of Your Enemy” Read: 1 Cor. 15:24; Isa. 14:12-15; 24:21; 34:4; Lev.11; Deut. 14

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月7日 2:18

This is a season where we must go back to where the enemy gained access and dethrone him!

Chuck D. Pierce

In The Warfare with Satan, Jessie Penn-Lewis states, “Before we can understand the meaning of the urgent call to overcome, sent to His people by the Risen Lord through His Apostle John, it is necessary that we should see something of the prince of darkness and his kingdom.  Our first question must be: who is the prince of darkness and where did he come from?  The Scriptures give but veiled glimpses of his origin and home.  The purpose of Scripture is more expressly to reveal God an His Christ as the Redeemer of men, the history of the redeemed from the fall of Adam in Eden, the way of salvation  through the cross, and the eternal destiny of God’s children – when the Christ shall have ‘abolished all rule and all authority and power’ (1 Cor. 15:24) contrary to the reign of God, and God Himself shall be All in All.  It is generally understood that the prophet Isaiah referred primarily to the adversary of God and man when he said ‘How art thou fallen from heaven, O day star, son of the morning! … thou said in thine heart … I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will be like the Most High.  Yet thou shall be brought down to hell, to the uttermost parts of the pit’ (Isa. 14:12-15; 24:21 and 34:4).”

Most of us first think of our enemy as a serpent.  That’s normal because the first time we see him speaking in the Bible is when he is using a serpent’s body.  In his book, Powers of Darkness, Clinton Arnold shares,  “The scene in the garden is the classic portrayal of Satan’s character as the tempter – a motif found throughout the New Testament, especially in Paul’s treatment of the powers of darkness.  This narrative does not reveal the devil as a spirit or angel, but his supernatural character comes to light for the reader when he animates a snake causing it to talk.  The snake represented an ‘archetypal unclean animal’ in the law of God (see Lev. 11 and Deut. 14).  This passage marks the beginning of salvation history.  It establishes the need for the redemption of humanity because of the Fall.  It points to the devil’s activity in promoting sin and rebellion against God and consequently to the need for this evil being to be dealt a crushing blow for God’s purposes to be brought to completion (Gen. 3:15).” I am hoping in this chapter that you begin to get revelation over how to run a better race -- very determined to reach the finish line.

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第七十天: 2011年12月6日(Kislev 10, 5772)

請讀: 列王紀下第二十二、二十三章





@ 他燒掉用來拜巴力與亞舍拉女神的相關物品(列王紀下23:4)

@ 他廢除從前猶大列王所立拜偶像的祭司,因他們向巴力、太陽、月亮,和星辰獻祭(列王紀下23:5)

@ 他燒掉那放置在聖殿裏的亞舍拉女神像(列王紀下23:6)

@ 他拆除神廟的男娼在聖殿霸佔的房子(列王紀下23:7)。

@ 他拆毀建在屋頂上的異教祭壇(列王紀下23:12)。

@ 他勇敢對抗高階的邪靈,例如西頓女神亞斯她錄、摩押神基抹、亞捫神米勒公(列王紀下23:13)。

@ 他拆毀了所有的偶像邱壇,並殺了那些不悔改的祭司(列王紀下23:19-20)。

@ 他嚴懲那些詢問過通靈者或行巫術者的人(列王紀下23: 24)。


Day 70 of 100 Days: “Tear Down The High Places” Read: 2 Kings 22, 23

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月6日 8:07

These last 30 days are so important we stay focused. God is calling us to go higher than the high places of the earth! Josiah will be our example here.

Chuck D. Pierce

Josiah tore down the high places.  Josiah then did many physical acts within his sphere of influence to see the throne of iniquity overturned.  Among the things he did were:

  • He burned the articles made for Baal and Asherah (2 Kings 23:4).
  • He removed the idolatrous priests who had been burning incense to Baal and to the sun and to the moon and to the stars (2 Kings 23:5).

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第六十九天:2011年12月5日(Kislev 9, 5772)

請讀: 提摩太前書第六章 提摩太後書2:3-4 以弗所書第六章 馬太福音第十章 啟示錄3:21 出埃及記12:51







希伯來文的chag或是「節慶」(festival),是表示「產生一個循環」,如果我們明白節期就能了解循環的意義了。我們可以被正確地引導、開始昌盛、進入豐盛,而當我們留在神的時機當中時,我們就沒有缺乏。「主是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏,因為祂引導我走在昌盛的循環中,無論我到那裡去,我必看見我的祝福,即使有死蔭的幽谷,我也能夠讚美祂而不離開神的時間,並會看見我的祝福!」羅柏特.海得勒(Robert Heidler)在他的「彌賽亞的教會興起」(The Messianic Church Arising)一書中解釋了神的節期,藉由了解節期的時間意義,你就能從收割到收割、直到倍增成為一種生活方式。節期在本質上也是預言,你從逾越節到五旬節到住棚節,這都與教會從一個季節走到另一個季節是相同的循環。

Day 69 of 100 Days: “The War to See Poverty Break” Read: 1 Tim. 6, 2 Tim, 2:3-4, Eph. 6, Matt. 10, Rev. 3:21, Exod. 12:51

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月5日 5:42

If you are sent to war but lose the battle, you wear a reproach until you gain a subsequent victory. Many in the body are afraid to war, but war is necessary in order to conquer our enemies and take possession of what has been promised to us. War is receiving grace to fight. (See 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 2:3–4.) War is receiving the necessary armor for victory (Eph. 6:11–17). War produces an opportunity for us to enter into victory (Rev. 3:21).

The Lord used armies to bring His people out of Egypt (Exod. 12:51) with a trumpet sound and a battle cry. Later He brought them out with the ark, the presence of God (1 Sam. 4:5–6). He used forces of nature when necessary to help them defeat their enemies (Josh. 10). God always releases strategies that enable us to plunder the enemy’s holdings, to prosper, and to stand. (See Matthew 10; Ephesians 6.) He has a banner of victory over us. While Jehovah Nissi puts a banner over us to cover us, the Lord Sabaoth sends the hosts of heaven to help us. He is God of the armies of Earth (1 Sam. 17:45) and God of the unseen armies of angels (1 Kings 22:19). He is the Lord of the armies (Rom. 9:29). He already has victory for you! See your victory over poverty.

We must hear how poverty speaks and then operate in the opposite spirit. We are required to combat poverty by being kind and generous to others. Just as Boaz allowed Ruth to glean in field, we combat poverty by allowing people to glean in our vineyard and provide them with access to our excess (Ruth 2). We combat poverty by developing strategies to help those who have been ravaged by systemic poverty. In other words, we help others gain wisdom on how to break out of the system that Satan is using to hold them captive financially. We are also required to develop reaping strategies (Amos 9:13). When we do this, we overcome, and our increase will go from multiplication to multiplication.

Give your way out of poverty. See your path and cycle of prosperity. As children there were several Bible passages that many of us were taught. Psalm 23 was one that we memorized and used for comfort in distress and affliction. However, most of us never realized that this psalm really says, “I will lead you in your path of prosperity through paths of righteousness for My name’s sake” (author’s paraphrase).

In Hebrew, the word for “path” is `agol, which means “to be round or a cycle.” The Lord guides us in the cycles of righteousness. The enemy hates the thought of us staying on a path of righteousness because he knows that we will see the fullness of God’s plan for our lives. God already has our path of prosperity in place. This path or cycle is linked with the yearly return received from the feasts of Yahweh.

The Hebrew word chag, or “festival,” means “to make a cycle.” If we understand the feasts, then we understand cycles. We can be led properly, begin to prosper, move into abundance, and have no lack when we stay in the timing of God. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want because He leads me in the cycle of prosperity. I will see my blessings wherever I walk. Even through the valley of the shadow of death, I can celebrate Him and not get out of time and see my blessings!” Robert Heidler’s book The Messianic Church Arising explains God’s feasts. By understanding the timing of the feasts, you go from harvest to harvest until increase becomes a way of life. The feasts are also prophetic in nature. You go from Passover to Pentecost to Tabernacles. This is the same cycle that the church is in from season to season.

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第六十八天:2011年12月4日(Kislev 8, 5772)

請讀: 約翰福音第一章 創世記13:2; 26:12-14; 30: 43, 32:5; 列王紀上第十章 阿摩司書2:6 申命記第八章





神已賜給我們這能力能獲得財富、並成為富有的人。財富是一種財產與資源上的豐富,在族長的時代,財富主要是以擁有的牲畜來衡量—綿羊、山羊、牛、驢、駱駝等,正如亞伯拉罕(創世記13:2)、以撒(創世記26:12–14)、以及雅各(創世記30:43; 32:5)。古代的人也以土地、房屋、僕人、奴隸以及貴重金屬來衡量財富,最典型的例子就是所羅門王,在列王紀上10:14–29中描述了他龐大的財富,而獲得財富的能力就是與神盟約是一個關鍵(申命記第八章)。




Day 68 of 100 Days: “See Your Way Into Wealth” Read: John 1; Gen. 13:2; 26:12-14; 30: 43, 32:5; I Kings 10; Amos 2:6; Deut. 8

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月3日 23:35

We are in an era of seeing and establishing our future. During this time, the promises of God are extended from one generation to another. We are being called to worship in a new way and develop a memorial through our giving.

In Jacob’s quest as he fled from Esau, he traveled three days to Bethel. That night he took one of the stones to rest against as he slept, and God gave him a vision of a ladder (or staircase, as some translate it) from heaven to Earth.

John 1 explains that the ladder symbolizes Jesus Christ. Jacob was unaware of God being near him. Many of us in our journey of life are unaware of how close the Lord is to us to save us from all of our messes and manipulations. He opens heaven for us and brings heaven’s blessings to our lives. He alone can take us to heaven. We can then see our way into a new dimension of wealth. Jacob thought he was in a lonely wilderness but discovered that he had been at the very gate of heaven. Although Jacob still had some scheming about him, he offered God a tithe of everything he had if He would be with him on his journey ahead and bring him into the fullness of his destiny.

We have been given the power to get wealth and riches. Wealth is an abundance of possessions or resources. During the times of the patriarchs, wealth was measured largely in livestock—sheep, goats, cattle, donkeys, and camels. This was true of Abraham (Gen. 13:2), Isaac (Gen. 26:12–14), and Jacob (Gen. 30:43; 32:5). People of the ancient world also measured wealth in terms of land, houses, servants, slaves, and precious metals. The prime example was King Solomon, whose great wealth is described in 1 Kings 10:14–29. The power to get wealth is a key to our covenant advancement(Deut. 8).

Never forget wealth comes from God! The prophet Amos thundered against the rich and prosperous inhabitants of Israel, who sold “the righteous for silver, and the poor for a pair of sandals” (Amos 2:6). Their wealth was corrupt and under a curse because it was founded on exploitation of the poor. Wealth and money are two different things. Many times we look at how much money we have, and that determines our faith level. When we see the balance in our bank account, we experience anxiety or our faith rises up. Money can be a great tool for bartering and advancing, or the love for money can be the root of all evil.

By contrast, riches means, “receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit to enable us to accomplish what we are called to accomplish.” A person’s gift is linked into the concept of wealth. Riches are linked with accumulation, or what we have amassed. A stewardship plan is devised from our riches. The more we steward our riches properly, the more we will receive. This is not just a money issue. God is looking for people who will shift in their stewardship so that He can release a transfer of wealth.

Look up! See your provision in a new way. See your wealth in a new way. See your money supply in new way. See how to take what you have and multiply it. See your increase in assignment.

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第六十七天: 2011年12月3日(Kislev 7, 5772)

請讀: 箴言18:14



有許多方法可以跟隨主而進入醫治,這有許多的方法與信心的行動。然而我相信要成為完全,其中之一就是要找出他/她的軟弱根源,然後努力進入這完全的過程。我曾經在軟弱的時候,必須做決定是否要跟隨主去奈及利亞,彼得.魏格納(C. Peter Wagner)博士與來自全國的重要使徒領袖們,在那裡主領一個聚會。我一直在協助彼得,無論他在什麼時候要我去那裡,但是一想到要以我那時的狀況去奈及利亞,就讓我很難安心,這也可能需要施打一些黃熱病疫苗,由於我對很多東西的過敏反應,一想到這件事就使我有些不知所措。我先找我的妻子商量,她提醒我在今年初的時候,我曾很興奮地告訴她神要我去奈及利亞,我說,「但是如果我在奈及利亞身體有狀況呢?」




Day 67 of 100 Days: “A Time To Be Healed” Read: Prov. 18:14

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月3日 0:07

      This was an eye-opening statement for me. I knew that I still had a place of brokenness in my spirit that needed healing. I fell before the Lord and began to ask Him how to break this generational iniquity of infirmity that was linked with the trauma of loss that I had experienced. Since that time, the Lord has led me on a journey of understanding how trauma affects our DNA and weakens our spirit. One verse that has become a life verse for me is Proverbs 18:14: “The spirit of a man will sustain him in sickness, but who can bear a broken spirit?” A broken spirit occurs when life’s difficulties crush our abilities to resist. Jesus came to heal our bodies. However, we find that His desire for us is that we become whole in body, soul, and spirit. When the Lord showed me the power of trauma, I could see how my past was continuing to hold this infirm spirit in place.

       There are many ways to follow the Lord into healing. There are many methods and faith acts. However, I believe that to be whole, one must find the root cause of his/her infirmity and then press through into the process of wholeness. During my time of infirmity, I had to make a choice to follow the Lord to Nigeria. Dr. C. Peter Wagner was leading a gathering there with key apostolic leaders from the nation. I always serve Peter whenever he requests me to be somewhere, but the thought of traveling to Nigeria in my condition was difficult to reconcile. This would also require some yellow fever shots. With me reacting to everything, the thought of this was somewhat overwhelming. I went first to my wife and counseled with her. She reminded me that earlier in the year I had come to her and excitedly told her that the Lord was asking me to go to Nigeria. I said, “But what if I have a reaction in Nigeria?”

      She asked, “But didn’t the Lord say for you to go to Nigeria?”

      I confirmed with a yes.

      She said, “Then go.”

      I said, “What if I die from a reaction?”

      She said, “If the Lord is telling you to go to Nigeria and you die, that would be where the Lord has planned for you to die!”

       I thought to myself, “This woman is way too practical for me!”

       Peter also encouraged me to go. He even said, “Because of how the power of God is moving in Nigeria, perhaps you will get healed.” Pam was right. He was right. I overcame my fear of going to a foreign nation while I was ill. I went to Nigeria, and during a prayer meeting (of ten thousand people) the Spirit of God came. When Communion was served, those who were sick were invited to come forward. I was the first in line. When I participated, I felt a curse of infirmity leave my body.

        With all disorders, we must seek the help of the Holy Spirit for wisdom. There are times when a person is in such a state of depression or agitation that he or she is unable to receive ministry until medication is administered. I have dealt with people who refused medication because they believed it meant they didn’t have faith. I have talked with ministers who refused to minister deliverance to someone who was on medication because it was mind altering. If it is altering the mind to be able to think coherently and focus, then they should be allowed to receive ministry. The good news is that there is help for people with emotional and mental problems. Look for the cycles and be prepared to break them. God can break through any structure and start mending your broken spirit. Ask Him to show you how trauma is affecting your ability to see the future!

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第六十六天: 2011122(Kislev 6, 5772)

請讀:箴言11:24 創世記第四十五章

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第六十五天: 2011121(Kislev 5, 5772)


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第六十四天: 2011年11月30日(Kislev 4, 5772)

請讀: 使徒行傳第十章








Day 64 of 100 Days: “Go beyond your present legal, religious condition” Read: Acts 10

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月29日 23:47

       Meanwhile Peter, praying up on a housetop, got good and hungry. He was so hungry that in the midst of his hunger, God gave him a vision and then spoke to him. God told Peter that a man on whom He had been working for a little while, a gentile was coming to meet him. Peter might have had a few hesitations about meeting this man, who was known to his religious mind-set as unclean. This is one of our real issues. In the last season, the church came full circle, but today we’re trying to be so clean we are not completely sure God can bring our divine connections to us.

       What God did in the vision was lower a sheet filled with things that Peter knew from Leviticus as forbidden and unclean—things he should not even touch. The Lord said to Peter, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat” (Acts 10:13). Peter answered, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean” (v. 14).

       After Peter thought about the vision a while, the Lord told Peter He was bringing people into his life in his last season who were unclean, and he would have to be with them if he was to do what God was calling him to do. Peter had to get past all his legalistic constraints and the way the Word was given to him in that other season, because those the Lord was bringing to him didn’t know anything about the Word or those constraints. If Peter couldn’t kill and eat the animals in the vision, he would judge those whom the Lord was bringing to him.

       God wasn’t telling Peter to sin but was telling him he had to go beyond his sight and form of worship. The Lord could have said to Peter, “I’m going to bring some new people into your worship system who will change your whole way of worshiping in the future. Peter, if you don’t get past this vision, you won’t get into My new structure.”

       Peter probably said, “Oh, my,” and thought about the vision within himself before he finally got it. He then had the dubious task of telling the followers of the risen Jesus about the new structure and explained how they also were going to have to shift. It wasn’t the Pharisees he was going to be dealing with but the other disciples. He was going to have to tell the other eleven, “You have to make a shift, or we will miss it.”

       Some of you have been pressing to get it, but now you’re going to get it. Like Peter, we could say, “Lord, I’ve been through enough to know I don’t want to go back through it again.” Peter had even seen His Spirit fall like fire and the manifestation of the second word. With Peter, we must all say, “Lord, I’m willing to get past a lot of the narrow thinking I’ve had so I can bring others in. Lord, keep me focused; take me into a new place. Take me beyond. Take me into the place for this new season!”

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第六十三天:2011年11月29日(Kislev 32, 5772)




Day 63 of 100 Days: “Go beyond your present connections” Read: Acts 10

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月28日 23:34

     During Peter’s process, God was working on other people. He was working on a Gentile, Cornelius, and Gentiles weren’t even supposed to be worked on. But He’s God. Isaiah prophesied He would work on Gentiles, and hundreds of years later, He was doing it! He said to Cornelius, “You’re going to meet with Peter.” If Cornelius had protested, not wanting to meet with those crazy people, the Lord could have said, “But Cornelius, I’m working on you!” The Lord took Cornelius past his present connections because he went beyond all the issues along his path, and God could bring in a new connection. Peter had already been worked on, even by the devil, and was almost ready for this new Gentile connection. Peter was almost at that place called beyond.

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第六十二天: 2011年11月28日(Kislev 2, 5772)

請讀: 使徒行傳第二章 以賽亞書第五十五章




Day 62 of 100 Days: “Go beyond your last place of repentance” Read: Acts 2, Isa. 55

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月27日 20:54

      Between Jesus’s death and Pentecost, Peter finally repented. He finally turned over all of his thoughts. That’s what he didn’t do when he had the first revelation of who Jesus really was. You can come to a revelation of who Jesus is but never turn over your way of thinking. Peter turned over his way of thinking, and in the midst of it, he came out differently. He came out beyond his sifting, beyond his fear, beyond his unforgiveness, and beyond his thinking (Isa. 55). He came out beyond the last prophecy and into a place called new. Then God fell on him, and the Spirit came down. Peter multiplied three thousand times over and came into a place called abundance because his thinking process had shifted. He was no longer in the place he once was.

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