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第六十一天: 2011年11月27日(Kislev 1, 5772)







Day 61 of 100 Days: “Go beyond the last understanding of your call” Read: John 21

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月27日 0:21

      This is the hardest one. The disciples went beyond, but then they went right back to what they used to do. Are you aware that’s a very dangerous place for all of us right now? We’re faced with the choice of going beyond where we’ve been or going back to the season from three and a half years ago. The disciples went back to fishing. They took up their business again. But Jesus met them in the business! Don’t be deceived or get into the religious lie that you can’t prosper if you are not doing what you’re supposed to be doing. He can prosper you even when you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing. He can allow you to prosper. He helped His disciples prosper in their business.

      After they recognized Him and had eaten breakfast, Jesus talked with Peter. It could have gone something like this: “Peter, let’s talk about your call. Remember, I let Satan sift you. Do you feel like you’ve been sifted enough, or do you want to go to round two?” That’s what He was saying. Peter had one shot at moving beyond, but Jesus would have let him stayin the fishing business. He would also have let him be sifted again. When Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love Me?” Peter answered, “Yes, Lord.”

      Jesus said, “But do you really love Me?” Peter answered, “Yes, Lord.” Jesus asked again, “But do you really love Me?” Peter answered, “Lord, only You know that.” Peter had answered every question in what he thought was the right way, and he’d done this before and still ended up in a mess. Jesus could have said to Peter, “If you do love Me, do you remember that prophecy I gave saying that you would be sifted like wheat and then you’d have to strengthen your brothers? You’re going to have to go back into your call. You’ll have to go beyond your last three and a half years and into a new type of call.”

      You would think Peter would have fallen on his face and said, “Here I am, Lord!” But what he actually said was, “What’s going to happen with John?” Jesus answered him and basically said, “What is that to you? I’m asking you if you will go beyond.” Jesus was not talking about shirking responsibility but was asking this: “Will you keep following Me, even if they decide not to?”

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第六十天: 20111126(Cheshvan 29, 5772)

請讀: 約翰福音第二十章





Day 60 of 100 Days: Go beyond your last ability to fear and forgive Read: John 20

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月26日 2:41

     In John 20, after Jesus died, those things He said began to manifest. On the first day of the week, the disciples were all together, because they thought all they had left was each other. There are times when all you have left to walk with are those whom God has given you. I want to end up with those He’s given me. Remember, He prophesied that. He said, “I won’t lose one of you who truly wants to follow after Me.”

     The disciples locked the door because they believed that the same ones who killed Jesus would come and kill them (v. 19). They were filled with fear. The door was locked, they were assembled, and Jesus came and stood in the midst of them, saying,“Peace be with you.” He came through a closed, locked door. Are you aware that even if you lock yourself away He can still come in and say, “We can go beyond this place”? He can say to us, “You might think this is where you’re going to hide out, but I am going to come right on through, into that locked-up place you have sequestered yourself in, trying to become a nun or a monk. I will find you and bring you right out again, because I want you to go beyond. There is no need to try to isolate yourself in a season of seeing, because I’ll make you so miserable in that place that you’ll get sick of everything you’re seeing there. It will cause you to say, ‘I’ve got to get out of here.’ Your identity is not in that hidden place.”

     He showed up in the room the disciples were hiding in and said, “I’m taking you beyond your last ability and where fear is gripping you.” Are you aware that the fear you’re engulfed in is related to what you’re capable of doing? Some of your fear is because you’re relying upon yourself to pull things off, and you can’t do it. He said to them, “Let Me bring you past that fear, and let Me commission you to go and forgive.”That was the only way they could move forward, and the same holds true for us. You won’t get to your beyond unless you can get past the signpost called forgiveness. You have to get past sifting, fear, and forgiveness, and then you can go beyond.

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    我問她,「這是表示我們會再有雙胞胎嗎?」她回答說,「不,這是一個新的季節,我將會看得更遠〔超越〕(see beyond)進入一個新季節,也就是那話的真正含義的實現。」那就是前往以馬忤斯路上的門徒所無法明白的。祂將會帶你超越你過去的創傷與死亡的經歷,並開啟你的眼睛來看見一個領域,是你在過去舊有的處境中所無法看見或理解的。

    這也是我的朋友Marty Cassady所發生的事,那是在2009年的猶太新年聚會中,在我們的土地上的帳篷中所發生的事。神下來進入帳篷並觸摸了她,因為她已經被死亡圍困了十五年,而祂帶她超越了那一切。


Day 59 of 100 days: “Go beyond your last trauma and death experience” Read: Luke 24

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月25日 1:57

Be thankful for everything and everyone along your path. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Chuck D. Pierce

We have to see how He took a group beyond the prophecy of a previous season. These believers heard John prophesy in the last season but didn’t see the prophecy of the baptism of fire and were seeking after it. “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void” (Isa. 55:11). John seeded it, and the Lord would open it up at the right time. His Word does not return void.

When Jesus died, it threw them all off, because they couldn’t get the prophecies. This is a synopsis of what Jesus told some of them on the road to Emmaus: “If you could have just known the Scriptures, you could have gotten this, but you couldn’t see beyond the trauma and what you expected to happen.”

This is one reason that I admire my wife so much. When she was still barren, the Lord gave her a promise that she would have twins. She had twins, and after they died she said, “I’ll go beyond this. I don’t know how I’ll go beyond, but I’ll go beyond it.”

I asked her, “Does this mean we’ll have twins again?” She answered, “No, it’s a new season. But I will see beyond into a new season where what that word truly means has manifested.” That’s what the men on the road to Emmaus couldn’t do. He’ll take you beyond your last trauma and death experience and open your eyes into a realm that you couldn’t see or understand from the old place you were in.

That’s also what happened to my friend Marty Cassady in the tent on our land for the Head of the Year gathering in 2009. The Lord reached down into the tent and touched her because she had been surrounded by death for fifteen years. He took her beyond all that.

He says to us, “I can put you into a place called abundance, into a place called life, where you’re seeing into a realm you’ve never seen before. Let Me take you past the death of that child . . . Let Me take you past the loss in that relationship . . . Let Me take you past the loss of that business . . . Let Me take you past the loss that you’ve experienced and take you into a new realm.”

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Day 58 of 100 Days: “Go beyond your understanding of resurrection and the last glory demonstration you’ve seen” Read: John 11

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月23日 22:22

     Let’s go back to Martha again. She never got past her distractions to get it, even though He told her to. Now, her house (which she was responsible for) had a death in it, and Jesus waited until there was no longer any hope in this house. In other words, He waited until Lazarus was good and dead.

     Four days into it, Lazarus had been buried. He was no longer in the house but was stinking, shut up in the grave. When Jesus came, Martha went to him and accused, “If You had been here, this wouldn’t have happened.” We are always doing this to the Lord, because we continue to look at Him based upon where He has been rather than based upon where He’s taking us. Jesus could have said, “Martha, you should have gotten this resurrection thing by now. I love you, your sister, and your brother, and I’ve been visiting your home for quite a while, but you don’t get resurrection.” But when Jesus said, “Your brother will rise again,” Martha responded, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

     Then Jesus declared, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:25). In other words, He could have said,“Martha, listen to Me. Resurrection power is in your midst today. You understand resurrection for the future, but you don’t get it for today, and I am grieved over it.”

     Mary came to Jesus and said, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died” (v. 21). Here’s the difference between Martha and Mary’s statements: Mary fell at His feet and spoke, instead of accusingly yelling at Him on the path. In a nutshell, that’s the true difference between Martha and Mary. They each had a distinct personality, and He loved each of the sisters, but one of them knew how to touch Him. And because she knew how to touch Him, He took them both beyond. I think that’s the place we’re going. Do we really know how to touch Him so we can see Him in a whole new perspective? You know the rest of the story. Mary touched His heart. He removed the rock, the death, the grave clothes, the decay, and a whole new order came. They all saw it. That’s the place I hear the Lord asking us if we will go to.

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第五十七天:20111123(Cheshvan 26, 5772)

請讀:    路加福音第二十二章

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第五十六天: 20111122(Cheshvan 25, 5772)

請讀:   馬太福音16:13–20

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第五十五天:20111121(Cheshvan 24, 5772)

請讀:    約翰福音第二章

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第五十四天: 20111120(Cheshvan 23, 5772)


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第五十三天: 20111119(Cheshvan 22, 5772)


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第五十二天:        20111118(Cheshvan 21, 5772)

請讀:    約翰福音第九章

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第五十一天:  20111117(Cheshvan 20, 5772)


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第四十九天:        20111115(Cheshvan 18, 5772)

請讀:    詩篇三十四篇 哥林多前書第九章 以賽亞書第五十五章 詩篇二十三篇

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第四十八天:        20111114(Cheshvan 17, 5772)

請讀:    出埃及記15:27 申命記28:47 出埃及記第十六章

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第四十七天:20111113(Cheshvan 16, 5772)

請讀:    民數記第十四章 希伯來書第十二章 

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第四十六天:20111112(Cheshvan 15, 5772)

請讀:    出埃及記第十五章

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第四十五天:20111111(Cheshvan 14, 5772)

請讀:申命記6:13, 16 馬太福音第四章

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第四十四天:20111110(Cheshvan 1, 5772)

請讀:    馬太福音第三章

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第四十三天:2011119(Cheshvan 12, 5772)

請讀:    羅馬書第八章

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第四十一天: 2011117(Cheshvan 10, 5772)


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