
第九十六天: 201211(Tevet 6,5772)

請讀:以賽亞書第二十五章 哥林多後書第四章 士師記7:25 詩篇二十九篇





1.   隱密的聲音說出恐懼。魔鬼結構想要在我們的心中挑起恐怖與恐懼,魔鬼並不關心我們是否愛牠,牠只要我們向牠屈服。牠利用恐怖與恐懼使我們屈服於牠的聲音,而不是上帝的聲音。單單是在這些日子所聽到的新聞以及在電視和收音機上所得到的訊息,有不計其數的呼籲是有關於金錢、健康、未來、政府、世界事件、氣候等等的恐懼。每一個呼籲的目的都是根據恐懼來引起我們去感覺、思索或是行動,而不是直接從上帝而來的啟示。

2.   隱密的聲音引發想像力。透過我們的想像力,黑暗的聲音經常獲得力量來控制我們,因為我們的想像力是非常有力量的。隱密的聲音利用「如果….」的技巧手法在掌控著,它呼籲可能會發生什麼事情、或是有可能發生,藉由恐懼來控制著我們,或是以幻想而非真實的事情來欺騙我們。耶穌說:「人活著不是單靠食物,乃是靠 神口裏所出的一切話。」真正的生命唯有從上帝的口中而來,當祂說話時就創造出真實。

3.   隱密的聲音可以正確說出,但卻不是真理。在我們的時代,人們在談論著話語的力量,他們企圖將話語賦予權柄,然而單單只有話語是沒有力量的,假如他們認為這樣做就要讓話語能夠改變事情的話,其實他們是不可能做到的。一個人的聲音會賦予其話語具有權柄能力,那是因為聲音會顯露出真正在講話的人。當上帝說話時就會釋放出公義與公平,然而當隱密聲音在說話時就釋放出正確性與合法性〔律法主義〕(legality)

4.  隱密的聲音從未停止。隱密的聲音企圖用話語和聲音,一波接著一波來吞沒我們,如同一個聲音的海嘯,而這種戰術的目的就是要來迷惑我們。每當我聽見信徒說,「我不能聽見上帝在說話」,我就知道他們已屈服、聽從於這種戰術了,然而再也沒有比清楚聽見上帝的聲音更加重要的了。當我們的兒媳婦生了我們的第二個孫子時,Mindy和我最近就拜訪了我們長子的家,那時我們抱著不到一週大的Aaron,在早期Aaron認得他父母的聲音,他在子宮裡就認得他們的聲音,他甚至會對他爸爸的吉他聲音有反應,因為他在子宮裡的時候,Ben會彈吉他給他聽。上帝經常會對那些會聽祂聲音的人說話,而且是很清楚的說話,但不會對那些會聽黑暗聲音的人說話。



Day 96 of 100 Days: “Destroying Oreb” Read: Is. 25; 2 Cor. 4; Judges 7:25; Ps. 29

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月31日 8:17

 Gideon was responsible to destroy the governing structure of Midian.  This structure was comprised of royal princes (Oreb and Zeeb) and societal nobility (Zebah and Zalmunna).  The name Oreb means “Raven.”  Historically and culturally around the world the raven is a symbol of occult knowledge and oracles.  Apparently what gave Oreb a governing role in Midian was his identity with this occultic voice. People get easily confused about occultic matters.  “Occult” simply means dark or hidden.  It describes a demonic strategy to keep things covered and hidden from light.  Isaiah 25 and 2 Corinthians 4 points out there is an occultic shroud or veil that covers the earth and keeps mankind in the dark about what is true and real. 

What gives the occult its power is that is covers the truth by counterfeiting it.  Demonic structures have a voice that they use to counterfeit the voice of God.  Just as the voice of God moves creation toward light and life so the occultic voice attempts to move creation towards darkness and death.  The objective of the occultic voice is to get us to move by its voice and word rather than by God’s. 

Over the past several months I have paid close attention to the sound of this occultic voice so I can recognize when it speaks to me or to others.  Here are several tactics I have observed.

  1.  The occult voice speaks fear.  Demon structures want to provoke terror and fear in our hearts.  The devil doesn’t care if we love him; he just wants us to bow to him.  He uses terror and fear to make us bow to his voice rather than God’s.   Just listen to the news and adds on television and radio these days.  There are countless appeals to fear about money, health, the future, government, world events, climate and the like. Each appeal is designed to provoke us to feel, think, or act according to fear rather than revelation directly from God.
  2. The occult voice appeals to imagination.  The voice of darkness often acquires power over us through our imagination because our imagination is so powerful.  The occultic voice has mastered the technique of “What if….”  It appeals to what might happen or could take place to control us with fear or delusion over things that are not real but imaginary.  Jesus said “man does not live by bread alone but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”  Real life comes from God’s mouth alone.  When He speaks it activates reality. 
  3. The occult voice speaks correctness rather than truth.  In our day people talk about the power of words.  They try and give authority to words.  Words alone have no power.  If they did then words alone would transform things.  They don’t.  It is one’s voice that gives authority to one’s words because the sound of the voice reveals who is really speaking.  When God speaks it releases righteousness and justice.  When the occult voice speaks it releases correctness and legality. 
  4. The occult voice never shuts up.  The occult voice tries to overwhelm us with wave after wave of words and sounds; a sound tsunami.  This tactic is designed to confuse us.  Whenever I hear a believer say “I can’t hear God” I know they have succumbed to this tactic.  There is nothing more fundamental than hearing God’s voice clearly. Mindy and I recently visited our oldest son’s family when our daughter in law gave birth to our second grandson.  We held Aaron when he was less than a week old.  At that early stage Aaron knew the voice of his parents.  He knew their voice in utero.  He even responded to the sound of his daddy’s guitar since Ben would play to him in the womb.  God does speak often and clearly to those who will listen to His voice rather than the voices of darkness.


 Destroying the Occult Voice

Gideon pursued Oreb until he destroyed him.  Judges 7:25 says “…they killed Oreb at the rock of Oreb.” What I like about this brief account is that Gideon was not afraid to pursue Oreb into his own hideout.  Evidently Oreb had built his house on a rock structure he felt was unshakeable and impenetrable.  The occult voice will often intimidate and manipulate with the boast that it can’t be shaken.  Nonsense.  Psalm 29 repeats again and again that only the Voice of the Lord can shatter and shake.  Gideon moved with the voice of the Lord.  The Lord’s voice gave him the strategy to stand against the Midianites.  The sound of God’s voice in Gideon and his 300 men released the sound that destroyed the Midianite army.  Recently I spoke with someone who was distressed by words and curses others were speaking towards them.  I said to my friend, “What are you afraid of?  That occult voice has no power over you. Only God’s voice has the power to shake things.  You have the voice of God in you.  Tell that occult voice to shut up and leave.  Give it no place.”   Later my friend called to report the peace and joy she experienced when she shut the mouth of the voice of darkness.


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