
第九十九天:201214(Tevet 9,5772)

請讀:     約書亞記13:3-5;19:24-31 列王紀下第十九章 以西結書第二十八章 啟示錄第十九章




這將會釋放出策略讓你去做勇敢的事!今天早上我起床時,神讓我想起喬治.華盛頓.卡弗(George Washington Carver),以及他如何從花生中找出上百種的用途,那就是做不平凡事情所表現出的勇氣。要禱告來開啟聲音,那會讓你前進來通過舊的敬拜系統與方式,就讓神的醫治湧流爆發出來吧!打開重要的門戶,讓天使天軍來引導你進入一個突破的新層次,來推擠通過並觸摸到祂外袍的衣角(馬太福音14:36)!不要讓過去季節的創傷或軟弱來阻止你推擠出來,並觸摸到主來領受這功效與大能!【註:喬治.華盛頓.卡弗是美國的教育家、農業化學家、植物學家,是第一個進入愛荷華州立大學並取得農業碩士學位的黑人。他從事農業研究,對社會貢獻甚鉅,他從地瓜與花生中提煉出三百多種副產品,包括塑膠、染料、醫藥、麵粉、奶粉、木料塗漆及肥料。】




1.  改變商業貿易系統:我們必須推翻那從未被推翻過的不公平貿易(約書亞記13:3-5;19:24-31 列王紀下第十九章 以西結書第二十八章 啟示錄第十九章),我們必須了解巴比倫,我們必須對龍有所察覺,我們必須明白中國在未來的角色,特別是在商業方面的領域,我們也必須密切注意俄羅斯的動靜。

2.  打破黑暗的恐懼:我們必須學會支配夜晚,禱告運動將會改變,從城市到城市,我們將會發展出夜間守望,這不只會在教會中形成,而是在所有的權柄領域中。

3.  我們必須了解時間與律法的概念:撒旦的詭計就是要操弄時間與律法,如果企圖要推翻這個「機器」必須非常小心,耶穌威脅這個系統是藉由去做成天父所吩咐的事。要跟隨主的榜樣,我們不可被吸引進入這個系統來試圖改變這個系統,我們必須順服於我們的王,因為我們是天國的子民,要讓我們的順服來改變這世界。

4. 我們將會傳講寶血的大能!神的靈將會開始侵入血液組織構造中,我們將會回到對祂「寶血大能」的認識,我們將會帶著能力來傳揚福音,這將會產生醫治恩賜與罕見的神蹟工作。

5.  我們不應再只是想要建立教會:我們必須明白在這個時刻的神的國度計畫,團契關係的季節正轉變為更分散的團契關係,我們的共同聚會將會充滿一種動態的敬拜與爭戰,我們將會激烈爭戰來得到策略,去對抗仇敵在這世界的計謀,神正在釋放新的策略給我們來管理我們一直被指派的權柄領域,關於未來教會的建立計畫已經改變。

6. 善與惡的二分法正在形成:我們正進入一個對立的季節,在這些衝突中我們必須了解神的盟約計畫,反猶太主義已經深植在大多數的國家結構之中,當你以宗教力量來混合民族主義,你就會在世界得到一個危險的動力,我們必須注意中東地區,那是宗教勢力在領土統治的爭奪上的一個火藥桶。

7.  史無前例的收割就在眼前:這是發展世界的下一個重要靈魂收割之策略的季節,為了做這事我們必須界定我們的禾場,這與過去數十年的禾場不同,我們必須發展新的方法來耕耘禾場,那裡有新的靈魂穀物準備被收割!


Day 99 of 100 Days: “Finish Strong and Move into the Next Season Stronger!” Read: Josh. 13:3-5, 19:24-31; 2 Kings 19, Ezek. 28

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2012年1月5日 2:43


In running our race, we must not let the devil keep us from finishing every assignment we receive with a powerful testimony. Too many times, we see someone who is moving forward and having great impact falter or get ensnared just seconds before they reach the finish line. Don’t let the devil get the victory! Instead, listen for the Lord’s voice and follow without fear. How do you enter in and hear what the Lord has to say to you for the next season? Remove all distractions and listen for the wind of the Holy Spirit! Resist your Martha tendencies these next three months. Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are so distracted.” The Greek word for distracted means “to drag around in circles.” Do not let the enemy hold you captured in an old circle of duty and miss the times the Lord has determined to visit with you in the year ahead.


Let the Lord reorder your day! Evening comes before morning. Let Him determine your hour of prayer. Invite a new wave of the Holy Spirit to overtake your life and invade your region! This is the year of a Holy Spirit Movement. Renounce and repent for quenching Holy Spirit in the past. War with prophetic words that will unlock the seeds you have sown.


This will release strategies for you to do exploits! I woke up this morning and the Lord reminded me of Dr. George Washington Carver and how he developed hundreds of uses for the peanut. That is the concept of exploits. Pray to unlock sounds that will allow you to advance past old worship systems and methods. Let the healing flow of God burst forth! Open key portals for angelic hosts to lead you to a new dimension of breakthrough. Press through and touch the hem of His garment! Do not let trauma or infirmity from the past season stop you from pressing out and touching the Lord to receive virtue and power!


Trauma hides in your cells like a snapshot from a camera. The picture of the trauma is stored deep in your brain. When not processed and resolved, trauma will distort your world so that you perceive everything through that snapshot. The enemy tries to take advantage of us during traumatic times of loss or change. He uses trauma to create: (1) a failure mentality; (2) a confused perception of life; (3) a dullness, deadness, lost hope, or apathy in our spirit man; (4) blocked emotions; (5) a bitter root. Do not take bitterness with you into the next season. This will create roots that will entangle your feet and keep you from moving forward on your new path of success. But the Holy Spirit is ready move in such a way that you are sovereignly delivered! This will give you a new perspective on life and the world around you. New vision will arise in you.


Do we have a great future ahead in the world of turmoil around us? Of course! We will possess our inheritance! That means that we will eventually rule in the midst of our enemies. Expect your end to be better than your beginning.


Here are seven issues that we must watch for and be aware of as we enter the next 21 years.


            1.   Changing commerce and trade systems. We must learn to overthrow trade iniquities that have never been overthrown (see Josh. 13:3-5, 19:24-31; 2 Kings 19, Ezek. 28, Rev. 19). We must understand Babylon. We must be aware of the dragon. We must understand China’s role in the future, especially in the area of commerce. We must also watch Russia carefully.


            2.   Breaking the fear of darkness. We must learn to rule the night. The prayer movement will shift. From city to city, we will develop the night watch. This will not be done only in the Church but all spheres of authority.


            3.   We must understand the concept of time and law. Satan’s strategy is to manipulate time and law. Be careful of attempts to overthrow “The Machine.” Jesus threatened the system by doing what Father said. Following His example, we must not get caught up in the system trying to change the system. We must be a Kingdom people who obey our King and allow our obedience to change society.


            4.   We will preach the power of The Blood! The Spirit of God will begin to invade blood structures. We will return to an understanding of the power of His Blood. We will not preach a Gospel with no power. This will result in gifts of healing and unusual workings of miracles.


            5.   We must no longer just be attempting to build the Church. We must understand God’s kingdom plan for this hour. The season of fellowship is shifting into more decentralized fellowship. Our corporate gatherings will be filled with a new dynamic with worship and warfare. We will travail and gain strategy against the enemy’s plans in the earth realm. God is releasing new strategies for us to govern in the spheres of authority that we have been assigned. The Church building plan of the future has changed.


            6.   A dichotomy of good and evil is forming. We are entering a season of polarization. We must understand God’s covenant in these conflicts. Anti-Semitism is embedded in most national structures. When you blend nationalism with religious force, you get a dangerous dynamic in the world. We must watch the Middle East, a powder keg of religious force contending for territorial dominion.


            7.   An unprecedented season of harvest is on the horizon. This is a season to develop the strategies for the next major harvest of souls in the earth. To do this we must define our harvest fields, which are not the same fields from the last several decades. We must develop new ways to plow the harvest fields. There is a new crop of souls ready to be harvested!


Mind-blowing changes are ahead for all of us who profess the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!


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