
第四十九天:        20111115(Cheshvan 18, 5772)

請讀:    詩篇三十四篇 哥林多前書第九章 以賽亞書第五十五章 詩篇二十三篇





當我們是以真正的生命糧食為食物時,我們就開始以「神自己本身」(God Himself)來填滿「神樣式的空間」(God-shaped void),當我們這麼做時,我們就滿足了我們裡面的天然慾望而來敬拜神。保羅寫到,「我是攻克己身,叫身服我。」〔我嚴格地對付自己的身體,為要完全控制它。〕(哥林多前書9:27)John Dickson說,他必須告訴自己要放下那塊點心(Twinkie),而當他順服時,他便開始嚐到、並看到主是美善的。【註:在美國所吃的Twinkie,為類似奶油夾心的海綿蛋糕點心,為高熱量的垃圾食物。】



第五十天:    20111116(Cheshvan 19, 5772)

請讀:    約翰福音第一章 路加福音3:16 以賽亞書第四十章









在我們園區的「所羅門的門廊」(Solomons Porch),有一扇門意外地拉上鎖起來,很不幸地,沒有鑰匙可打開這門,所以我們有段時間無法進入這個房間,我的妻子潘去問James Vincent是否能找到方法來打開,這樣我們就不必找鎖匠來處理。這裡我有James所寫下所遇到的事:



Day 49 of 100 Days: Stop and Praise! ”The Magnification of the Lord” Read Ps. 34, 1 Cor. 9, Is. 55, Ps. 23

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月14日 23:38



We will stop and Praise today! The number 49 is linked with Jubilee and Praise! Let is magnify the Lord as we reach the halfway point of this 100 day focus to unlock harvest for our future.

Chuck D. Pierce



     The Bible instructs us to magnify the Lord. Psalm34: 1-3 reads, “I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; the humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together. ”Why? It happens because the devil’s earthly advertising program has made God small in our eyes. We must make Him large! Magnify Him. How do we do this? One way is to praise Him.


     When we feed upon the true Bread of Life, we begin to fill the God-shaped void with God Himself. As this happens, we satisfy the natural desire within us to worship. Paul wrote, “I discipline my body and bring it into subjection” (1 Cor. 9:27). John Dickson admits that he has to tell himself to put down that Twinkie. When he obeys, he begins to taste and see that the Lord is good. Isaiah 55:1-2 reads:


Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance.


     God has prepared a table before us in the presence of our enemies (see Ps. 23:5).His Spirit says, “Come.” Let us eat. Let us meditate. Let us exercise that which we are obtaining from Him. Let us work out our salvation. Let us praise. Let us worship.

Day 50 of 100 Days: “Go beyond and into the next level of prophetic destiny” Read: John 1, Luke 3:16, Isaiah 40

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月15日 22:53

We are now halfway through the intercession of unlocking the doors in the window of heaven that will realign your future and open up the next season for the nation you are apart of. When Abram and his family left the Ur of the Chaldees and advanced toward the destination God was calling him to reach, he and the family settled for a time in Haran. This was halfway to his destination. This is where the Lord met him and gave him the promise fore his future. I want you to start listening to the Lord for His promise for your future as we go through the next 50 days. Now it is time to “go beyond” any place we have ever been before.

Chuck D. Pierce



     I believe God is assembling a group who is saying, “We want that place calledbeyond!” Look at the prophet John. No one has been greater in the earth than this man who prophesied and said, “I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness: make straight the way of the Lord.” Do you know what he was saying? He was going all the way back to Isaiah 40, hundreds of years earlier, and was quoting what had been prophesied. That’s how God works in our midst. All of a sudden He will have something spoken into your life that has already been said concerning you, maybe even by Great-Grandpa, that you didn’t even know was said. It was locked up and stored in the heavens. Then all of a sudden, like the rain and snow, He unlocks it and pours it down. Some of you think it’s all about you connecting right now, when it’s really about you receiving.


     John said, “I baptize with water, but there stands One among you whom you do not know. It is He who, coming after me, is preferred before me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to loose” (John 1:26–27). “He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire”(Luke 3:16). In other words, you’re receiving a baptism now, but there’s one beyond where you presently are.


     Here’s the problem of getting that new baptism: you are going to have to recognize the Word that is dropping in your path, because that’s what the Bible says is lighting your path. Some of you might not have had one prophetic word given over you until God quickened one to you from this book. When you receive a prophecy, that word begins to light your path, even if you were in total darkness before now. That’s how the Spirit of God works.


     The Spirit of God recently told me this: “You have to come and have a heart to get to know My Son. You have to know Him, because in knowing Him you’ll see what I’m like and see what you’re like. I sent Him and created you in My image, and by seeing Him and getting to know Him, you can begin to understand Me. But there’s more to it than that. You can get to know who My Son was and can even study the Word like the Pharisees did and still not yield your heart to Him.” Jesus said to the Pharisees, “You search the Scriptures backward and forward, but you never come to know My Spirit.” The Son, who is seated in the heavenly places, who has given His Spirit, says, “You must also know My Spirit and what My Spirit is capable of doing in you, or your spirit will never form properly. If it does not form properly, it will never come into the strength I’ve ordained for it. It will not be able to strengthen your soul, and you will be unable to ascend in new ways to accomplish My will.”


     John was saying, “I’m baptizing you one way, but you’re going to have to have another one. You have to go beyond this baptism!”

Day 50A of 100 Days: “Go beyond and into the next level of prophetic destiny” Read: John 1, Luke 3:16, Isaiah 40

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月16日 4:34

We have a door in Solomon’s Porch that accidentally got pulled shut.  Unfortunately, there was no key to unlock it, and we’ve had no access to this room for some time.  Pam asked James Vincent if he could find a way to open it so that we would not have to bring out a locksmith.  I had James write up what he encountered:


“After Pam asked me to open the door, I wasn’t totally sure what to do.  However, I have to say that I felt there was no other option but to get the door open!  I worked with a variety of tools for some time to separate the door from the jam.  Eventually, I was able to force the strike open.  With much effort, we got the door open without a key.”


This represents what this half way point looks like.  The enemy is now starting to resist us moving forward, but what could not be opened to strike forth is now opened!


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