

November12, 2012

艾˙道格 Doug Addison


神的國度取代所有人在地球上建立的結構。 神從天上正在釋放一個新的議程,將在未來幾年展開。無論事情從外表來看如何, 神正在透過這一切工作。祂正在排定擺設所有的東西,是為了 一個驚人,史無前例的舉動。所以,你不要害怕,因為我與你同在;不要驚惶,因為我是你的神。 我必堅固你,我必幫助你 ;我必用我公義的右手扶持你。以賽亞書41:10

117,我收到聖靈的造訪,使我看見神的策略性計劃,該計劃將在未來四年開展。因為我比較有先見的恩賜,我通常會解釋我在異夢,異象和靈裡看見的東西。這預言之靈的充滿有部分是用第一人稱說的,因此以下先知性的話語是從 神那裡流入和流出,直接向我?的,加上我對所看見的東西的解讀。

主如此說:「我的道路高過你們的道路,我的意念非同你們的意念。我在這季節裡 正在開一條道路,並現在正在排好事情,是為了一個運動,是比任何地上的運動更大。我正在呼召被遺棄的,浪子,身上有紋身的,穿孔的,新世紀的,並所有被我的教會拒絕的人和團體。我呼喚他們進入我的國度裡,我將我自己顯現給他們。“


當第44任總統上任進入下個四年,要明白,這總統任期對 神是毫不奇怪的,而是許多預言實現的先知性的跡象,發生的類似以賽亞書44:4的預言。神正在受基督教傷害的人身上運行,我們將看到一個新的運動開始。

因為我要將水澆灌口渴的人, 將河澆灌乾旱之地。 我要將我的靈澆灌你的後裔, 將我的福澆灌你的子孫。他們要發生在草中, 像溪水旁的柳樹。以賽亞書44:3-4


我看到,這是一個體育館預言實現的時刻。體育館和體育場將會充滿敬拜 神的人。在某些情況下,體育館將充滿尋求避難的人,就像「卡特里娜」颶風一樣,但是當他們為了食物和水而來,他們會找到能力和醫治!



神對我說,對於在過去的四年裡受到損失和重大的挫折的人,「看啊,在未來四年內你的生命裡將會有轉機。」「償還和提升正在被釋放。」我看見一個巨大的聖靈浪潮來了!在未來四年中,我們確實將看到 神的驚人之舉。 神正在的興起和恩膏已穿上愛,憐憫,謙卑的人,他們將在大能中運行。


我在靈裡看到一個新層次的聖靈的火澆灌來到非洲裔美國人的教會和信徒。預言,神蹟奇事,再加上大量的憐憫和救助工作會增加,因為 神將金錢湧入弱勢的教會,照顧有需要的人。神說,“當一個新的五旬節的火進入你的教會時,你的聲音將被全世界聽到。”



(智慧)在公義的道上走,在公平的路中行, 使愛我的,承受貨 財,並充滿他們的府庫。箴言8:20-21


惟獨從上頭來的智慧,先是清潔,後是和平, 溫良柔順, 滿有憐憫, 多結善果, 沒有偏見,沒有假冒。並且使人和平的,是用和平所栽種的義果。雅各書3:17-18

給所羅門帶來巨大財富的是 神的智慧(王上10:23-25)。從 神而來的智慧和策略性計劃,會釋放出財富轉入神 的國度。

重新對齊 將帶來新的任務

這是神聖聯盟的時刻,會形成一個更高層次的婚姻,生意和事工。神對我說,這個月當你開始重新對齊,將會帶來新的任務。重要的是要聽 神的聲音並照祂的指示重新對齊。 神是沒有限制的,是我們經常用自己的信念,認為什麼是可能的,來限制祂。




這裡有五個方法,使我們可以與 新的國度計劃重新對齊:

‧將我們的信念與 神的無限國度重新對齊。沒有任何限制!


‧重新對齊我們住的地方,或我們工作的位置。將會有大量的人在地理位置上搬遷。這是並不是給每一個人,只有那些 神特別對他們說的人。

‧與那些會把你拉上 到下一個新層次的導師和領袖重新對齊。



這是做大夢的時刻,因 神正釋放更大的夢。 觀看 神在未來數個月將增加我們的夢。對於那些不放棄的人,似乎是逆境之中, 神卻帶來極大的祝福。要被鼓勵和鼓勵憂愁的人。當 神從天上釋放提升和祝福,這確實是一個讓自己做更大夢並慶祝的時刻。

道格 Doug Addison

光中連結 InLight Connection

Realignment Brings New Assignments

Doug Addison

November12, 2012

The Kingdom plan

God’s Kingdom supersedes all structures built by man on earth. God is releasing a new agenda from Heaven that will unfold over the next few years. No matter how things look from the outside, God is at work through it all. He is setting things in place for an amazing, unprecedented move.

 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.“ Isaiah 41:10 NIV

On November 7, I received a visitation from the Holy Spirit and was shown God’s strategic plan that will unfold over the next four years. Because I have more of a seer gift, I normally interpret things that I see in dreams, visions and in the Spirit. This encounter with the Spirit of Prophecy came partly spoken in the first person so the prophetic words below flow in and out of God speaking directly to me and with my interpretation of things I saw.

This is what the Lord says:

My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts. I am making a way and lining things up right now in this next season for a movement that is greater than any on earth. For I am calling the outcasts, the prodigals, the tattooed, pierced, the new age, gay and lesbian and all the people and groups that have been rejected by my Church. I am calling them into my Kingdom and I will reveal myself to them.”

 As the 44th President is taking office for another four years, understand that this presidency is no surprise to God but a prophetic sign of fulfillment of many prophetic promises happening right now similar to Isaiah 44:4. God is moving on people who have been wounded by Christianity and we will see the beginning of a new movement happen.

 For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams.” Isaiah 44:3–4 NIV

 The Lord says “Over this next four years I am going to do things that will surprise many people on the earth and set up an amazing movement and gathering in Jerusalem in 2017. I am going to raise up groups of unknown people to move in my power.”

I saw that this is a time of fulfillment of the stadium prophecies. Stadiums and sports arenas will be full of people worshipping God. In some cases the stadiums will be full of people seeking refuge like with Hurricane Katrina but when they come for food and water, they will find power and healing!

The Lord says, “Do not fear. This is not a time to shrink back; it is a time to be bold with love and compassion.”

Four years of repayment

God spoke to me that for people who have suffered losses and major setbacks over the past four years, “Watch, as the next four years will bring the turnaround of your life.” Repayment and promotions are being released.

I was shown a massive wave of the Holy Spirit coming! Over the next four years we will indeed see an amazing move of God. God is raising up and anointing the ones who have been clothed in love, compassion and humility and they will move in great power.

New fire from God in African American churches

I saw in the Spirit a new level of Holy Spirit fire coming to African American churches and people. Prophecy, signs and wonders coupled with massive compassion and relief efforts will increase as God is pouring money into minority churches to care for those in need. Many people tried to silence the celebration of justice that is being repaid for the years of mistreatment to African Americans but God says “Your voices will be heard around the world as a new Pentecostal fire is coming into your churches.”

God is releasing the Spirit of Wisdom

This is a time to gain wisdom like never before. We have had an overabundance of prophecies but have lacked the understanding in how to apply them. Wisdom and understanding will bring practical application for prophetic words.

I (Wisdom) walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, bestowing a rich inheritance on those who love me and making their treasuries full.” Proverbs 8:20–21 NIV

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:17–18 NIV

It was God’s wisdom that brought great wealth to Solomon (1 Kings 10:23–25). Wisdom and strategic plans from God will release wealth into the Kingdom of God.

Realignments will bring new assignments

This is a time when divine alliances will form on a greater level in regard to marriages, businesses, and ministries. God spoke to me that this month starts realignments that will bring new assignments. It is important to listen to God and realign as He directs you. God has no limits and we often limit Him with our own beliefs of what is possible.

Everything is possible for one who believes.” Mark 9:23 NIV

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NKJV

Five ways to realign

Here are five ways that we can realign with God’s new Kingdom plan:

Realign our beliefs with God’s unlimited Kingdom.  No limits!

Realign our relationships and associations if necessary to get into a positive creative environment.

Realign our location of where we live or work. There will be a large number of geographical relocations. This is not for everyone but only those to whom God is speaking specifically.

Realign with mentors and leaders that will pull you up to the next level.

Realign your time. Some people are spending too much time just praying and need to take active steps forward. Others are not praying enough and need to find specific time to pray.

Dream big, no even bigger

It’s time to dream big as God releases even bigger dreams. Watch as God will increase our dreams over the next few months. In the midst of what appears to be adversity, God is bringing a huge blessing for those who don’t give up. Be encouraged and encourage people who are down. This really is a time to allow yourself to dream bigger and celebrate as God releases promotions and blessings from Heaven.

Doug Addison


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