
第七十天: 2011年12月6日(Kislev 10, 5772)

請讀: 列王紀下第二十二、二十三章





@ 他燒掉用來拜巴力與亞舍拉女神的相關物品(列王紀下23:4)

@ 他廢除從前猶大列王所立拜偶像的祭司,因他們向巴力、太陽、月亮,和星辰獻祭(列王紀下23:5)

@ 他燒掉那放置在聖殿裏的亞舍拉女神像(列王紀下23:6)

@ 他拆除神廟的男娼在聖殿霸佔的房子(列王紀下23:7)。

@ 他拆毀建在屋頂上的異教祭壇(列王紀下23:12)。

@ 他勇敢對抗高階的邪靈,例如西頓女神亞斯她錄、摩押神基抹、亞捫神米勒公(列王紀下23:13)。

@ 他拆毀了所有的偶像邱壇,並殺了那些不悔改的祭司(列王紀下23:19-20)。

@ 他嚴懲那些詢問過通靈者或行巫術者的人(列王紀下23: 24)。


Day 70 of 100 Days: “Tear Down The High Places” Read: 2 Kings 22, 23

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月6日 8:07

These last 30 days are so important we stay focused. God is calling us to go higher than the high places of the earth! Josiah will be our example here.

Chuck D. Pierce

Josiah tore down the high places.  Josiah then did many physical acts within his sphere of influence to see the throne of iniquity overturned.  Among the things he did were:

  • He burned the articles made for Baal and Asherah (2 Kings 23:4).
  • He removed the idolatrous priests who had been burning incense to Baal and to the sun and to the moon and to the stars (2 Kings 23:5).
  • He burned the idol of Asherah which had been placed in the temple (2 Kings 23:6)
  • He tore down the houses where the temple prostitutes had been located (2 Kings 23:7).
  • He destroyed the pagan altars placed on the rooftops (2  Kings 23:12).
  • He confronted high-ranking demonic spirits such as Ashtoreth, Chemosh, and Milcom (2 Kings 23:13).
  • He wiped out idolatrous high places and executed the priests who would not repent (2 Kings 23:19-20).
  • He punished any one who had consulted with mediums or spiritists (2 Kings 23:24).

Years back, Robert and I came across a man that was so demonized. I commanded the demon to say his name. He yelled out “Ashtoreth!” I have confronted this demon before. When Robert and I commanded the demon to come out of this man, this whole region began to shift. When God shows you the root of the stronghold in your region, do not be afraid to deal with it in this season!


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