June 22, 2012
搭模斯月 2, 5772
珊笛˙弗列德(Sandie Freed)
親愛的尊貴信徒啊,我以無比激動的心情記下這些啟示!因為我相信現在正是那預定的時刻,我們-做為 神的兒子,要開始進去繼承那早已儲存在天國的豐盛應許。
Dear precious Believer, I am writing today with great excitement! This is because I believe it is our due season to begin to "access" much of what has been "laid up" in Heaven for us concerning our inheritance as His "first-born."
我在一次異象中清楚地聽到了 神的話語,他說:「時候到了,你們現在不僅要得到我曾經賜給你們的,還要進入現在和以後的應許之中。」當我越花時間尋求 神的同在,我就越清楚我們不能只看到發生在現實中的事情,我們必須開始相信我們沒看到的比我們自然看到的更加真實。
請稍花片刻時間審視一下你現在所處的環境。你對你所經歷的突破滿意嗎?你親歷過 神對你應許的成就嗎?我已經決定要努力進入 神的道,下決心更接近他的同在,並且行動起來讓我的信心達到全新的水準!我肯定當你繼續讀下去的話,你也會有同感。畢竟,在地上經歷天國的生活正是耶穌教導門徒禱告時所說的:「願你的國降臨,願你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。」(太6:10)
Bringing Heaven to Earth
I specifically heard this word from the Lord during an open vision: He said, "It is time to access not only what has been held up, but also what is promised you for now and in the future." As I have been spending more time in His presence, it is becoming even more clear that we cannot look only at all that is occurring in the natural; we must begin to believe that what is unseen is more real than what is seen with our natural vision.
Please take a moment and examine your present circumstances. Are you satisfied with the level of breakthroughs you have experienced? Have you been witnessing the promises that God has spoken to you? I have decided that I am pressing into His Word, determined to draw even closer to His presence and activate my faith to new levels! I am certain that you will also as you continue to read. After all, accessing what is in Heaven and experiencing it upon the earth are directly connected to the way Jesus taught His disciples to pray: "...Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven" (Matthew 6:10, my emphasis added).
現在是被膏抹的季節,這個季節要獲取天國的禮物並把它帶下來。正如以斯帖出生在一個特殊的時代是為了要拯救整個民族並改變王的命令,我們每一個人也有同樣的使命。仇敵已定意要毀滅我們,我們的弟兄也指責並試圖否認所有 神已應許賜給我們的豐盛和生命。
親愛的弟兄啊,仇敵是一個撒謊者。在「信」的人一切都有可能。我非常肯定當我們以信心加入會眾時,神的道就被堅立。請記住 神在馬太福音18章19-20節所說的「若是你們中間有兩三個人......同心合意地求甚麼事(任何事或一切事),我在天上的父必為他們成就。因為無論在哪裏,有兩三個人奉我的名聚會(聚在一起成為我的跟隨者),那裏就有我在他們中間。」
寶貝的信徒啊,我們不要忘了和其他人聯合在一起禱告的力量,要相信 神的話,經上說,在信的人,一人追趕千人,但兩人要使萬人逃跑(參申32:30)。親愛的弟兄,現在就給一名強有力的禱告精兵打電話,相信 神的話今天就要應驗!兩個人聯合禱告 神的話語極其有力!
For Such a Time as This!
This is an anointed season to access what is in Heaven and bring it into earth. Just as Esther was born at a specific time to save an entire nation and be used to change written decrees, so it is with each of us. The enemy has decreed our destruction; the accuser of the brethren is attempting to negate all that God has declared concerning our prosperity and lives.
In my book, Silencing the Accuser: Eight Lies Satan Uses Against Christians, I point out how to negate and reverse demonic decrees made against us. While I was in the Bahamas, I directly confronted a spirit of mammon that had held the people captive. Words of knowledge began to come forth concerning people's homes, vehicles, and families. My husband and I spoke to the lies of the enemy, demanding that he loose his stronghold from the people. Before leaving the area, testimonies were sent to my email confirming immediate turnarounds.
Dear one, the enemy is a liar. All things are possible to those who "believe." I am certain that when we joined our faith to those in the congregation that God's Word was confirmed. Remember, God says in Matthew 18:19-20 (AMP) says that "if two of you on earth agree...about whatever [anything and everything] they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by My Father in Heaven. For wherever two or three are gathered (drawn together as My followers) in (into) My name, there I AM in the midst of them."
Precious Believers, let's not forget the power of joining together with others and praying and believing God's Word that also says that one Believer can put one thousand to flight, but two are empowered to put ten thousand to flight! (See Deuteronomy 32:30.) Dear one, call a strong prayer warrior right now and believe for His Word to manifest today! Two people praying God's Word is powerful!
我曾經處在一個季節,神挑戰我不要只看發生在現實中的事,而是在聖靈的帶領下用我天然的眼睛,看到神在超自然中對我所說的一切。因此,我已經把這些看做我的使命,要盡力超越用肉眼所看的一切,要盡力撕破仇敵試圖擋在我眼前的帕子,要用神的眼光看到超越之上的美景。因為我已順服託付成為一名先知,所以我完全相信 神讓我看到的並將之傳講出來。然而,尊貴的信徒啊,看到並經歷超自然的能力並不僅僅局限于先知!所有的信徒都可以承受天國並把它帶到地上!此外,我相信我們不都是先知,但我們是有先知恩膏的子民——我們認識神的聲音,聽到神的聲音,並跟隨他的聲音。
無論何時,只要我們意識到作為信徒的力量,仇敵就會在那一刻失去機會!站立不住!科學也證明了當人們僅僅相信一種藥物可以治癒自己的疾病時,這種藥就會對他們的細胞產生積極的療效。讓我們今天就相信神對我們生命的計畫並相信他所說的必定成就!事實上,現在就來勇敢地宣告吧:「我相信我即將得到 神給我的應許。我要打開屬靈的眼睛看到,突破就要來到!」
Seeing Beyond the Natural
I have been in a season where the Lord has challenged me not to look at what I see in the natural but possess by His Spirit what He is speaking in the supernatural. So, I have made it my mission to press beyond what I see with my natural vision, and press to see beyond a veil that the enemy attempts to place before my eyes, and to see beyond with the eyes of God. Because I have yielded to my commissioning as a prophet, I put my complete trust into what God has allowed me to see and, therefore, speak. However, precious Believer, the ability to see and experience the supernatural is not limited to a prophet! All Believers can access Heaven and bring Heaven to earth! Besides, I believe that we are not all prophets but yet are definitely prophetic people – those who hear God's voice, move with His voice, and know His voice.
Whenever we realize the power we have as Believers, the enemy does not stand a chance! Even science has proven that when someone simply "believes" the medicine they are taking can heal them, it has an immediate positive impact upon their cellular structure. Believers, let's agree together today in what God has spoken over our lives and believe that what He has declared is possible! In fact, make this bold statement now: I believe that I am about to receive all that God has promised me. I open my spiritual eyes and see my breakthrough coming!
我相信有恩膏的時代和季節。在約翰福音16章12節中,耶穌說:「我還有好些事要告訴你們,但你們現在擔當不了(或作不能領會)」。這真是令人驚奇的一段——它解釋了我們為什麼會在特定的時期領受啟示。如果我們在錯誤的時期試圖完全得到 神的應許,我們也許有可能因沒有準備好而受到仇敵的攻擊!
在最近十年,有很多分享是涉及到我們在基督裏堅固的身份和應得的繼承。得知具有「王子」的地位,我們堅信可以擁有王所擁有的!當我們試圖從仇敵那裏奪回屬於自己的當得之產業時,總會帶來征戰──但我們身邊有 神和他的軍隊。親愛的弟兄,我們當然不會失敗!然而,我們必須牢記的是,當 神的應許賜給我們時,我們一定要透過屬靈戰爭「進去並得到」。
神給了以色列屬於他們的應許之地,但他們不得不驅逐那地原來的居民。只要我們允許 神的引領,持守對 神的順服,我們一定可以得到勝利。請銘刻在心──我相信當我尋求與 神建立關係時,我會用我的全心去渴慕滿足 神──在我看來,渴慕之極就是順服。從僕人的身份轉向 神的朋友就是順服所涉及的內涵。(另一篇文章會談到這個題目)
Times and Seasons
I believe in anointed times and seasons. In John 16:12 (AMP) Jesus said this, "I have still many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them or to take them upon you or to grasp them now." This is an amazing passage – it explains why we receive revelation at specific times. Maybe it is possible that if we had attempted to fully access what is laid up for us at the wrong time – we would not have been ready for the counterattack of the enemy!
Over the last decade much has been written concerning our rightful inheritance and confirming our identity in Christ. Knowing who we are as "King's kids" confirms that what belongs to royalty also belongs to us! Trying to possess what is rightfully ours from the enemy will always result in warfare – but we've got the King and His army on our side. Dear one, we absolutely cannot lose! However, we must always remember that when God gives us a promise, we have to "take it" through spiritual warfare.
God gave Israel their Promised Land, but they had to drive out the previous tenants on that land. Access for victory is available as long as we are allowing God to lead and we are remaining obedient to follow. Keep in mind that I truly believe that if I am seeking relationship with Him, I will desire with my whole heart to fully follow what He desires – that, in my opinion is what obedience is. Being removed from a servant to a friend of God is what obedience involves. (Another article later on that topic!)
Access這個辭彙源自希臘單詞presago,意思是「引導朝向,引領接近」。從中我們意識到神正「引領」我們走進他自己,他賦予我們權力,讓我們得到屬於我們的一切。我們所渴望得到的,不是自然中本就屬於我們的,不!根本不是!我們是被引領, 神親自引導我們,賦予我們權力,我們才可得到當得之業。
我很喜愛撒迦利亞書三章,在我《封住控告者的口》一書中,我提到了這一部分。控告者撒旦站在大祭祀的右邊,與他作對。然而,請注意, 神自己責備撒旦!我們讀這一段時不僅要觀察到 神對控告者的責備,也要注意到, 神給大祭司換衣服!
Having Access
The word access is derived from the Greek word presago, which means "to lead towards, to conduct near, and to approach." From studying this, we realize that God is "leading" us to come near to Him so that we become empowered to access what is ours. We are not desiring to possess what is rightfully ours out of a soulish nature. No! Not at all! We are being "led" to Him so that He can lead us and empower us to access what is rightfully ours!
I love the Book of Zechariah, chapter 3. In fact, I mention this passage in my book, Silencing the Accuser, where satan, the accuser, stands next to the priesthood to falsely accuse him. However, notice that the Lord Himself rebukes the accuser! Read the passage below and observe that not only does the Lord rebuke the accuser, He then reclothed the priesthood!
Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and satan standing at his right side to accuse him. The LORD said to satan, "The LORD rebuke you, satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?"
Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel. The angel said to those who were standing before him, "Take off his filthy clothes." Then he said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you." Then I said, "Put a clean turban on his head." So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the angel of the LORD stood by. Zechariah 3:1-5 NIV
換上潔淨的衣服進入 神的同在
信徒們啊,神在這個季節也要給我們換上聖潔的新衣。凝 神片刻想像一下你自己正在從 神那裏接受新衣──就是現在!是的, 神正用聖潔覆蓋我們,用他的大能賦予我們繼承權。但是,親愛的弟兄啊,讓我們向前看......神也莊重地告訴我們必須「進入」!
尊貴的弟兄啊,還有一件十分重要的事情我必須告訴你,在這個時期,我們必須操練運用信心和恩典。我們需要用信心來接受 神的恩典,進去得 神為我們準備的所有豐富。
「我們既因信稱義,就藉著我們的主耶穌基督得以與 神相和。我們又藉著他,因信得進入現在所站立的這恩典之中,並且歡歡喜喜盼望 神的榮耀。」
信徒們啊,時候到了,我們要經歷並意識到,因著耶穌在十字架上已為我們做成的工,我們得以直接進入到基督裏面,我們還需要意識到,要用我們的信心才得以靠著恩典,運用 神所賜予的權力,堅定地站立在我們的應許之地,享受我們生命中從 神而來的榮光!
天父啊,我為每一個讀者禱告,我特別祈求你開他們心靈的眼睛,讓他們知道並明白作為信徒,現在已經到了要進入那公義之地的時候了。我們每一個人都是為了這個時代而生,現在是屬於我們的季節,我們要推倒所有不屬 神的旨意,我們要在地上過天國的生活。我斥責那貪婪和貧窮的靈,他們妄想在我們--你寶貝孩子的生活中築起堅固的堡壘。我禱告讓財富的恩膏釋放在你每一個門徒的生活中。謝謝你,天父。你的信實和慈愛永不離開我們。奉主耶穌的名禱告。阿們!
Reclothing Us for Access into His Presence
Believer, God is also reclothing us in this season. Just take a moment and imagine yourself receiving a new mantle from the Lord – right now! Yes, we are being mantled with His divine nature and authority to possess our inheritance. But, dear one, let's look further...God also granted "access!"
And the Angel of the Lord [solemnly and earnestly] protested and affirmed to Joshua, saying, "Thus says the Lord of hosts: If you will walk in My ways and keep My charge, then also you shall rule My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you access [to My presence] and places to walk among these who stand here." Zechariah 3:6-7 AMP (emphasis added)
Precious one, there is still one more very important thing I must tell you concerning accessing what is ours. We must exercise faith and grace at this time. We need faith to receive His grace to access all that He has for us.
Romans 5:1-4 speaks of our being justified through our faith and that through Christ we have immediate "access" into His grace that empowers us to stand. Let's review Romans 5:1-4 in the Amplified Bible (and notice the emboldened word "access"):
"Therefore, since we are justified (acquitted, declared righteous, and given a right standing with God) through faith, let us [grasp the fact that we] have [the peace of reconciliation to hold and to enjoy] peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
"Through Him also we have [our] access (entrance, introduction) by faith into this grace (state of God's favor) in which we [firmly and safely] stand. And let us rejoice and exult in our hope of experiencing and enjoying the glory of God..."
Believers, it is time to realize (experientially!) that we have direct access to God because of what Christ accomplished at the Cross and that we need to use our faith for the grace of God to empower us to stand firmly and enjoy and experience the glory of God upon our lives!
It is our time and season to access! For those of you who feel bound by a spirit of poverty and cannot break loose of the lies connected to mammon, I encourage you to also read my book Crushing the Spirits of Greed and Poverty. The accuser is directly tied to a spirit of greed and poverty with the main stronghold being mammon. By reading this book, you will dethrone mammon and the false identity of poverty. This is our season to access riches laid up for the righteous!
This is what God says about us accessing what is rightfully ours:
"A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous" (Proverbs 13:22 NIV, emphasis added).
Always remember, I am forever praying for you, the Body of Christ, and seeking ways to empower you to victory. Please allow me to pray for you:
Father God, I pray for each reader, and I pray especially for the eyes of their hearts to be opened to know and understand that it is his/her season to begin to access what is rightfully theirs as a Believer. We have each been born for such a time as this, and it is our season to reverse ungodly decrees made by the accuser and to experience Heaven on earth. Lord, there is no poverty in Heaven and therefore there should be no poverty on earth. I rebuke the spirit of greed and poverty that has attempted to remain as a stronghold in the lives of your precious children. I pray for the wealth that has been held up to be released to every Believer. Thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness and ever-enduring love for each of us. In the name of Jesus, our Lord, Amen.
In His name,
Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Email: zionministries1@sbcglobal.net
Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, Sandie is the Founder and Director of the School of the Prophets and Apostolic Training Center in Bedford, Texas. With a strong anointing of discerning of spirits, Sandie has been known to discern territorial strongholds and release churches and regions from spiritual assignments that withhold finances, deliverances, and breakthroughs. Prophetess Sandie and Apostle Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors and the Board of Directors. Together they serve as the Mid-Southern Regional Directors of the Christian International Network of Churches, which is the Prophetic-Apostolic oversight for Texas and Oklahoma regions, as well as several other states and regions. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kim Putman.