

September 10, 2012

艾˙道格 Doug Addison


九月份是一個使人興奮的月份,當中有兩個非常重要的猶太節期 : 猶太新年(Rosh Hashanah)與贖罪日(Yom Kippur)Rosh Hashanah 是猶太新年,今年是從 916日落開始到918日落。Yom Kippur (贖罪日) 被認為全年最聖潔的日子(至聖日),從925日落開始到926日落。 猶太傳統信仰相信神在這時候檢查我們的生命,並決定我們是否預備好有屬靈的提升與前進。雖然我們不再處在猶太律法之下,但神仍然使用這先知性時刻表來運作。

許多先知性的人就在每年這期間得著許多的造訪與啟示。直到前幾年,我不曾真正注意到生命中有什麼不平凡。然而當我回顧 我寫過的日誌 而注意到我確實在每年的這期間得著啟示。啟示不一定在節期當天臨到,但這是為了進入命定得著更深啟示的最佳時機。




神正在做的事乃是從 20121月開始



這是神透過孩子們說話的重要時刻,特別是透過異夢。這就好像在創世記37章裡年輕的約瑟,他在兩個夢裡接受神給他偉大的呼召。約瑟可能曾經是一位被寵壞的小子,他自以為什麼都知道,告訴每個人他們應該要向他跪拜。他的兄弟忌妒他,他的父親雅各 (以色列)責備他。他的行為使他進入近20年的困境與被拒絕。這並不是神對約瑟的心意。認識並了解孩子們的夢與呼召,可以幫助他們完成生命中最高的呼召。請聽聽他們的夢而不要忌妒、拒絕他們。

黑暗權勢現在最主要的計謀 就是給孩子們噩夢,這使他們在成長過程中懼怕超自然的事。有許多人在兒時就經歷可怕的惡夢。當仇敵用噩夢攻擊時,就顯明這是神祝福並開啓年輕人的潛在領域。



「我要將暗中的寶物和隱密的財寶賜給你,使你知道提名召你的,就是我─耶和華、以色列的神。」以賽亞書 45:3


我感受到有先知性話語要特別給那些 覺得神在他們身上有更大呼召,但卻經歷許多苦難與挫折的人。





我做了一個夢,我遞屬於一個被「高層管理者」差遣進來要翻轉公司的團隊。我知道這象徵教會與事工。在夢裡 我觀察公司每個地方,問題不在於員工的委身或能力。問題是缺乏挑戰。人們覺得無聊,缺乏動機來施行他們最大的能力。他們缺乏偉大的異象,故看不清神國度更大的景象。


作為神國的工人,我們需要有翻轉的計畫,使我們接受挑戰 踏出並嘗試新的東西,操練神給我們的屬靈恩賜與才能。

這正是被激勵的時刻!神要在我們生命中帶來激烈的改變。明年能看見這些如何展開 將會很令人興奮!

道格 Doug Addison

光中連結 InLight Connection


God is Speaking Through Children

Doug Addison

September 10, 2012

September is a very exciting month that contains two real important Jewish holidays: Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, which is celebrated this year at sundown on September 16th through sundown the18th. Yom Kippur, (or the Day of Atonement) is considered to be the most holy holiday of the year occurs sundown September 25 through sundown September 26. The traditional Jewish belief is that God examines our lives at this time and determines if we are ready for spiritual promotions and advancement. Though we are no longer under the Jewish law, God still operates on this prophetic timetable.

Many prophetic people receive a significant amount of visitations and revelation around this time of year. I had never really noticed anything out of the ordinary in my life until a few years ago. That’s when I went back through my journal and noticed that I indeed had been receiving revelation right around this time of year. It might not come on the exact day of the holiday, but this is a really great time of gaining deeper insight into your destiny.

Time of completion

Over the past few months I have been encouraging people with a prophetic word that we are in a strategic time to complete things that God has called us to do. From now through September 25th (which happens to fall on the Day of Atonement), we can finish things that we know God has called us to do. There is still time left in this season, but please don’t get legalistic about this. It’s not like you fail if you don’t do something or time expires. This is a time where it will be easy to complete things.

If you don’t have anything to complete, I would encourage you to spend the next couple of weeks reflecting on what God has done in your life and consider what He is calling you to do. You are about to get on track with your destiny like never before.

What God is doing now started in January 2012

God is now fulfilling things He spoke and started in your life in January of 2012. I looked in my journal and I had a major encounter last January with a “safe passage” angel standing in my room. I don’t know many angel names, but I see their function. God is making a way where there seems like there is no way. Go back in your journal and see what God was saying or doing last January.

God is Speaking through our children

This is a significant time in which God is speaking through children specifically in the area of dreams. It is so similar to the young Joseph in Genesis 37 who received two dreams about his great calling in God. Joseph could have been seen as a spoiled brat, know-it-all when he told everyone about how they would bow down to him. His brothers got jealous and his father, Jacob (Israel) rebuked him. Their actions sent Joseph into nearly twenty years of difficulty and rejection. This was not God’s will for Joseph. Recognizing the dreams and callings of children will help them fulfill the highest calling on their lives. Let’s listen to them without being jealous or rejecting them.

A major plan of darkness right now is to give children nightmares, which in turn causes them to grow up fearing the supernatural. Many people had terrible nightmares while young. When the enemy attacks in the area of dreams, it shows that this is a potential area God wants to bless and develop with young people.

New Heavenly connections and resources

October through January of 2013 will be a time of new connections. God is lining up people and resources right now for new, outside-the-box Kingdom projects. There are amazing amounts of resources available to us as God is freeing up not only finances but people, land, wisdom, and revelation you will need.

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may knowthat I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3 NIV

Word for those who have suffered

I received this prophetic word specifically for people who have felt that God is calling them to something more, but have experienced a great deal of hardships and setbacks.

The attack of the enemy has really been greater than you deserve. You do not deserve the favor and advancement you are about to receive—it is because you did not deserve all the pain you had to walk through to get it!” God is healing “hope deferred” and disappointment in people who have nearly given up hope.

Why do things seem to start then stop?

Many people have experienced the start of something new, only to see it fizzle out. God does this to prepare us for the future. He gives us a taste of what is coming and then it pulls back. He wants us to prepare for the future but not be discouraged for today. How we respond when this happens is what really matters.

Attack of the enemy right now: disempower

I had a dream that I was part of a team brought in by “upper management” to turn a company around. I knew this was symbolic of the church and ministry. In the dream I observed every area of the company and the problem was not commitment or abilities of the workers. It was a lack of challenge. People were bored and not motivated to perform at their optimal abilities. They lacked big vision to see the greater picture of the Kingdom.

Later in the dream I saw workers in the Kingdom eating too much for lunch and then falling asleep at their desks. This is a modern day parable for many churches. People are well-fed spiritually, but don’t do a lot or they aren’t given the opportunity to actively apply what they get.

We need a turn-around plan as workers in the Kingdom that will get us challenged to step out and try new things, exercising our God-given spiritual gifts and talents.

This really is a time to be encouraged! God is bringing about radical changes in our lives. It will be exciting to see how it all unfolds throughout next year.


Doug Addison



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