
聰明童女-得勝者 (The wise virgin-Overcomer)

黑夜已深, 白晝將至, 環顧這世界人和事物迅速的改變, 神正在透過屬地和屬天的事物向我們說話:萬物的結局近了, 所以你們要謹慎自守, 儆醒禱告. 彼此切實相愛.

最近的日子里, 神不断地多方提醒衪所揀选的兒女, 要做聪明的童女, 穿着羔羊之血洗净的白衣 ,手拿著充满油的燈盞,預備好自己, 脫离属地事物的纏累, 成為得勝者, 等侯主耶稣的再來!

聖靈感動我把主耶稣說童女的比喻画出來” 那時,天國好比十個童女拿著燈出去迎接新郎. 其中有五個是愚拙的; 五個是聪明的. 愚拙的拿着燈, 又預備油在器皿裏.,在新郎遲延的時候, 那五個愚拙的; 五個聪明的童女都打肫, 睡着了.半夜有人喊着說:” 新郎來了, 你們出來迎接他! 那些童女就都起來收拾燈. 愚拙的對聰明的說:” 請分點油給我們, 因為我們的燈要滅了.” 聰明的回答說:” 恐怕不夠你我用的; 不如你們自已到賣油的那裹去買吧. 他們去買的時候,新郎到了; 那預備好了的, 同他進去坐席, 門就關了. 其余的童女随後也來了, 說:”主啊, 主啊! 給我們開門!” 他却回答說:” 我實在告訴你們, 我不認識你們.”所以, 你們要儆醒, 因為那日子, 那時辰, 你們不知道.( 馬太福音25:1-13)

若我們是那些聪明的童女, 那麽我們手中是拿着燈, 又預備油在器皿裏,肉体虽然軟弱, 都打肫, 睡着了,但當神喚醒我們,新郎來的時侯, 我們預備好的就同他進去坐席.
在画中我选擇用一个聰明童女的形像代表整体的聰明童女.這聰明童女的雙眼充满著堅毅的信靠, 愛慕的渴望, 深情的專注, 她的眼神, 打動她的良人” 我的佳偶, 你甚美麗! 你甚美麗! 你的眼好像鴿子眼”. 她的唇好象一條朱紅線, 她的嘴也秀美,她身穿潔白的新娘衣服,手拿著充满油的燈盞,警醒地等候新郎的到來. 在主的眼里, 這聰明童女是没有玷污, 沒有斑點和皺紋, 純洁美麗的新婦,
她的頸項好象大衛建造收藏軍器的高臺, 其上懸挂一千盾牌, 都是勇士的籐牌.(雅歌4:4)
我的佳偶啊, 你美麗如得撒, 秀美如耶路撒冷, 威武如展開旌旗的軍隊.(雅歌6:4)
這聰明童女既是主耶稣的新婦又是戰士,主親自教導她的指頭怎樣爭戰, 訓練她的膀臂怎樣拉銅弓, 她是一個有勇有謀,身經百戰的得勝者.
在這聰明童女眼中: 她的良人白而且紅, 超乎萬人之上. 她深深知道, , 良人與她之間所立的是至死方休的盟約, 良人屬她, 她也屬良人.
我們的主是守約施慈愛的神, 衪既揀选了世間一切屬衪的人, 就愛他們到底.

画中背景是黎明前的耶路撒冷, 深藍色的夜空中閃爍著一顆明亮的晨星(預表主耶穌)
在聖城遠方的天邊冉冉升起一沫朝霞. “我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷由神那裹從天而降, 預備好, 就如新婦妝飾整齊, 等侯丈夫.(启示錄21:2)
主也向新婦說:” 看哪! 我必快來. 凡遵守這書上預言的有福了.(启示錄22:7)
聖靈和新婦都说:” 来”!
主耶稣啊, 我愿祢来!

Night has entered deep darkness & dawn is approaching. As we look at the rapid changes in the world, God is speaking to us through signs on earth & in heaven:  the end of all things is near. Therefore be clearing minded & self-controlled so that you can pray

Recently, God has been continually reminding His chosen children to be wise virgins, dressed in white garments cleansed by the blood of the Lamb & to be prepared with lamps full of oil. They must be free from worldly entanglements & be overcomers, waiting for the return of the Lord Jesus!

The Holy Spirit moved me to paint Jesus’ parable of the virgins.
“At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!' Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.'  'No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.' But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. Later the others also came. 'Sir! Sir!' they said. 'Open the door for us!'  But he replied, 'I tell you the truth, I don't know you.’ Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”   (Matt 25:1-13)

If we are those wise virgins, we will have lamps in our hands & oil in our jars. Our flesh may be weak but when God calls us & when the bridegroom comes, we will be prepared to go in with Him.
In the painting, I have chosen to use the image of one wise virgin to represent the corporate wise virgin.  Her eyes shine with steadfast faith, deep longing, & passionate focus. Her eyes captivate her lover.  “How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful!  Your eyes are doves.”  Her lips are like a scarlet ribbon & her mouth is lovely she wears a clean bridal gown & she holds a lamp full of oil as she waits watchfully for her bridegroom to come. In the eyes of the Lord, this wise virgin is the pure & beautiful bride who is without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish.  Her neck is like the tower of David, built with elegance; on it hang a thousand shields, all of them shields of warriors. (Song of songs 4:4)
“You are beautiful, my darling, as Tirzah, lovely as Jerusalem, majestic as troops with banners.”(Song of songs 6:4)
This wise virgin is the bride of the Lord Jesus. She is also a warrior & the Lord Himself will train her hands for battle & her arms to bend a bow of bronze.  She is a courageous  &  seasoned overcomer.
In the eyes of the wise virgin, her lover is radiant & ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand. She fully knows that their covenant is a covenant till death. Her lover belongs to her & she belongs to her lover. Our Lord is a loving & covenant keeping God, & He will love those He has chosen in the world to the very end.
The background in the painting is the city of Jerusalem just before dawn, with a bright morning star (which speaks of Jesus) shining against the backdrop of a dark blue sky. In the far distance, dawn is rising. “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.” (Rev.21:2)  
The Lord says to the bride: “Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book.” (Rev. 22:7)  The Spirit & the bride say, “Come”! Lord Jesus, come!

來源 :http://1111gathering.org/zh-hant/creative-designs?page=4

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