



Dear Climbing Saints:

I prophesy that I see a revival anointing being released. Dutch Sheets, Paul Keith Davis, Barbara Yoder, Jay Swallow and others are beginning to align the generations to prophesy our future. I see nations aligning within nations. I see miracles happening. I see the land rejoicing. I see a government shifting. I see Paul Wilbur, LeAnn Squier, Rafeal Sanchez, Martha Munizzi, James Vincent and many worship leaders pulling Heaven's overthrowing sound into the earth. I see Cincinnati, Cleveland, Toledo, Atlanta, Las Vegas, San Diego, El Paso, Shreveport, Mobile, Atlantic City, and Grand Haven experiencing the Spirit of God in new ways. This is just a beginning of the move of God ahead. I see Canada being poured out as an anointing flask.

Doors That Have Been Stuck are Now Opening

We have a door in Solomon's Porch that accidentally got pulled shut. Unfortunately, there was no key to unlock it, and we've had no access to this room for some time. Pam asked James Vincent if he could find a way to open it so that we would not have to bring out a locksmith. I had James write up what he encountered:

After Pam asked me to open the door, I wasn't totally sure what to do. However, I have to say that I felt there was no other option but to get the door open! I worked with a variety of tools for some time to separate the door from the jam. Eventually, I was able to force the strike open. With much effort, we got the door open without a key.

This represents what this halfway point looks like. The enemy is now starting to resist us moving forward, but what could not be opened is now opened so that we can strike forth!

A New Passage Forming

We continue to open up the doors of the window of Heaven. I asked LeAnn to write up what she saw on the pathway of opportunity that is opening to us during this 100 Days of Prayer. She shared the following:

Yesterday in prayer, the Lord began to show me a pathway of destiny, but it appeared to be such a long, winding road to get to the place He had appointed. There seemed to be so much ground to cover... so much time and effort needed; it was a little exhausting just thinking about it! Then I heard the Lord say that there were doorways that were hidden along the path that would literally cut years off the journey. Those doorways or gateways were almost unnoticeable and would be missed unless you knew to listen to His voice and watch for them.

The best analogy I can think of to demonstrate this concept is the children's game called "Chutes and Ladders". In this game, when you land on certain spaces on the game board, you have the opportunity to "fast track" and take a passageway that cuts out many steps. What a joy it is to land on those spaces and realize that you can advance toward the goal much more quickly than you thought!

In the spiritual realm, these doorways may appear as divine appointments, divine strategies or divine connections that will create access to places you never thought you could get to in this lifetime. But God! In this season, watch and listen for God to open your eyes and ears to strategic doorways that will cause you to get on the "fast track"!

A New Song Will Break Old Cycles 
(by LeAnn Squier)

The scepter of the Lord is arising and the rod of His authority.
The earth is shaking at the sound of the presence of our God.
The earth is shaking at the sound of the presence of our praise.
Shifting in the deep, there's a great shifting in the deep, overturning injustices, overturning captivity.
Oh captivity, you are under the feet of the Lord.
Prison bars, death cannot hold you anymore.
We hear the sound of the footsteps of the Lord.
Everything is shaking, everything is falling to the ground except the unshakable.
Injustice, captivity, you are underneath the feet of the Lord.
You won't be locking anyone up anymore.
Stripping the keys, He stripped the keys.
Power of the jailer has been broken.
Long about midnight, the lights were out.
Everything was dark, bleak in the streets.
Our hearts were heavy till we felt the trembling.
Even the earth responds to the praises of our God.
Even the earth can't be silent at the sound of that praise.
He is God and there is no other.
He is God and will never be shaken.

An Exhortation 
(by Keith Pierce, James Vincent, and Janice Swinney, November 11, 2011)

"Many of you sit in hunger. Many of you sit in lack. Today is a day that I have brought a rumbling that is like a locomotive on a track. Begin to see the momentum of the shaking. Begin to listen to the cry in the House because I have come this day to uncover and release the hidden treasuresthat will begin to fill and take away your lack. So dig a little deeper. Press a little harder.

"Get up from where you're at and move forward because I AM, and release is coming. Do not grow weary but press, press, press in My name. I won't grow weary. I won't be silent. I won't stop moving. This is the sound that will pierce the world structures. This is the sound I am bringing forth out of My people that will cause world structures to begin to shake and fall."

A Word for Thailand, China and Sri Lanka 
(by Keith Pierce and Jacinth Naidoo)

"I sent you a wave years ago but you did not listen. You would not heed Me. I am sending you a different wave. This is a wave of purification. Watch the ancient structures being torn down. Watch My houses of prayer and worship. Where the water will cover the fields, the water will come up to your doorstep but it will not come up to the houses of worship. There is another wave on the rise and not only for Thailand but China will see it as well.

"Now stand and awaken Sri Lanka, because I have come to deal with the ancient structures that have set themselves against Me. I will shake the earth from underneath till the rubble falls. Those that rise up in a place of worship to the great I Am, I will save in their time of need. I will miraculously bring them out. I will use them to truly shift a land that refuses to shift on its own."


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries


Dr. Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce has been used by God to intercede and mobilize prayer throughout the world. He is an ordained minister and serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries in Denton, Texas. This ministry facilitates the vision of other apostolic ministries worldwide. Chuck is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons we live in. He also serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc., an apostolic ministry for apostolic, prophetic and intercessory leaders. Peter and Doris Wagner complete the leadership team of this new apostolic wineskin.

He has a degree in Business from Texas A&M, Master's work in Cognitive Systems from the University of North Texas, and a D. Min. from the Wagner Leadership Institute. He has co-authored eleven books and authored five books. Chuck, his wife Pam and six children live in Denton, Texas.

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