
第六十二天: 2011年11月28日(Kislev 2, 5772)

請讀: 使徒行傳第二章 以賽亞書第五十五章




Day 62 of 100 Days: “Go beyond your last place of repentance” Read: Acts 2, Isa. 55

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月27日 20:54

      Between Jesus’s death and Pentecost, Peter finally repented. He finally turned over all of his thoughts. That’s what he didn’t do when he had the first revelation of who Jesus really was. You can come to a revelation of who Jesus is but never turn over your way of thinking. Peter turned over his way of thinking, and in the midst of it, he came out differently. He came out beyond his sifting, beyond his fear, beyond his unforgiveness, and beyond his thinking (Isa. 55). He came out beyond the last prophecy and into a place called new. Then God fell on him, and the Spirit came down. Peter multiplied three thousand times over and came into a place called abundance because his thinking process had shifted. He was no longer in the place he once was.


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