
第九十三天: 20111228(Tevet 2,5772)

請讀:     約翰福音第二章



耶穌就面臨到必須展現出那會改變世界之能力的時候。很多時候神蹟代表一個季節改變的景象,也代表「神聖的介入」(divine intervention)已經進入我們這世界的空間與時間。在約翰福音第二章中描述,耶穌受邀參加一個婚宴,而其中所發生的事情,對未來三年的許多事情,建立了一個新的做法,而那三年將會永遠改變人類的歷史方向。



這個改變不僅是為了這場婚宴、以及需要能立即飲用來慶祝—這是為將來創造出一個模式,透過這第一次的神蹟彰顯出祂的榮耀,祂使祂的門徒從一個新的觀點來認識祂,而他們都相信了!也許在一開始他們只看到祂是一個「行神蹟的人」(miracle worker),但對他們來說,這是領受那會影響全人類未來的啟示、一個三年過程的開始。


Day 93 of 100 Days: Miracles: “The Changing of Water to Wine” Read: John 2

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月28日 23:31

In the biblical story of the wedding at Cana, the third day of the wedding celebration came, and something had to shift. (See John 2:1–12.) When we get halfway through something, we must make the choice of going back, settling down with our accomplishments, or succeeding and going all the way into the fullness of God’s plan. There comes a time when you can no longer resist the change that is waiting for you. You might not seem ready for what is changing, but change is inevitable.


There came a time when Jesus had to demonstrate a power that would change the world. Many times miracles represent the changing landscape of a season and represent that divine intervention has entered our space and time in the earth. In John 2, Jesus attends a wedding, and something happens that sets a new course for many for the next three years. Those three years would change the course of the history of mankind forever.


When the time came for this wedding, Jesus had approximately six disciples following Him. This would be a moment in time to touch these disciples and demonstrate a new dimension of who He was by using the events of the wedding. John the Baptist had been a social recluse, but Jesus accepted invitations to social events and moved in and out of these events with Father’s grace. He moved supernaturally in natural events. At this point in His ministry, He had yet to perform a miracle, but already many knew that He was different from the world. He had yet to disclose fully His identity. But a crisis arose in the wedding. Unless something happened, the success of the wedding was in danger, and instead of beginning this new relationship and season with joy and celebration, the bride and groom were in danger of reproach.


Mary, His mother, suggested to Jesus that He do something. She told the guests that if He suggested something, they should do whatever He suggested. Jesus was hesitant at first. He could only do what Father instructed Him to do. As He waited, He heard the plan of heaven for the crisis that confronted the wedding party. The words were, “Change the water to wine.” Therefore, Jesus used the available pots for religious purification for something new. He took the pots, filled them with water, and then change occurred.


This change was not just for the party and the immediate need to drink and celebrate—it created a pattern for the future. By manifesting His glory in this first miracle, He caused His disciples to see Him from a new perspective. They believed! Perhaps at the beginning they only saw Him as a miracle worker, but for them, this was the beginning of a three-year process of gaining revelation that would affect the future of all mankind.


The manifestation of a new glory realm creates change in all that embraces the display of change. Change means “to be altered or to pass from one state, form, quality, or essence to a different state, form, quality, or essence.” Change means “to undergo variation.” No longer are you the same in quality or look. Change can be linked with a succession of one thing in the place of another. Change can mean that you have removed or altered one form to produce another way of doing things. Change is related to a business transaction that shifts you into a greater way of prospering or striving. Change is synonymous with revolution or a season produced by a revolution. The manifestation of His glory in the changing of the water to wine began His revolution in the earth. When glory comes, revolution begins.

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