
第九十四天:20111230(Tevet 4,5772)


當亞倫.佛比恩(Allen Faubion)發言時,他提到有關最後的12.5%,為了通過一個季節的最後部分、並突破進入新的季節,這是非常必要的努力。通常在一場戰爭的最後十五分鐘,將會決定其最後的勝利,在啟示錄中,神對約翰說話、並對士每拿教會說:









1.  已經打了87.5%的戰爭,並且已經克服它的抵抗能力。

2. 12.5%的戰爭仍須繼續進行,這並不是一場決定得勝者的戰爭,而是得勝者徹底摧毀(審判)他的敵人的一場戰爭,使敵人無法再來擾亂他或他的後代。

3. 雖然這最後的12.5%的戰爭並不是這場戰爭中的最大部分,但卻是徹底剷除我們敵人的重要關鍵部分。

4. 神已經解決了87.5%,祂將剩下的12.5%交在我們手中,我們必須追趕這些仇敵組織,直到我們消滅那些對我們的威脅,並摧毀他們對我們發動戰爭的能力。

亞倫.佛比恩(Allen Faubion)牧師

錫安的榮耀國際事工(Glory Of Zion International)

Day 94 of 100 Days: The Final 12.5%--Pursuing and Destroying our Enemies


Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月30日 0:49

When Allen Faubion spoke, he talked about THE FINAL 12.5%. This is the effort necessary to press through the final portion of one season and break through into the next. Usually it’s the last 15 Minutes of a battle that determines the ultimate victory of a battle. In Revelation, the Lord spoke to John and he spoke to the church of Smyrna:


“Don’t be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into prison and put you to the test. You will be persecuted for ten days. Remain faithful!”


            Always remember the Lord sees the end from the beginning, and will give the grace to win the race and make to your next season. These next five days press through what you have been warring through.

Chuck D. Pierce


Since the end of July I have warred alongside several family members, friends, and personal connections against some very significant issues.   We have faced off against life threatening cancers and conditions.  We have battled against grave injustice in the civil and criminal justice arenas.  We have taken a stand against financial structures that resist righteousness.  We have also taken up arms against unrighteous religious and governmental structures.  One day, in the midst of all these critical situations, one of my fellow “warriors” and I were discussing these battles over lunch.  One of us commented how different it would be if we could run ahead of these enemies and fight them with the advantage. Immediately we stopped and asked God to show us how to move ahead of our enemies.  Immediately he began to do so.


The Spirit took us to the account of Gideon’s victory over the Midianites.  He took us to the familiar part when Gideon and his 300 men broke the pots, blew their shofarot, and lifted up a shout: “A sword for the Lord and for Gideon!”  Once Holy Spirit revealed His Gideon-like strategy for us and we implemented it we experienced the reality that we had gained the advantage.  I have to admit that I thought this would be the point of “final” breakthrough and victory in these areas.  It wasn’t.  I quickly realized we had stepped into the most important part of our battle against these unrighteous structures.


I discovered that it is not enough to defeat spiritual enemies and the stronghold structures they use to steal our promise.  I learned I (we) must pursue and destroy those enemies so that they can never again come against me and those who move with me. I looked again at Gideon’ battle against the massive Midianite horde that regularly and consistently ravaged God’s promise and provision for Gideon and God’s people.  I was greatly familiar with Gideon’s 300 men and their spectacular confrontation with the vast and mighty Midianite army.  In one night those 300 hand-picked warriors witnessed the self-destruction of 185,000 Midianite soldiers.


Imagine what the Midianite camp must have looked like as the dawn began to break. 87.5% of their enemy’s force lay dead and the remaining 12.5% (15,000 soldiers) were on the run. Gideon could have dismissed his 300 men and called it a day satisfied with their supernatural victory over their enemy.  Gideon did stop there. In Biblical times the complete and utter defeat of an enemy was signaled by the victor raising up the decapitated head of his enemy (remember David with Goliath?).  The final 12.5% of the Midianite army included their key leaders—princes with the names of Oreb, Zeeb, Zebah, and Zalmunnah.  Gideon and his men pursued this enemy on the run until all four heads were destroyed.

As I read the account of Gideon and compared it with our warfare the Spirit pointed out several important revelations:

  1. 87.5% of the battle has been fought and the resistance with it has been overcome. 
  2. 12.5% of the battle still remains to be fought.  This isn’t a battle to determine the victor.  It is a battle of the victor utterly destroying (judging) his enemy so that he never torments him or his generations again.
  3. While the final 12.5% of the battle is not the greatest portion of the battle it is the critical portion that finally cuts off our foes.
  4. God has taken care of the 87.5%.  He has put the 12.5% into our hands.   We must pursue these enemy structures until we severe their threat against us and destroy their ability to war against us.
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