第九十八天:2012年1月3日(Tevet 8,5772)
亞倫.佛比恩(Allen Faubion)牧師
錫安的榮耀國際事工(Glory Of Zion International)
Day 98 of 100 Days: “Destroying Altars of Darkness”
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2012年1月3日 2:41
Gideon relentlessly pursued the leaders of the Midianite invaders as they fled back to their places of refuge. Nothing could stop him from seeing the destruction of the structure that had destroyed so much of his life and the lives of his extended family. For a seven year season the Midianites impoverished and oppressed Gideon’s people to such an unbearable degree that lived in caves and mountain clefts as a way to avoid their oppressors’ plague. When they cried out God sent them a prophet to explain the root of their calamity. The darkness was rooted in the fact they had refused to listen to God and had erected false altars to false gods.
I have learned from my own experience that when patterns of destruction persist over time it is rooted in some kind of false altar in my life. From the time God first constituted the sons of Israel as His people He has made it very clear that we are to worship Him alone in the manner that He has revealed. God hates it when we worship false gods and when we worship him falsely. We worship false gods when we allow anyone or anything other than God Himself to lead or control our lives, affections, mindsets, or destiny. He wants us to pour out ourselves wholly to Him because He wants to infuse us with blessing. When we listen to family tradition, religion, patriotism, nationalism, personal opinions, etc., it erects an altar that God hates and results in curse.
The same is true when we worship God falsely. When Aaron fashioned the golden calf he declared: “This is what the God who saved us from Egypt looks like!” He didn’t get this from God. God hates it when we worship Him according to our image of Him. When we worship God on our terms we create a caricature of Him rather than worshipping Him as He really is. Why else do you think so many of us have spent much of our lives sitting in uncomfortable chairs listening to meaningless messages from people whose lives are just as powerless as our own? God isn’t like that nor would he tolerate it were he in our place. After Jesus addressed the people in his home synagogue in Nazareth they wanted to kill him. The first thing he did when entering the temple in Jerusalem was knock over all the furniture God had not commanded to be there.
Gideon knew the power of altars of darkness. One of the first things God required of him on the path from curse to blessing was to destroy a false family altar and idol. I know what that is like. Several years ago at a point where destruction was laying hold of me, the Lord told me I was an idolater. Once I recovered from that shocking announcement (after all I had been a pastor for 20+ years) He told me I would have to destroy the false altar I had erected. Like Gideon, God had to tell me and show me how to do this. Eventually I did it and when I did curse turned to blessing that impacted not only me but also my family.
It is not difficult for me to understand why Gideon so relentlessly pursued the last two kings of Midian. Their names were Zebah “false altar” and Zalmunnah “covered in darkness. Gideon pursued them even when others who should have helped him wouldn’t help him. When Zebah and Zalmunnah were finally in his hands he tried to involve his youthful son in their destruction but he was too young and afraid to do so. God put it in Gideon’s hands to destroy the false altars and He put it in his hands to destroy the enemies. Even as Z&Z mocked him one last time Gideon took the sword and cut the throat of his enemy.
Nothing could stop Gideon. He fought the final 12.5% just as valiantly as he fought the first 12.5%. He never gave up or let up until the pursuit was finished.
What about you?
Allen Faubion
Glory Of Zion International