
第九十七天: 201212(Tevet 7,5772)

請讀:士師記第六章 士師記7:25




一群貪婪的人來到基甸的地方,其中一個主要的首領就是稱為西伊伯的人,西伊伯的意思就是「狼」,或許西伊伯在米甸就是狼群首領(alpha wolf)。我特別喜歡以法蓮人在追趕西伊伯時所發生的事,在士師記7:25說,他們在西伊伯醡酒池殺了他,毀壞者就死在他所蹂躪的地方,我的猜測是西伊伯躲到醡酒池,正如當西伊伯是追趕者而不是被追趕者時,基甸就躲在醡酒池。這就是公義彰顯時所會發生的事,不義之人必定會低頭,並且會屈服於義人之下。


 亞倫.佛比恩(Allen Faubion)牧師

錫安的榮耀國際事工(Glory Of Zion International)

Day 97 of 100 Days: “Destroying the Ravaging Wolves” Read: Judges 6; 7:25


Chuck Pierce 寫於 2012年1月2日 0:39

 Gideon called on the tribe of Ephraim to pursue and kill the Midianite princes Oreb and Zeeb. Gideon was from the tribe of Manasseh.  Manasseh and Ephraim were the “half-tribes” that made up the portions of Joseph.  Joseph received a double portion of the land.  Manasseh received one portion; Ephraim the other portion.  Joseph knew in his youth that his portion was greater and that those who were “over” him would eventually bow to him.  Joseph had the anointing to prosper things and the authority to which others would bow.  Ephraim and Manasseh carried this anointing with them.  We have to carry this same anointing with us if we are going to pursue and destroy enemy structures that come against us.  Oftentimes though we choose to bow to enemy structures because of the way they have attacked us in the past.  Gideon knew that dynamic from personal experience. 


In Judges 6 the story of Gideon begins with a brief account of how the Midianites regularly swept into the lands of Manasseh and other tribes to devour their harvests. The angel of the Lord found Gideon threshing wheat in the family winepress because he was trying to hide his new grain from the Midianite horde and avoid being ravaged by them again.  This is a vivid picture of what enemy structures do to us.  They are like a pack of wolves roaming around looking for us in vulnerable places in order to ravage and consume all we are and have. 


One of the key leaders of the ravenous pack that descended on Gideon’s region was a man named  Zeeb.  Zeeb means “wolf.”  Perhaps Zeeb was the alpha wolf in Midian.  I particularly like what happened to Zeeb when the sons of Ephraim pursued.  Judges 7:25 says they killed him at the winepress of Zeeb.  The ravager died in the kind of place he ravaged.  My guess is that Zeeb hid in the winepress just as Gideon hid when Zeeb was the pursuer rather than the pursued.  That is what happens when righteousness prevails.  Unrighteousness must bow and will bow to righteousness.


I recently grabbed hold of the reality that the righteousness and anointing God placed in Joseph is also in me.  I no longer have to be ravaged or to hide from the possibility of it happening.  I no longer have to worry about going where I formerly was held captive by my enemies.  As long as I pursue my former captors to the end I will see them cut off even in the kind of places where they once tried to cut me off.  Because I am righteous my enemies must bow to me.


Allen Faubion


Glory Of Zion International

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