請讀: 路加福音第五章
策略性與先知性代禱,必須與使徒性管理(apostolic government)適當地連結合作,才能使屬靈的突破與收割得以發生。因此,我們必須不斷地禱告,求神讓代禱者之間的聯絡網變得非常有效率,並且與使徒性領導(apostolic leadership)及異象能夠充分地連接在一起,而這二者必須完全調和才能讓我們獲得成功。所以要準備好出發,來進入一個嶄新的層次,當我們禱告祈求基督身體中在過去季節一直被阻擋的收割,現在都能釋放出來。
ay 100 Of 100 Days: “Launch Out For a Transfer!” Read: Lk. 5
Thank you all for these 100 Days! The world has shaken because of our diligent prayer and intercession. Now let us launch out for a transfer!
Chuck D. Pierce
It is important to hear what God is saying to us: “Launch Out”! The word launch means to hurl, discharge, or send off; to send forth with force; to set in operation; to start on a new course, career or enterprise; to throw oneself (into) with vigor. Fishermen in Jesus’ day would take a circular net with weights and cast it out on the water. After it sank, a drawstring would be pulled, and the catch brought in.
In Luke 5, Peter had been doing this all night and brought in nothing. He was exhausted, frustrated, and did not know what to do next. Jesus then gives him direction that is contrary to his thinking. He said, “Launch out and go deeper!” Peter doubted that Jesus could really understand his daily situation and the method of gaining the supply he needed. However, when he obeyed Jesus, he brought in an overwhelming catch that not only supplied his need, but his partners’ need as well. The miracle overcame the doubt. Then the Lord said, now go forth and catch men (mankind). After this demonstration, the disciples went forth evangelizing.
The Lord wants to do miracles in our everyday lives. These miracles will cause supply to be released that will meet our needs. These miracles will cause faith to be released that will propel us forward to achieve God’s Kingdom purposes in our particular territory. As we see Him move in our lives, we can have faith that an entire region can be freed from the clutch of Mammon and the power of covetousness.
Strategic, prophetic intercession must be properly aligned with apostolic government for spiritual breakthrough and harvest to occur. Therefore, we must continue to pray that the communication system between intercessors becomes very effective and that it connects properly with apostolic leadership and vision. Both will have to blend for us to become successful. So get ready to be launched into a new dimension as we pray for the release of harvest that has been held up in the last season in the Body of Christ.