
第四十七天:20111113(Cheshvan 16, 5772)

請讀:    民數記第十四章 希伯來書第十二章 




() 瑪拉:苦水




 1.    發怨言切斷我們未來的異象。耶穌在十字架上沒有抱怨、發怨言,因為祂的眼目定睛在結果上:「他因那擺在前面的喜樂,就輕看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦難,」(希伯來書12:2)。如果我們定睛在應許之地上,我們在曠野中就不要抱怨!我們的問題是,撒旦告訴我們沒有出路離開曠野,撒旦告訴我們:「你會死在曠野,沒有出路了!」,但神說:「跟著我!我要給你一個應許之地!」我們要去選擇到底要相信誰,當我們抱怨時,我們就會同意魔鬼所說的,而我們的未來就被切斷了。

2.  發怨言是危險的,因為那使我們懷疑神的美善。當我們抱怨時,我們是在說:「神啊,我不喜歡你為我生命所規劃的這條路。」

3.  發怨言導致不信加深與增長。主告訴我前面一些事,祂說,「『不信』就像是一顆種子,如果你澆水它就會長大。」每當我們抱怨時,我們就是在對我們的『不信』澆水灌溉,當你在水的下面、張大你的口,那會發生什麼事?水就灌進你的嘴裡!同樣地,當我們開口發怨言時,『不信』就湧進我們裡面。

4.  抱怨引來更大的逆境。我們有些人陷入了越來越糟的循環當中!當我們與別人發生問題時我們就抱怨,發生了什麼事?我們就經歷更多的逆境,因為抱怨將我們放在一個詛咒之下。讓我從聖經來證明這一點,以色列百姓在曠野抱怨什麼?猶太人說:「我們要死在曠野了!」那並不是神的計畫,祂應許要帶領他們到應許之地。



回到在瑪拉的苦水事件,我們發現摩西向神呼求,而神是恩慈與供應的神。神指給摩西看到一塊木頭,實際上祂說,「摩西,讓我告訴你一個秘密,苦水對我而言不是問題!我能醫治苦水,看到那塊木頭了嗎?把它放進水裡,看看會發生什麼事。」於是摩西將木棍放進水裡,而水就得醫治了。然後神又說了其他的話:「順便一提,摩西…我不只能醫治水,我也能醫治人!如果你聽我的話,我會讓你健康,因為我是醫治你的神。」這就是神用這約的名字–「耶和華拉法」(Yahweh Rophe)來顯明祂自己,神將祂自己證明給祂的百姓看,祂就是能醫治他們身體軟弱的神,神希望我們也能那樣來認識祂,這始終是神本質的一部分!

這就是我們的醫治者被掛在木頭上(十字架)的預兆,將我們從過去的抱怨、怨言中解救出來,並為我們開了一條路得以進入永生的應許。我們能在逆境中學會讚美神,我們能為祂的美善來讚美神,即使神使我們在曠野中,也有我們可以讚美祂的祝福。當以色列百姓在曠野中,他們從天上領受了嗎哪(食物),每天都從天上降下來,在曠野四十年他們的鞋子也沒有穿壞,他們親眼看見神「榮耀的同在」(Shekinah glory)引導著他們,白天是雲柱,晚上是火柱。在曠野中神的慈愛並沒有與我們分開,我們需要將我們的眼目從我們困苦的處境中移開,來看看我們的四周,我們必能發現到我們能獻上讚美的事情。我們能為祂的同在來感謝神,無論我們在什麼樣的曠野,神就在那裡與我們同在,祂的同在就在那裡,我們可以為這樣的結果來感謝神,無論我們在什麼樣的曠野,神對我們通過那個曠野有一個計畫,而那計畫能帶領我們進入應許之地。

Day 47 of 100 Days: “Five Wilderness Tests” Read: Numbers 14, Heb. 12

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月13日 0:14

We will look at the “Five Wilderness Tests” for the next 3 days.

Chuck D. Pierce


1. Marah: bitter water

When they left the shores of the Red Sea, Israel traveled through the desert for three days without finding water. When they came to Marah, they could not drink its water because it was bitter. So the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What are we to drink?” Israel was in a bad situation. They were three days into their journey in the desert and were running out of water. This was a group of two million people—men, women, and children, along with all their livestock. If they found no water to drink, they would all die.


After three days in the desert, they came to a beautiful oasis. This appeared to be a miracle on their road. You can just picture them running toward the water and throwing themselves down at its edge, eager for a big drink of fresh water. But when they tasted it, they spit it out. The water was bitter! It was poisoned! Undrinkable! They still had no water to drink. Faced with this problem, they had a choice. Their first option was that they could choose to remember what God had done for them in the past. They could have chosen to believe He would provide. They could have said, “Lord, we will trust You to meet our needs.”

Their other option was that they could focus on their problem and grumble in unbelief. Unfortunately, they did the same thing we often do—they grumbled and complained. Let me camp out here for a while since this is where we normally camp out. In the Christian life, many of us never get past this first wilderness stop.Complaining, or murmuring, is dangerous. Here are four dangers of murmuring:


1. Murmuring cuts off our vision for the future. Jesus did not murmur and complain on the cross, because His eyes were fixed on the outcome: “For the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame” (Heb. 12:2). We don’t complain in the wilderness if our eyes are on the promised land! Our problem is that Satan tells us there is no way out of the wilderness. Satan tells us, “You will die in the wilderness—there’s no way out!” God says, “Follow Me! I have a promised land for you!” We get to choose who we’re going to agree with. When we complain, we are agreeing with the devil that our future is cut off.


2. Murmuring is dangerous because it causes us to doubt God’s goodness for the present. When we complain, we are saying, “God, I don’t like the route You have mapped for my life.”


3. Murmuring causes unbelief to deepen and grow. The Lord told me something awhile back. He said, “Unbelief is like a seed; if you water it, it will grow.” Every time we complain, we are watering our unbelief. What happens when you are underwater and open your mouth wide? Water comes in! In the same way, when we open our mouth to complain, unbelief floods in.


4. Murmuring invites greater adversity. Some of us have gotten into a cycle that gets worse and worse! When we’re having a problem with someone and we complain, what happens? We experience more adversity. Murmuring puts us under a curse. Let me prove this from Scripture. What was Israel’s complaint in the wilderness? The Jewish people said, “We are going to die in the wilderness!” That was not God’s plan. He had promised to get them to the Promised Land.


Then the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, “How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who complain against Me? I have heard the complaints which the children of Israel make against Me. Say to them, ‘As I live,’ says the Lord, ‘just as you have spoken in My hearing, so I will do to you: The carcasses of you who have complained against Me shall fall in this wilderness.’”

 —Numbers 14:27–29


What was God was saying? “You have refused to come into agreement with My words over your life, so instead I will come into agreement with your words.” We must be careful about what we say.


Returning to the account of the bitter waters at Marah, we find that Moses cried out to the Lord, and God was gracious and provided. The Lord showed Moses a piece of wood. He said, in effect, “Moses, let Me tell you a secret. Bitter water is not a problem for Me! I can heal bitter water. See that piece of wood? Put it in the water and see what happens.” Moses put the stick in the water, and the water was healed. And then God said something else: “And by the way, Moses . . . I not only heal water; I heal people! If you listen to My voice, I will keep you well, for I am the Lord who heals you.” This is where God revealed Himself by the covenant name Yahweh Rophe. God was identifying Himself to His people as a God who would heal their physical infirmities. God wants us to know Him that way also. That is always part of who God is!


This was the precursor of our Healer hanging on a tree (the cross) to deliver us from all of our past murmuring and complaining and making a way for us to advance into the promise of eternal life. We can learn to praise God in adversity. We can praise God for His goodness. Even when God has us in the wilderness, there are blessings for which we can praise Him. When Israel was in the wilderness, they received manna (bread) from heaven. It came every day. Their shoes did not wear out for forty years. They saw the visible Shekinah glory of God leading them as a pillar of cloud by day and as a pillar of fire by night. God’s goodness is not cut off from us in the wilderness. We need to take our eyes off the discomfort of our situation and look around us. We will surely find things for which we can offer praise. We can praise God for His presence. No matter what wilderness we are in, God is in it with us. His presence is there. We can praise God for the outcome. No matter what wilderness we are in, God has a plan for us through that wilderness, and it is a plan to take us into a place of promise.


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