
第五十一天:  20111117(Cheshvan 20, 5772)





如果我選擇說,「在今年我們要教導的只有根基」,那你就不會想要與我連結。這並不是神對這未來十年所要說的,如果我沒有奮力前進到這個新的境界,那麼你可能是愚蠢地與我連結。但我要說的是:在這個季節我們就要看見!這是一個看見的季節,而到達那裡的唯一方法,就是去超越我們目前所在的位置。你會說,「在過去那個稱為Samekh的季節,我認識祂,但是在這個稱為Ayin的季節,我要與祂建立關係。」那就是你必須在你的人際關係上做決定的時候了,那就是會使皮袋發生改變的,在Samekh季節另一個皮袋所給的,可能比羅柏特.海得勒(Robert Heidler)和我所給的還要好,但是季節不一樣了,如果你選擇在那個皮袋中,將會有大約三年半的壽命關係,但是那不會有這種壽命能帶你經過這未來的十年。這就是腓力與安得烈所告訴約翰的:「你一直在預言的這個人能帶領我們超越,而我們將要與他一起去。」他們去了,但是約翰沒有。


註:        Samekh是數字60,所以上次的Samekh季節是猶太曆5760年到5769年〔西元2000年到2009年〕;而Ayin是數字70,所以Ayin季節是猶太曆5770年到5779年〔西元2010年到2019年〕。

Day 51 of 100 Days: Going Beyond: “Go beyond your last relational alignment and follow into the new” Read: John 1

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月16日 23:15

We will say focused on “going beyond” for the next several days. Let us go beyond in every portion of our lives.

Chuck D. Pierce



     If I chose to say, “This year we’re going to just teach the fundamentals,” you would not want to align with me. This is not what God is saying over these next ten years. You would be foolish to align with me if I did not press into the new. But I say this: In this season we are going to see! It’s a season of seeing, and the only way we’ll get there is to go beyond where we presently are. You might say, “I knew Him in the last season, in the season called Samekh, but now I’m going to relate to Him in the season called Ayin.” That’s when you have to make decisions over your relationships. That’s what causes wineskins to change. Another wineskin might have presented the Samekh season better than Robert Heidler and I have, but it’s no longer that season. If you choose to get in that wineskin, it will have life for about three and a half years, but it won’t have the life that will take you through the next ten years. This is what Philip and Andrew told John: “You’ve been prophesying that this Man can take us beyond, and we’re going to go with Him.” They did, but John didn’t.


     Philip and Andrew honored John for going as far as he did, but they shifted that relationship and started forming a new relationship with Jesus for the next season. And the Lord said to them, “Come and see. Just follow along with Me, because you don’t have it yet, and I haven’t shown it yet. Therefore, all we can really do is to start where we are now, and go beyond. If you two want to go with Me, we can go beyond—together.”



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