艾道格 Doug Addison2011-11-20
11這數字是象徵着 過渡 (接近12,12代表神的管治和新一天的開始)。我們即將進入全新的時期,事情的進行會比現在流暢得多。在過去的11年(2000-2011)我們看見一個負面轉變的發生,許多黑暗的事件如恐怖主義,經濟下滑 和全球動蕩。我們如今有機會 在未來的11個月看見翻轉。
申命記 11:11 "你們要過去得為業的那地乃是有山有谷、雨水滋潤之地."
你可能記得,Yom Kippur, 猶太人的贖罪日, 今年在10月8日。神在那天對我說,很多人一直以來在一個被嚴重攻擊的前綫;仇敵試圖阻攔即將要發生的事情。主說,這樣的攻擊現在要停止,祂正在命令你的償還和提升。撒旦錯誤的控告多人,使他們仿佛被困在網羅裏。
你所受的攻擊比你所以爲的還更嚴重。一直以來鬼魔有特定的任務,甚至許多時候這些的攻擊是從很有能力的空中掌權者而來。在不知情的情況下,有基督徒以説話和禱告攻擊其他基督徒,再加上有參與巫術和秘術的在詛咒你 。這些是十噸重的攻擊,所以神要把百噸的祝福釋放給很多人。
天使(原文是他)又指給我看:大祭司約書亞站在耶和華的使者面前;撒但也站在約書亞的右邊,與他作對。耶和華向撒但說:「撒但哪,耶和華責備你!就是揀選耶路撒冷的耶和華責備你!這不是從火中抽出來的一根柴嗎?」 約書亞穿著污穢的衣服站在使者面前。 使者吩咐站在面前的說:「你們要脫去他污穢的衣服」;又對約書亞說:「我使你脫離罪孽,要給你穿上華美的衣服。」
我說:「要將潔淨的冠冕戴在他頭上。」他們就把潔淨的冠冕戴在他頭上,給他穿上華美的衣服,耶和華的使者在旁邊站立。耶和華的使者告誡約書亞說: 「萬軍之耶和華如此說:你若遵行我的道,謹守我的命令,你就可以管理我的家,看守我的院宇;我也要使你在這些站立的人中間來往。
約書亞是第一個在被擄巴比倫後,重新在耶路撒冷被恢復的大祭司。他需要在聖所裏穿上華美的衣服。撒旦控告他不合乎資格擔當職任。其實約書亞穿著污穢的衣服不是因爲罪,而是從重建聖殿的努力工作而來。 正如今天許多的人,我們努力在地上做工恢復上帝的目的,撒旦卻錯誤地控告我們有“致命的錯失”,或說你不配擔當此任。神如今介入並做翻轉的工作。
在恢復的過程中,你要檢視自己是否有對人的不饒恕。那些敵對別人的話語,甚至是心思裏對某人有強烈的反對意見,都會切斷神在你身上祝福的流。你可能要問神:“求你讓我看見仇敵不想我看見的”,“告訴我什麽是現在要做的,什麽是將來才做的。” 每次當我作這樣簡短卻有力的禱告,很快我就看見果效。
Doug Addison:Newsletter dated November 15, 2011:
Transitional Time
Eleven is a number that is symbolic of transition (almost twelve, which represents the government of God and the starting of a new day). We are entering into a new time in which things will begin to flow much more easily. Over the past eleven years (2000–2011) we saw a negative transition occur, which introduced dark events such as terrorism, economic downturn, and global unrest. We now have the opportunity to see a turnaround over the next eleven months.
Deuteronomy 11:11 "But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from Heaven."
We are entering into a time of refreshing from Heaven in which God is going to supply our needs beyond what we can imagine.
Transition is when many old ways of doing things are not as effective but yet the new has not been fully revealed. God spoke to me that duringOctober to December it may not appear that we have a lot of the results many of us have been longing for. This is because we will need new angelic assignments and to realign our thinking to operate in the new things that are coming in 2012. So don't be discouraged by what might seem like a slow start for the next few months.
Recently, I heard two strategic series of dates: November 14–17, 2011 and December 9–14, 2011. These will be significant times of connections and in some cases restoration of things we have let go of in the past. Watch for new creativity and new relationships to emerge. Pray that God's purposes will be accomplished especially during these days.
The Day of Atonement Turnaround
As you may recall, Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, was October 8th. God spoke to me on that day that many people have been in a serious frontal assault; the enemy wants to stop what is now about to happen. God said that this attack is over and He is ordering your repayment and promotion. Satan has falsely accused many people while getting them into what appears to be a trap.
Your attack has been more severe than you may realize. There have been specific demonic assignments and in many cases there has been opposition from powerful principalities. Unwittingly, even Christians have spoken and prayed against other Christians, plus those involved in witchcraft and the occult have cursed you. It has been a ten-ton attack and therefore correspondingly God is releasing to many people a hundred-ton blessing.
God spoke to me that Zechariah 3:1–7 is significant for right now.
Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the Angel of the Lord, and satan standing at his right side to accuse him. The Lord said to satan, "The Lord rebuke you, satan! The LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebuke you! Is not this man a burning stick snatched from the fire?" Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the Angel. The Angel said to those who were standing before Him, "Take off his filthy clothes." Then He said to Joshua, "See, I have taken away your sin, and I will put rich garments on you."
Then I said, "Put a clean turban on his head." So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him, while the Angel of the Lord stood by. The Angel of the Lord gave this charge to Joshua: "This is what the Lord Almighty says: 'If you will walk in My ways and keep My requirements, then you will govern My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you a place among these standing here.'" (NIV, emphasis mine)
Joshua was the first high priest installed after the Babylonian captivity and the restoration of Jerusalem. He was required to serve in the temple with clean linen clothing. Satan accused him of not being fit for ministry. Joshua's clothes were not dirty just from sin, but from working hard to restore the temple. Like many people today, we have been working hard to restore God's purposes on earth and satan has been falsely accusing us that we may have made "fatal errors" or not be fit for ministry. God is stepping in right now and turning the tables.
Many of you are like Joshua, "burning sticks that were snatched from the fire." You have experienced excessive amounts of loss, burnout and turmoil from the fire brought against you. The Spirit of God is saying right now, "The Lord rebuke you, satan, off of the lives of your people who have been called to restore the Kingdom on earth."
Reasons for Not Getting a Breakthrough
I have been receiving inquiries from people who are saying that they are asking God to repay and restore all that was stolen but they continue to see the opposite happen in their lives. The enemy will try to throw up a smokescreen to get you to think that things are not going to change for you.
Part of the restoration process is to double-check to see if you have anyunforgiveness toward others. Speaking against others or even strong opinions that are not redemptive will cut off the flow of God's blessings to you. You may want to ask God: "Show me what satan does not want me to see," and "Show me what is for now and what is for later." Every time I pray these powerful but short prayers I see almost immediate results.
Generational Blessings
This a time to examine our generational spiritual heritage and look for gifts and destinies that were never fulfilled or even discovered. Chances are the enemy has been holding down major callings in your life, too, and it is time to rediscover and redeem them for God. I can tell you of many experiences I have had after I started praying for God to reveal this to me.
CNN – Viewed by World
While the nation watched last month as the unseasonable and severesnowstorm hit Connecticut, New York and New Jersey (CNN), God said He is changing the worldview of people in these states. As this new realignment happens they will be viewed by the world for all the positive things they have done to open the Kingdom of God to those in need of love and acceptance. This is an invitation from God to step out of old ways of thinking and start implementing a new strategy from God.
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Email: respond@dougaddison.com
Doug Addison is a prominent international conference speaker, author and has been a featured guest on television and radio for a number of years. His events are fun and high-energy as he uses media and stand-up comedy as a means of communicating deep insights. He is an experienced prophetic dream interpreter and a professional stand-up comedian.