第六十四天: 2011年11月30日(Kislev 4, 5772)
請讀: 使徒行傳第十章
Day 64 of 100 Days: “Go beyond your present legal, religious condition” Read: Acts 10
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月29日 23:47
Meanwhile Peter, praying up on a housetop, got good and hungry. He was so hungry that in the midst of his hunger, God gave him a vision and then spoke to him. God told Peter that a man on whom He had been working for a little while, a gentile was coming to meet him. Peter might have had a few hesitations about meeting this man, who was known to his religious mind-set as unclean. This is one of our real issues. In the last season, the church came full circle, but today we’re trying to be so clean we are not completely sure God can bring our divine connections to us.
What God did in the vision was lower a sheet filled with things that Peter knew from Leviticus as forbidden and unclean—things he should not even touch. The Lord said to Peter, “Rise, Peter; kill and eat” (Acts 10:13). Peter answered, “Not so, Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean” (v. 14).
After Peter thought about the vision a while, the Lord told Peter He was bringing people into his life in his last season who were unclean, and he would have to be with them if he was to do what God was calling him to do. Peter had to get past all his legalistic constraints and the way the Word was given to him in that other season, because those the Lord was bringing to him didn’t know anything about the Word or those constraints. If Peter couldn’t kill and eat the animals in the vision, he would judge those whom the Lord was bringing to him.
God wasn’t telling Peter to sin but was telling him he had to go beyond his sight and form of worship. The Lord could have said to Peter, “I’m going to bring some new people into your worship system who will change your whole way of worshiping in the future. Peter, if you don’t get past this vision, you won’t get into My new structure.”
Peter probably said, “Oh, my,” and thought about the vision within himself before he finally got it. He then had the dubious task of telling the followers of the risen Jesus about the new structure and explained how they also were going to have to shift. It wasn’t the Pharisees he was going to be dealing with but the other disciples. He was going to have to tell the other eleven, “You have to make a shift, or we will miss it.”
Some of you have been pressing to get it, but now you’re going to get it. Like Peter, we could say, “Lord, I’ve been through enough to know I don’t want to go back through it again.” Peter had even seen His Spirit fall like fire and the manifestation of the second word. With Peter, we must all say, “Lord, I’m willing to get past a lot of the narrow thinking I’ve had so I can bring others in. Lord, keep me focused; take me into a new place. Take me beyond. Take me into the place for this new season!”