第六十五天: 2011年12月1日(Kislev 5, 5772)
1. 「現在是保證的時刻,我在我百姓當中所保留的人,都要出來」。如果你感到精疲力盡、或是缺乏必要的儲備力量來克服你的環境,你要知道:我們已經進入一個時刻,聖靈正從我們裡面喚出祂放在我們裡面的更強大的儲備力量,祂現在正為你的益處來動工,並帶來你屬靈的儲備力量,如果神的靈在你裡面的話,那儲備的力量就在你的裡面。這是我們宣告的時刻,對我們裡面的儲備力量宣告說:「出來吧!」。
2. 「我正在改變我拯救的方式,在過去季節,我藉由癒合這破碎來恢復我百姓破碎的身份,但是在這個季節,我正在打開這些破碎的部分,來恢復與釋放出這儲備的力量。」
3. 「仇敵所企圖俘虜的,我正在挽救恢復,我正從這些破碎當中帶出膏油。」
Day 65 of 100 Days: “Draw from the well within you”
Let us draw from the well that dwells in all of us! Make these decrees today!
Chuck D. Pierce
- “Now is the time for the deposit, the reserve that I have put in My people, to come forth and come up.” If you feel depleted or lack the reserve necessary to overcome your circumstances, know this: We have entered a time in which the Spirit of God is drawing forth from us more of that mighty reserve that He has placed in us. He is now moving on your behalf to bring forth your spiritual reserve. It is in you if the Spirit of God is in you. It is time for us to declare to the reserve in us to “come forth and come up.”
- “I am changing the way I do deliverance. In the past season I restored My people’s fractured identities by closing up the fractures. In this season I am opening up the fractures to recover and release the reserve.”
- “What the enemy sought to capture, I am recovering. I am bringing forth the oil from the fractures.”
We must realize that as God increases the pressure that will release our reserve, the enemy will try to convince us that God is allowing us to be traumatized again. It will be important that we see this lie for what it is. God is opening the fractures wrought by the enemy so that He can bring forth our spiritual reserves. This is a season when we must invite the Lord to turn up the pressure to bring it forth.