
第八十天:20111216(Kislev 20, 5772)

請讀:     以西結書第三十七章


於是,我遵命說預言。正說預言的時候,不料,有響聲,有地震;骨與骨互相聯絡。我觀看,見骸骨上有筋,也長了肉,又有皮遮蔽其上。」(以西結書37:7-8)〔於是,我遵照上主的命令說預言。正說的時候,我聽見了瑟瑟的聲音,一陣騷動,骸骨彼此連結起來(the bones came together)。我看的時候,骸骨開始生筋長肉,包上一層皮。(現代中文譯本)

以西結領受了神給他的話,就將這些話對著那壓制猶大的荒涼情勢作出宣告,而這就是先知性宣告(prophetic declaration)的意思。當以西結宣告出神的旨意時,事情就開始發生,而我們的情況也是如此。當我們看見神對我們生命的預言性命定時,要開始將它宣告出來,就會有事情發生。然而在我們的眼睛能看到結果之前,我們必須釋放出信心,有時候我們會先去找結果卻沒有釋放出信心,但那樣根本是行不通的,必須要先有信心才行。


Day 80 of 100 Days: “Prophesying our Destiny: “Coming Together” Read: Ezek. 37

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月15日 8:22

 “So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over” (Ezek. 37:7-8).


Ezekiel took the words that God gave him and declared them into the desolate situation that had overtaken Judah. This is what is meant by prophetic declaration. When Ezekiel declared God’s will, things began to happen. The same is true with us. When we see God’s prophetic destiny in our lives and begin to declare it, something will happen. However, we have to release faith before we can see the results with our eyes. Sometimes we look for results without releasing faith, but it simply does not work that way. Faith comes first.


When Ezekiel first prophesied, there was a rattling noise and the bones came together, and then the sinews and flesh covered the bones. In the first level of prophecy, when we prophecy what God has promised us, we hear a new sound and see a new structure coming together. We even gain a portion of the plan to move forward. However, just having a plan is not enough.

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