第七十八天:2011年12月14日(Kislev 18, 5772)
這種先知性啟示的宣告行動就是「先知性代禱」(prophetic intercession),Barbara Wentroble說,「先知性代禱是一種禱告類型,它能開啟神蹟,並將神的祝福釋放出來…基督的身體今日就站在孕育未來一個嶄新日子來臨之際(詩篇110:3),我們正在生出的禱告,具有突破的能力。」〔詩篇110:3:「當你掌權的日子(或譯:行軍的日子),你的民要以聖潔的妝飾為衣(或譯:以聖潔為妝飾),甘心犧牲自己;你的民多如清晨的甘露(或譯:你少年時光耀如清晨的甘露)。」〕
根據翟辛蒂(Cindy Jacobs)所說的,「先知性代禱是聖靈所給予的一種迫切禱告…你所作的請求禱告是切中神的心意,祂輕輕推你一下要你去禱告,是為了能讓祂介入干預…神會指示你如何去禱告,將祂的旨意帶到地上,如同祂的旨意行在天上。」換句話說,神是說,「這裡就是我計畫在這領域要作的事—現在就去發出預言。」在未來幾天,我們會將重點放在「預言我們的命定」,這就是我們在這個新季節所必須要去做的一個重要關鍵。
Day 78 of 100 Days: Breaking out of desolation: “God Calls Us to Prophesy into Our Destiny” Read: Ps. 110
As hard as it is for many to believe, God has chosen to use us as a necessary link to bring His will to Earth. He calls us to come into dialogue with Him, listen to His voice and gain prophetic revelation so that the hope of our calling can be fulfilled. He asks us to take that revelation and prophesy it into the earthly realm.
This action of declaring prophetic revelation is called prophetic intercession. Barbara Wentroble states, “Prophetic intercession is one type of prayer that unlocks miracles and releases the blessings of God. . . . The Body of Christ stands today in the womb of the dawn of a new day (see Ps. 110:3). We are birthing prayers that have the power to break through.”3
According to Cindy Jacobs, “prophetic intercession is an urging to pray given by the Holy Spirit. . . . You pray for the prayer requests that are on the heart of God. He nudges you to pray so that He can intervene. . . . God will direct you to pray to bring forth His will on the earth as it is His will in heaven.”4 In other words, God says, “Here is what I plan to do in this area—now prophesy it.” For the next few days, we will focus on “Prophesying our Destiny”. This is a key thing we must do in this new season.