第八十四天: 2011年12月20日(Kislev 24, 5772)
在這個季節具有一個心與生命!在這一百天的尋求期間,我們打開了天堂之門,釋放出祝福之窗,也揭開了地上的新資源!安妮.泰特(Anne Tate)將這個訊息傳給我,哇!我們正看到歷史展開,而且預言正在實現,安妮寫了以下的訊息。
Day 84 of 100 Days: “I AM is at work!”
This season has a Heart and Life! During this hundred days, we are unlocking the doors of heaven so windows of blessings are released and new resources in the earth are uncovered! Anne Tate sent this to me! Wow! We are watching history unfold and prophecies being fulfilled. Anne writes the following:
Chuck D. Pierce
Someone sent me an article this week about the Dead Sea in Israel and the springs that have been discovered in the deepest part. The article also reported that scientists were discovering new life forms that had never before been reported in those springs. On the surface it looks like the end of the Dead Sea because it is losing depth at the rate of a meter a year. I spoke into this on Sunday Morning. I don’t remember exactly what I said but here is what I saw:
Even though some things look like they are completely dead, there is a work that is going to change the outcome. It looks like death is accelerating! It looks like the end of what we have valued. However, new life is breaking through! Even though you cannot see a manifestation of change on the surface as yet, there is a deep work happening in your heart and the earth around you. In the midst of the generations there has always been darkness. There have appeared times that there was no actual communion with God in the earth realm. There have appeared times that the Living Word spoken from His mouth was unable to reach earth or manifest in man. There have been years and spans of time, that only dry dead ritual and religion ruled in the earth. Some of these time spans were as long as 400 years.
I say, “I Have begun to break through and bring forth life. I sent one Holy Seed to Mary, a seemingly obscure, insignificant young woman and began to do a work that no man had any part in. In the depths of the “Dead Sea of Humanity”, the great I AM has brought forth hidden springs of life. I have brought forth new forms and manifestations of life the world has never observed before. I have used the most unlikely band of men and women who would change the world and impact every subsequent generation. I AM and I HAVE… Now I will unlock resources that have not been seen!
As you look around this season into the lives of those you love, know that I AM is doing a work. The I AM is bringing forth a new Kingdom revelation in His people. He has a developing corporate Kingdom expression of life that the world has not witnessed or observed before. There will be new life and we will be a new life form.
Look and see in the midst of your confusion, pain, and circumstances. He is there!
Anne S. Tate
Glory of Zion Int’l