
第八十五天:20111221(Kislev 25, 5772)



  修殿節就是一個神蹟日子!一小瓶的油,竟能夠維持八天!要宣告你的供應會超自然地倍增!「修殿節」(Hanukkah)的希伯來文意思是「奉獻」(dedication),其又稱為「光明節」(the Festival of Lights),這八天的猶太慶典所具有的名稱,是為要記念在西元前164年馬加比家族的耶胡達.馬加比(Yehuda Maccabee),他率領猶太軍隊收復了耶路撒冷,並重新將聖殿獻給神。敘利亞國王安提阿古四世(Antiochus IV Epiphanes)(他是敵基督的先驅,在但以理書11:21中有預言),企圖強迫猶太人放棄他們的猶太信仰與文化而變為希臘化,他頒布法令禁行割禮、禁止守安息日與猶太節日,他將一隻母豬獻在祭壇上來褻瀆聖殿,並在至聖所立了一個宙斯雕像。【註:安提阿古四世(Antiochus IV Epiphanes),他自視為神的化身,他的名字Epiphanes 的意思是「神的顯現」,但因其行為怪異,別人稱他為Epimanes,意即「狂人」,在希臘文只有一字之差。他在位時施行毀壞、踐踏聖所,廢止獻給神的祭,強行希臘化,是敵基督者的預表。】

 請不要錯過羅柏特.海得勒(Robert Heidler)有關於修殿節的主日信息!請進入我們的網站點閱。在馬加比一書(記載猶太歷史的偽經)中描述,這事件是由猶太祭司瑪他提亞(Mattathias)所發動起義的,之後由其兒子耶胡達(猶大).馬加比所領導,最後他們打敗敘利亞軍隊,潔淨被褻瀆的聖殿,並且重新舉行獻殿禮。有關於在這個潔淨期間的另一個記載,就是所剩下的純淨聖油,只夠點燃金燈臺一天,然而神蹟發生了,竟奇蹟地燃燒了八天。得勝的戰士耶胡達於是下令,「猶大和他的兄弟們,以及以色列全會眾,規定年年在這節期,慶祝重新祝聖祭壇節,即由「基色婁」(基斯流)月二十五日起,一連八天歡樂慶祝。」(馬加比一書4:59)【註:猶太人在準備向上帝獻祭時,才發現希臘人玷汙了聖殿中的聖油,只剩一瓶聖油未開封,但一瓶聖油只能夠讓聖殿中擺放的金燈臺點亮一天,而預備新的聖油,來回需要八天的路程,然而奇蹟似的,金燈臺維持了八天不滅,直至所需獻祭的聖油都預備好了,這就是為什麼持續八天的HANUKKAH被稱作光明節的由來。】


在今天,慶典的一部分包括使用一個特別的八個分支的金燈臺,上面放著新油燈或蠟燭,在每個晚上點燃著。每一盞燈是由一個單獨的「分支」所點燃,這個分支稱為「僕人」,很明顯地在光明節期間的星期六,除了讀先知書(Haftarah)以外,可預期地還有一個金燈臺(menorah)(請看以下的妥拉),也包括下面的話,「聽啊,我必使我僕人大衛的苗裔(the BRANCH)發出。」(撒迦利亞書3:8)。雖然有不同的字使用在「僕人」這裡,但毫無疑問的,它都指向了僕人–彌賽亞,是由天父所差派來的不能熄滅的光(the Light Inextinguishable),是來到世界照亮全人類的,「那光是真光,照亮一切生在世上的人」(約翰福音1:9)

Hanukkah—修殿節(the Feast of Dedication)—光明節(the Festival of Lights)這個季節是:

'   讓聖靈神聖的光照在我們心裡面,顯明出任何的偶像崇拜或污穢,這些或許已玷污了我們的身體–就是聖靈的殿,並且要將它除去,再次將我們的身體重新獻上,當作活祭獻給神。

'     獻上我們的耳朵來聆聽我們大牧者的聲音(約翰福音第十章上文)

'     因著再度降服於聖靈而被充滿,讓祂的恩膏不斷地澆灌我們。

'     讓我們的「光」在黑暗中發光照亮—出去與其他的信徒連結。有一首關於修殿節的以色列猶太孩童的歌,叫做「BANU HOSHEKH  LGARESH(我們來逐出黑暗) 「我們來逐出黑暗,用我們手上的火和光,我們每一個都是小小的光,但是團結在一起我們是強大的、平穩的光,在幽暗中來驅逐黑暗—在光之前消散!


請為在以色列的馬汀與娜瑪.賽維士(Martin and Norma Sarvis)禱告!也請為在以色列的丹尼爾與安柏.皮爾斯(Daniel and Amber Pierce)禱告!

Day 85 of 100 Days: Opening the door to HANUKKAH: HANUKKAH BEGINS TUESDAY EVENING! Press the next 9 days into Miracles!

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月21日 3:43



Expect MIRACLES (Lat. miraculum, from mirari, to "wonder")! A Miracle is a Wonderful event! A Miracle is distinguished from events that only seem to be, or are merely, wonderful. A Miracle has a conception!  A Miracle may be defined as a supernatural manifestation of divine power in the external world! A miracle can be a special revelation of the presence and power of God! A Miracle can aid in the establishment and preservation of a person or thing’s life!


Hanukkah is a miracle time! One vial of oil lasted 8 days day! Decree that your supply supernaturally increase! Hanukkah is the Hebrew word meaning “dedication”.  The eight-day Jewish celebration bearing that name (it is also called the Festival of Lights) remembers the dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem after it had been recovered by the Jewish forces of Yehuda Maccabee in 164 BC.  The Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes (a forerunner of the Anti-Christ, foretold in Daniel 11:21), seeking to coerce Jews into abandoning their religion and culture for that of Greece, had issued edicts forbidding circumcision, observance of Jewish Sabbaths and feast-days. He defiled the Holy Temple by offering a sow on the altar and raising up in the Sanctuary a statue to Zeus.


Don’t miss Robert Heidler’s message on Hanukkah! Go to the web site at! As depicted in the First Book of Maccabees (an account of Jewish history found in the Apocrypha), a revolt was launched by the priest Mattathias and later led by his son Yehuda (Judas) Maccabee.  It led to the defeat of the Syrian forces, and the defiled Temple was cleansed and re-dedicated.  Another account relates how during this cleansing there was only enough sanctified oil left to burn in the menorah for one night—yet a miracle occurred and it continued burning for eight days.  The victorious warrior Yehuda ordained “that the days of the dedication of the altar should be kept in their season from year to year by the space of eight days, from the five and twentieth day of the month of Kislev, with mirth and gladness” (I Maccabees 4:59). 


John records how Yeshua/Jesus was walking in the Temple on Solomon’s Porch during the Festival of Hanukkah in Jerusalem (John 10:22).  It was during this season that he chose to speak of himself as “The Good Shepherd” who “lays down his life for the sheep.”  And, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.  My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.  I and the Father are one” (John 10:27-30 ESV).


Today, part of the celebration includes the use of a special eight-branched menorah upon which a new oil lamp or candle is lit each evening.  Each light is ignited from the flame of a separate “branch” called shamash—“servant”.  Remarkably, the Haftarah reading for this Saturday within Hanukkah, besides containing, as might be expected, a menorah (See Torah section below), also includes the following words, “Behold, I am bringing forth My Servant the BRANCH.”  Although a different word for servant is used here, there is no doubt that it refers to the Servant-Messiah, sent by the Father—the Light Inextinguishable, who illumines all coming into the world (John 1:9).



 Hanukkah—the Feast of Dedication—the Festival of Lights is a season for:


*Allowing the Holy Light of the Spirit to shine within ourselves, revealing any idolatry or uncleanness which may have defiled our bodies (which are the Temple of the Holy Spirit) and removing it.  Of re-dedicating our bodies as a living sacrifice to God.


*Dedicating our ears to listen for the voice of our Shepherd (John 10 above).


*For surrendering our selves anew to the infilling of the Holy Spirit whose anointing comes from an inexhaustible supply. 


*For letting our “lights” shine brightly in the darkness—reaching out and joining with those of other believers.  A popular Israeli Hebrew Children’s song for Hanukkah is called BANU HOSHEKH  L’GARESH (“We have come to drive out darkness”):


We have come to drive out darkness, in our hands light and fire:

Each of us is a small light, but together we are a strong, steady light.

Flee Darkness in the Blackness—Flee before the Light!


As you pray the next 8 days, watch for miracles! Serve others that you might unlock the supply that will serve you!


Pray for Martin and Norma Sarvis in Israel!

Pray for Daniel and Amber Pierce in Israel!

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