第六十九天:2011年12月5日(Kislev 9, 5772)
請讀: 提摩太前書第六章 提摩太後書2:3-4 以弗所書第六章 馬太福音第十章 啟示錄3:21 出埃及記12:51
希伯來文的chag或是「節慶」(festival),是表示「產生一個循環」,如果我們明白節期就能了解循環的意義了。我們可以被正確地引導、開始昌盛、進入豐盛,而當我們留在神的時機當中時,我們就沒有缺乏。「主是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏,因為祂引導我走在昌盛的循環中,無論我到那裡去,我必看見我的祝福,即使有死蔭的幽谷,我也能夠讚美祂而不離開神的時間,並會看見我的祝福!」羅柏特.海得勒(Robert Heidler)在他的「彌賽亞的教會興起」(The Messianic Church Arising)一書中解釋了神的節期,藉由了解節期的時間意義,你就能從收割到收割、直到倍增成為一種生活方式。節期在本質上也是預言,你從逾越節到五旬節到住棚節,這都與教會從一個季節走到另一個季節是相同的循環。
Day 69 of 100 Days: “The War to See Poverty Break” Read: 1 Tim. 6, 2 Tim, 2:3-4, Eph. 6, Matt. 10, Rev. 3:21, Exod. 12:51
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月5日 5:42
If you are sent to war but lose the battle, you wear a reproach until you gain a subsequent victory. Many in the body are afraid to war, but war is necessary in order to conquer our enemies and take possession of what has been promised to us. War is receiving grace to fight. (See 1 Timothy 6:12; 2 Timothy 2:3–4.) War is receiving the necessary armor for victory (Eph. 6:11–17). War produces an opportunity for us to enter into victory (Rev. 3:21).
The Lord used armies to bring His people out of Egypt (Exod. 12:51) with a trumpet sound and a battle cry. Later He brought them out with the ark, the presence of God (1 Sam. 4:5–6). He used forces of nature when necessary to help them defeat their enemies (Josh. 10). God always releases strategies that enable us to plunder the enemy’s holdings, to prosper, and to stand. (See Matthew 10; Ephesians 6.) He has a banner of victory over us. While Jehovah Nissi puts a banner over us to cover us, the Lord Sabaoth sends the hosts of heaven to help us. He is God of the armies of Earth (1 Sam. 17:45) and God of the unseen armies of angels (1 Kings 22:19). He is the Lord of the armies (Rom. 9:29). He already has victory for you! See your victory over poverty.
We must hear how poverty speaks and then operate in the opposite spirit. We are required to combat poverty by being kind and generous to others. Just as Boaz allowed Ruth to glean in field, we combat poverty by allowing people to glean in our vineyard and provide them with access to our excess (Ruth 2). We combat poverty by developing strategies to help those who have been ravaged by systemic poverty. In other words, we help others gain wisdom on how to break out of the system that Satan is using to hold them captive financially. We are also required to develop reaping strategies (Amos 9:13). When we do this, we overcome, and our increase will go from multiplication to multiplication.
Give your way out of poverty. See your path and cycle of prosperity. As children there were several Bible passages that many of us were taught. Psalm 23 was one that we memorized and used for comfort in distress and affliction. However, most of us never realized that this psalm really says, “I will lead you in your path of prosperity through paths of righteousness for My name’s sake” (author’s paraphrase).
In Hebrew, the word for “path” is `agol, which means “to be round or a cycle.” The Lord guides us in the cycles of righteousness. The enemy hates the thought of us staying on a path of righteousness because he knows that we will see the fullness of God’s plan for our lives. God already has our path of prosperity in place. This path or cycle is linked with the yearly return received from the feasts of Yahweh.
The Hebrew word chag, or “festival,” means “to make a cycle.” If we understand the feasts, then we understand cycles. We can be led properly, begin to prosper, move into abundance, and have no lack when we stay in the timing of God. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want because He leads me in the cycle of prosperity. I will see my blessings wherever I walk. Even through the valley of the shadow of death, I can celebrate Him and not get out of time and see my blessings!” Robert Heidler’s book The Messianic Church Arising explains God’s feasts. By understanding the timing of the feasts, you go from harvest to harvest until increase becomes a way of life. The feasts are also prophetic in nature. You go from Passover to Pentecost to Tabernacles. This is the same cycle that the church is in from season to season.