第七十一天:2011年12月7日(Kislev 11, 5772)
請讀: 哥林多前書15:24 以賽亞書14:12-15; 24:21; 34:4 利未記第十一章 申命記第十四章
Jessie Penn-Lewis在他的書「與撒旦的戰爭」(The Warfare with Satan)中說道,「我們知道復活的主透過祂的使徒約翰傳給祂百姓的緊急呼召,就是要明白去戰勝仇敵的重要意義之前,我們應當認識黑暗君王與牠的國度有關的一些事情,這是有必要的。我們的第一個問題一定是:誰是黑暗君王以及牠是從那裡來的?聖經裡面有提到,但卻只能模糊地瞥見牠的起源與住所,聖經的主旨則是更明確地顯明上帝,亦即祂成為人類救贖者的一位基督、亞當在伊甸園中墮落以後的救贖歷史、透過十字架的救贖之道、以及上帝百姓的永恆命運—那時基督就要『將一切執政的、掌權的、有能的都毀滅了。』(哥林多前書15:24)把王權交還給父神,並且上帝要在萬有之上、要作萬物的主。一般所知道的是,當先知以賽亞最初提到上帝和人類的敵人時,他說,『明亮之星,早晨之子啊,你已經從天上墜下來了。…你心裏曾說:…我要高舉我的寶座在上帝的眾星以上…我要與至高者同等。然而,你必墜落陰間,掉入深淵。…到那日,耶和華必懲罰天界的掌權者和地上的統治者。…太陽、月亮,和星辰都瓦解成灰。天要消失,像被捲起的書卷;星星墜下,像無花果和葡萄樹的葉子掉落。』(以賽亞書14:12-15; 24:21; 34:4參考和合本與現代中文譯本)」
我們大部分的人一想到我們的仇敵就是蛇,那是很正常的事,因為我們在聖經中第一次看到牠,牠就是以蛇的形體來顯現的,Clinton Arnold在他的書「黑暗權勢」(Powers of Darkness)中提到,「在伊甸園事件中,撒旦像是個誘惑者般,那就是牠的特質的最經典寫照—那是在整本新約聖經中所發現的一個主題,特別是保羅在對付黑暗權勢的事情上,這個敘述並沒有顯示出魔鬼是一種靈或者是天使,但是當牠賦予一條蛇使它說話時,牠的超自然特質就會讓讀者對牠的認識變得更加明朗了。在上帝的律法中,蛇是一種『典型的不潔動物』的代表(利未記第十一章與申命記第十四章)這訊息顯示出救贖歷史的開端,因為亞當的墮落就建立了人類救贖的需要,它指向魔鬼的活動就是在助長罪惡、背叛上帝,結果為了帶來上帝的救贖計畫並使之實現,因此就有對魔鬼予以致命一擊的需要〔創世記3:15:『我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇;你的後裔和女人的後裔也彼此為仇。女人的後裔要傷你的頭;你要傷他的腳跟。』〕。」我希望在這篇訊息中,你能開始獲得啟示,知道如何去奔跑一個更優勢的比賽,然後堅定不移地抵達終點。
Day 71 of 100 Days: “Understanding the Origin of Your Enemy” Read: 1 Cor. 15:24; Isa. 14:12-15; 24:21; 34:4; Lev.11; Deut. 14
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月7日 2:18
This is a season where we must go back to where the enemy gained access and dethrone him!
Chuck D. Pierce
In The Warfare with Satan, Jessie Penn-Lewis states, “Before we can understand the meaning of the urgent call to overcome, sent to His people by the Risen Lord through His Apostle John, it is necessary that we should see something of the prince of darkness and his kingdom. Our first question must be: who is the prince of darkness and where did he come from? The Scriptures give but veiled glimpses of his origin and home. The purpose of Scripture is more expressly to reveal God an His Christ as the Redeemer of men, the history of the redeemed from the fall of Adam in Eden, the way of salvation through the cross, and the eternal destiny of God’s children – when the Christ shall have ‘abolished all rule and all authority and power’ (1 Cor. 15:24) contrary to the reign of God, and God Himself shall be All in All. It is generally understood that the prophet Isaiah referred primarily to the adversary of God and man when he said ‘How art thou fallen from heaven, O day star, son of the morning! … thou said in thine heart … I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will be like the Most High. Yet thou shall be brought down to hell, to the uttermost parts of the pit’ (Isa. 14:12-15; 24:21 and 34:4).”
Most of us first think of our enemy as a serpent. That’s normal because the first time we see him speaking in the Bible is when he is using a serpent’s body. In his book, Powers of Darkness, Clinton Arnold shares, “The scene in the garden is the classic portrayal of Satan’s character as the tempter – a motif found throughout the New Testament, especially in Paul’s treatment of the powers of darkness. This narrative does not reveal the devil as a spirit or angel, but his supernatural character comes to light for the reader when he animates a snake causing it to talk. The snake represented an ‘archetypal unclean animal’ in the law of God (see Lev. 11 and Deut. 14). This passage marks the beginning of salvation history. It establishes the need for the redemption of humanity because of the Fall. It points to the devil’s activity in promoting sin and rebellion against God and consequently to the need for this evil being to be dealt a crushing blow for God’s purposes to be brought to completion (Gen. 3:15).” I am hoping in this chapter that you begin to get revelation over how to run a better race -- very determined to reach the finish line.