
第七十四天:20111210(Kislev 14, 5772)


我還記得眼科醫生對我說的話,「你有一個盲點。」一個盲點?那是什麼意思?前一週我的妻子潘和我去參加高維理(Bill Gothard)講座,是有關於青年問題的研討會,那是在休士頓為期一週的聚會,參加的人很踴躍且爆滿。我們是透過舞台前的一個大螢幕來聽這場教學,在那週講座的一開始我的視力還可以,然而在那週將結束時,我卻無法看到螢幕了。因為我的工作繁重經常需要閱讀,所以我只是猜想我的眼睛是太過操勞了。不過我知道神正在我身上做一些重要的事情,主已經在一個問題上在對付我了,而那是我一直不願意在神話語的亮光中去面對與正視的。我的妻子指出在我生活上有一個地方,她覺得我真的需要讓聖靈來作工,並讓我看到真象。你知道有種事情會讓你很痛恨,就是當你的配偶指出你靈性上的弱點時,你要不斷地辯護你為何是這個樣子的。然而,我感覺到在我過去需要面對的這一個地方,聖靈在向我顯明出真象,但這只是個開始!


Day 74 of 100 Days: “A Blind Spot”

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月9日 23:32

 I can still remember the eye doctor telling me, “You have a blind spot.”  A blind spot?  What could that mean?  The previous week my wife, Pam, and I had attended a Bill Gothard Seminar on Youth Conflicts.  The weeklong gathering was well attended and filled the auditorium in Houston.  We would listen to the teaching via a large screen at the front of the arena.  At the beginning of that week I could see just fine.  Yet by the end of the week I could not see the screen at all.  Because I had a demanding job and was constantly reading, I just assumed I had strained my eyes.  Still, I knew God was doing something major in me.  The Lord had already dealt with me on an issue that I had been unwilling to face and see in light of His Word.  My wife had pointed out one area in my life that she felt I really needed to allow the Holy Spirit to work on and show me the truth in.  You know you hate it when your spouse points out your spiritual weakness, and constantly defend why you are the way you are.  However, I sensed the Spirit of God revealing truth to me in this one area of my past that needed confronting.  But this was just the beginning! 


When I visited the ophthalmologist on Monday, it was as if my life went into a whirlwind.  He showed me the test results and there was a huge portion of my vision that was being blocked.  He called this a blind spot.  A blind spot is the small area that is insensitive tolight in the retina of the eye where the optic nerve enters.  Another definition of blind spot is a person’s lack of sensitivity to a particular thing.  A blind spot can be a prejudice or ignorance over a subject.  Yet the person is unaware that this is within them.  I knew the Lord was going to work to uncover what was hidden.  I was diagnosed as either having a tumor on my optic nerve or a blood clot that was pressing on the nerve and blocking my vision.  Either way, this seemed to be a serious enough diagnosis for the doctors to want to move me quickly into the hospital for further testing.  Little did I know that God had planned a week of deliverance.  This week turned into a year.  The year turned into a process of 10 years.  The 10 years resulted in a testimony of freedom.

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