
第七十六天:2011年12月12日(Kislev 16, 5772)

請讀: 以西結書第二十二章 希伯來書7:25







代禱是指到某人那裡去、或是去見某人來強迫他們去改變情況。在希伯來書 7:25中有關耶穌的描述,「凡靠著他進到 神面前的人,他都能拯救到底;因為他是長遠活著,替他們祈求。」基督為我們的代禱是有效的,這就是所有關於代禱呼召的事,聖靈將會與我們一起同工,並顯明我們的逃命計畫與脫離荒涼的方法。但是,我們必須願意禱告,我們必須願意與神相會面,直到我們得到前進的策略,然後剛強站立去抵擋那設法要將我們困在荒涼的敵人。如果我們這樣做,神不僅會打破我們的荒涼,祂也會帶我們脫離任何可能會使我們墮落到荒涼之地的腐敗,祂會潔淨、更新並使我們恢復到與祂親密相交的關係。

Day 76 of 100 Days: Breaking out of Desolation: “God Gives an Intercessory Call” Read: Ez. 22; Heb. 7:25

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年12月12日 8:23

As was the case with Daniel, God often first releases an intercessory burden in our lives. A burden is a deep impression of God’s heart and will within our spirit. This burden feels like a weight or a stirring within us that is so strong that we must respond to God so that change can come into our lives or environment. This is how intercession begins.

Intercession always proceeds what God is doing to break desolation from our lives. Prophetic fulfillment is a continuing process. In other words, all that God has done, even in the midst of the desolation season, has a purpose and will work together to move us into what He has for us in our new place. Dutch Sheets writes:

God wants to shift our thinking from becoming discouraged during these times to realizing the necessity of chronos seasons. . . . Knowing that we are cooperating with God and giving Him what He needs to bring the new, we can rejoice over, rather than despise, small beginnings.

We need to get in line with what God is doing and connect ourselves with it for our now season. We need to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to align ourselves with God’s mind and connect with His heart so that we can move forward. This can only happen by communicating with a holy, sovereign God. As we come into agreement with God through His intercessory call to us, He will propel us out of our desolate circumstances and move us into prophetic fulfillment.

In Ezekiel 22, God was ready to restore the people of Judah. In verses 23-29, God describes how the priests had been unholy, the prophets had been conspirators, the government officials had been like ravenous wolves, and the people had fallen into divination. Nevertheless, in verse 30, God says that if He can find one person who will make a wall and stand in the gap before Him on behalf of the land, He will reverse everything the prophets, priests and government officials had done wrong. He even promised to reverse the sinful corruption into which the people had fallen. He would do all of this if He could just find someone to meet with Him.

Intercession is defined as reaching or meeting someone to pressure them strongly to change a situation. Hebrews 7:25 states of Jesus, “Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Christ is available to us to make intercession for us. This is what an intercessory call is all about. The Spirit of God will co-labor with us and reveal our plan of escape and the way out of desolation. But we must be willing to pray. We must be willing to meet with God until we gain strategy for moving forward and then take a stand against the enemy who would seek to keep us bound in desolation. If we do this, God will not only break us out of our desolation, but He will also bring us out of whatever corruption we may have fallen into in our place of desolation. He will cleanse, renew and restore us to a place of communion with Him.


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