第四天:2011年10月1日(Tishrei 3, 5772)
閱讀: 詩篇139:17-18 詩篇1:3 約翰福音1:42 馬太福音16:18
1. 因著我們的生命不斷前進,使我們不會持續活在過去的痛苦與遺憾中。
2. 因著我們戰勝我們靈魂的仇敵,使我們能夠抵擋誘惑並奪回我們的產業。
3. 使我們行事有智慧、有謀略。
4. 在正確的季節提升我們到達新的境界。
5. 當我們在一切所行的道路上呼求祂時,祂會幫助我們完成所命定的人生目標。
Day 4 of 100 Days: Success! Read Ps. 139:17-18 Ps. 1:3 Jn. 1:42 Matt 16:18
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月1日 23:43
Jehoshaphat sought God and was successful in what he was to accomplish. God also longs for us to succeed-every one of us. He did not create us to be sad, defeated failures. Although that does not mean that we will never experience failure, it does mean we are not created to be failures. Read Psalms 139:17-18
God’s loving and precious thoughts were not only toward David, who wrote this psalm, but they are also toward each and every one of us. Part of God’s redemptive plan for our lives is to see that we gain whatever we need, whenever we need it, in order to accomplish His purposes for us. Those purposes include our success.
Success is defined as “turning out well or attaining a goal.” It means to flourish, to prosper or to thrive. Success is God’s will for our lives. Psalms 1:3 says, the godly person “shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper.” There is a portion, both spiritual and physical, that God has set aside for each of Hid children. As we learn what our portion is, and God moves us toward it, we become successful in our walk with Him.
Such was the case with Peter. When Jesus first laid eyes on Peter, He saw far more than a local fisherman; He saw a man with a high purpose in the kingdom of God. “Then Andrew brought Simon to meet Jesus. Looking intently at Simon, Jesus said, ‘You are Simon, the son of John-but you will be called Cephas {which means Peter}’” John 1:42
The name Peter means Rock. Though Peter had his ups and downs while yet a disciple, and even denied Christ at the Crucifixion, it was after the Resurrection when the Lord said to Peter, “And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). And so it was that Peter became a great apostle, spreading the gospel and eventually giving his life for the cause of Christ.
Even though Peter was nothing particularly special at the time of their meeting, Jesus saw in him a great destiny. I suppose that Jesus knew a bumpy road would lie ahead for the young disciple. Even so, He set a course to lead and guide Peter through to the place where he would become a highly successful citizen of the kingdom of God, upon whom the Lord said He would build His church.
Today, the Holy Spirit sees us just as Jesus saw Peter-reaching our fullest Kingdom potential. No matter where we are in life, or how insignificant we may feel, the Holy Spirit can see ahead to the day when we are successfully fulfilling the destiny for which we have been created. Just as Jesus called Peter by his new name long before its meaning became clear, so the Holy Spirit calls out to us in this hour-as children of destiny and success, even though we may seem far from it.
Specifically, the Lord longs for us to succeed:
by moving our lives forward so we are not constantly living in the pain and regret of the past;
by causing us to prevail over the enemy of our souls so that we are able to resist temptation and reclaim our inheritance;
by causing us to act wisely and strategically;
by promoting us to new levels at the right season; and
by helping us to achieve our destined purposes when we cry out to Him along our paths.
In essence, as God’s children, He longs for us to succeed even as He succeeds!