第十四天: 2011年10月10日 (Tishrei 12, 5772)
閱讀: 以賽亞書第四十章
1. 明白我們為何爭戰。
2. 知道誰是我們的仇敵,以及他是如何運作的。
3. 知道我們是誰,以及神如何預備我們來面對未來的戰爭。
4. 擁有得勝的策略。
5. 先知性思考與猛烈地敬拜!
6. 對我們周遭任何異常事物與活動保持警覺。
7. 讓我們的靈保持敏銳與活躍,使我們能正確分辨。
8. 知道如何與其他人立即聯繫。
9. 學習了解對方的溝通方式與方法。
10. 避免讓小問題分化我們,這些可能是宗教的靈的作為。
Day 14 of 100 Days: “Preparing For War” Read: Is. 40
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月10日 23:44
We must keep praying and prophesying. Life is full of transition. We are always journeying from one stage to another—from childhood to adolescence, from singleness to marriage, from in- experience to expertise. Each transition presents the opportunity for preparation.
When you prepare something, you get it ready, put it together or frame it. The word can also mean to get ready for action, to gird, to brace, to fortify or to strengthen. God strongly believes in preparation. Throughout the Bible, we find Him urging His children to be a people prepared for what He has called them to do. It is no different now. We are currently in a time when preparation is essential. Wars will never be won by those caught off guard. The more we are prepared for the enemies of our time, the more effective we will be in our battles to further God’s kingdom.
I believe there are 10 ways we can prepare for war during this season:
- Know why we are at war.
- Know who our enemy is and how he operates.
- Know who we are and how God is preparing us for this future war.
- Have a strategy for victory.
- Think prophetically and worship violently!
- Stay alert to activity and anything unusual around us.
- Keep our spirits alive and active so that we discern properly.
- Know how to get in touch with each other immediately.
- Learn to understand each other's ways and methods of communication.
- Avoid letting petty issues distract us—they may be the work of religious spirits.