
第二十四天:20111021(Tishrei 23, 5772)

請讀:    歌羅西書第二章 以弗所書第一章




一旦我們從主領受到策略性啟示,接著我們必須順服於神所要我們去做的事,這包括爭戰。很多時候,當神呼召我們去面對不同層次的黑暗勢力時,去正面迎敵就是以敵對或藐視的態度來面對仇敵,或是來反抗牠,而這種的爭戰禱告就是直接瞄準一個結構,就是那已建立在地上來敵對上帝旨意的黑暗勢力。爭戰的禱告在宣教術語上眾所周知,為一種「力量的衝突」(power encounter),彼得.魏格納(C. Peter Wagner)定義一種力量的衝突,就是「一種明顯的、實際的證明,對那些邪靈、黑暗勢力、或假神崇拜、或是一個特定群體成員所被操控的恐懼,耶穌基督都比牠們更有能力。」

這種類型的禱告不僅是以機智來勝過魔鬼,而是在過程中羞辱牠與牠的勢力地位。當耶穌被釘十字架時,我們看見一個明顯的例子,就是這種禱告是如何地有功效。談到那個可怕、但又敬畏的日子,歌羅西書2:15:「既將一切執政的、掌權的擄來,明顯給眾人看,就仗著十字架誇勝。」【現代中文譯本為:「在十字架上,基督親自解除了那些靈界執政者和掌權者的權勢,把他們當作凱旋行列中的俘虜,公開示眾。」】上帝使我們進入這種的力量衝突,來顯明祂的權能是勝過地區性的邪靈,而牠們使一群特定群體被俘虜。當神顯明祂的權能高過惡魔結構的能力時,那結構便會開始瓦解,而那些受恐懼所俘虜的人便得著自由來跟隨基督。在彼得.魏格納的「迎戰天后」(Confronting the Queen of Heaven)一書中,關於正面迎敵,他寫了這個重要的勸勉:


Day 24 of 100 Days: Breakthrough: “The Prayer of Confrontation” Read: Col. 2, Eph. 1

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月20日 23:54



In today’s focus, understand that confrontation is very important. We must not fear this as a triumphant people! As we open today’s door, ask the Lord to remove all fear of confrontation.

Chuck D. Pierce



     Once we have received strategic revelation from the Lord, we must then obey Him in what He is asking us to do, which includes warfare.  There are times when God calls us to confront the powers of darkness at different levels.  To confront is to face in hostility or defiance, or to come with opposition.  The prayer of confrontation directly addresses a structure that has been set in place in opposition to God’s will.  The prayer of confrontation has become known in missiological terms as a “power encounter.”  C. Peter Wagner defines a power encounter as, “a visible, practical demonstration that Jesus Christ is more powerful than the spirits, powers or false gods worshiped or feared by the members of a given people group.”


     This type of prayer not only outwits the devil, but humiliates him and his level of power in the process.  When Jesus was crucified, we saw a clear example of how this works. Referring to that terrible, yet awesome day, Colossians 2:15 says, “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.”  God allows us to enter into this type of power encounter to show His power over territorial spirits to which a particular group of people has been in bondage.  As God displays that His power is greater than that of a demonic structure, that structure begins to crumble and those who were held captive by fear are then free to follow Christ.  In his book, Confronting the Queen of Heaven, C. Peter Wagner writes this great exhortation on confrontation:


     “What level of spiritual warfare does Paul have in mind as he writes to the Ephesians?  He says that Jesus is on the right hand of God and ‘far above all principality and power and might and dominion’ (Eph. 1:21).  Undoubtedly, Diana of the Ephesians and the daily sacrifices in her ornate temple are in Paul’s mind.  Jesus is superior to Diana and to all similar territorial spirits, no matter how long they have ruled people groups or cities.  The armies of God are being called forth to enforce the rightful rule of the King of kings and Lord of lords on the highest spiritual levels!”


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