第二十五:2011年10月22日(Tishrei 24, 5772)
請讀: 以弗所書第二、三、六章 啟示錄第二章
關於屬靈爭戰,我希望我們能有一個清楚的認識,因為這佔了突破的一大部分。在今天的焦點中,彼得.魏格納(Peter Wagner)博士會給予我們三個重要關鍵,這是在他的「迎戰天后」(Confronting the Queen of Heaven)一書中有關於屬靈爭戰的部分。今天當我們打開爭戰之門時,必須知道當我們上升時,在天上就會有爭戰。
1. 抵擋魔鬼的詭計
2. 積極主動地去作屬靈爭戰
在給以弗所教會的書信中,耶穌說:「得勝的,我必將神樂園中生命樹的果子賜給他吃。」(啟示錄2:7)「得勝」這個字,耶穌重複說了七次,其希臘原文是nikao,在世俗的希臘語,這是一種軍事用語,意思為「得勝」,但根據「新約神學新國際詞典」(The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology):「在新約中[nikao]幾乎總是假定這是在上帝與敵對的魔鬼勢力之間的衝突」(Vol. 1, p. 650),換句話說,這意味著去作屬靈的爭戰。
3. 對執政的黑暗勢力宣告上帝的智慧
阿根廷的大復興現在已十七年了,其重要的使徒之一是佈道家安卡羅(Carlos Annacondia),幾乎在他每一場的聚會中,他都會對魔鬼以及可能在附近的靈界掌權者,鄭重地宣告上帝的智慧,很多次我都聽到他用一種非常大聲、帶著聖靈的強烈恩膏去作這種宣告,他所寫的書其書名為:「聽著,撒旦!」當這爭戰呼嘯而來、一夜又一夜,事情便開始發生了,魔鬼彰顯並被立即的解決、生病的人都奇蹟般地得醫治、罪人嚴肅地跑到講台前為了得救,目前為止在他的福音聚會中已超過二百萬人重生得救。
當然彼得.魏格納所談的是與魔鬼結構交戰在戰略層面上的能力,與整個群體或區域有關,在整個新、舊約聖經中有這樣的例子,所包括的人如摩西、大衛、以利亞、耶穌與保羅。神的心意在今日仍然一樣,我們需要進入一種心態,就是上帝會彰顯祂的權能,大大地高過世界與魔鬼結構之上,是為了要看見許許多多的人能從撒旦的控制中被釋放出來,並從那心態中,按著祂的旨意作出正面迎敵的禱告,而有些時候神也會呼召我們,在個人或是家族層次,進入交鋒類型的爭戰(confrontation-type warfare)來對抗魔鬼的結構,在這種情況下,也適用於我們在上面所引述的這三點。
Day 25 of 100 Days: Breakthrough: “Spiritual Warfare” Read: Eph. 2, 3, 6, Rev. 2
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月22日 0:31
I want us to have a clear understanding about spiritual warfare. It's a big part of breakthrough. In today’s focus Dr. Peter Wagner gives us three keys about spiritual warfare in his book “Confronting the Queen of Heaven”. As we open the door of warfare today, know that as we ascend there is warfare in the heavens.
Chuck D. Pierce
There are at least three very important things that the head [Jesus] is telling the body about spiritual warfare:
1. Stand against the wiles of the devil. Paul tells the Ephesians to put on the whole armor of God ‘that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil’ (Eph. 6:13). This is not a benign command. It is not something which is easy to do. The reason for this is that the devil is an awesome being. Paul, in the same epistle, calls him ‘the prince of the power of the air’ (Eph. 2:2). It is hard for me to understand why some Christian leaders insist on trivializing Satan’s power. Referring to him as a wimp or as a toothless lion only serves to embolden people to think they can get away with attacking the devil with a fly swatter.
I suspect that by saying things like this, some well-intentioned believers are comparing the power of the devil to the power of God, and it is true that there is no contest between the two of them. But this is not the scenario at hand. We are not spectators watching a fight between God and demons. We are the ones whom God has designated to stand against the wiles of the devil. The head tells the body to do it, and, clearly, the head is not going to do it for us.
2. Engage in proactive spiritual warfare. In the letter to Ephesus Jesus says, ‘To him who overcomes, I will give to eat from the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God’ (Rev. 2:7). The word ‘overcome,’ which Jesus repeats seven times, is nikao in the original Greek. It is a military word meaning ‘to conquer, in secular Greek, but, according to The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology: ‘In the New Testament [nikao] almost always presupposes the conflict between God and opposing demonic powers’ (Vol. 1, p. 650). In other words, it means to do spiritual warfare.
3. Declare God’s wisdom to the principalities. Paul expresses to the Ephesians his burning desire that ‘the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places’ (Eph. 3:10). This is another one of the commands from the head of the body, and it explicitly says that the church should make this declaration to the powers in the invisible world. There are many interpretations as to what exactly this might mean, but one of them would be that we declare the gospel of the Kingdom of God.
The church, by deed and also by word, should remind the territorial spirits over places like Ephesus that the kingdom of God has invaded the kingdom of darkness beginning with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And that the god of this age will no longer blind the minds of unbelievers to the glorious gospel of Christ in Ephesus, Turkey, Japan, Nepal, Calcutta, or in any other place. This kind of a declaration of war will predictably spark negative reactions and counterattacks from the forces of evil and the spiritual battle will be engaged.
One of the major apostles of the extraordinary Argentine Revival, now in its seventeenth year, is evangelist Carlos Annacondia. In virtually every one of his meetings, he literally declares the wisdom of God to the devil and to any spiritual principalities that might be in the vicinity. Many times I have heard him do this in a very loud voice and with powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit. The title of his excellent book is: Listen to Me, Satan! (Creation House). When this war cry goes forth, night after night, things begin to happen. Demons manifest and are summarily dispatched, sick people are healed miraculously, and sinners literally run to the platform to get saved. More than two million have been born again in his campaigns so far.”
Of course, Peter Wagner is talking about strategic-level power encounters with demonic structures dealing with whole people groups or territories. There are examples of this throughout the Old and New Testaments involving people such as Moses, David, Elijah, Jesus, and Paul. God’s heart remains the same today. We need to enter into a mentality that God will display His power greatly over the earth and over demonic structures in order to see great throngs loosed from Satan’s grip, and from that mentality, pray the prayers of confrontation according to His will. There are times when God will also call us into confrontation-type warfare over demonic structures on a personal or family level as well, in which case, the same three points that we quoted above also apply.