
第三十七天:2011113(Cheshvan 06, 5772)

請讀:    使徒行傳第十七章







Day 37 of 100 Days: “Believe That You Can and You Will” Read: Acts 17

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月2日 22:09

      We will focus on our belief for the next few days going into day 40. Our faith has to go to the next level. Decree that you "Believe that you can and you will!"

Chuck D. Pierce


      Time and space are two of the most interesting and difficult concepts to grasp as you move through your life journey. We are in time, but God is not. Though some of us may feel that we were born out of time, we have been set in time and place to understand our Creator and what He created us to accomplish. Acts 17:26 says, “He has . . . determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings.” When you are in time correctly, you can grasp God and His purpose for your life. 


      Times are changing, and we must stay in God’s timing to prosper in a world where the god of this age desires to mold you into the blueprint of the day and cause you to look like the world around you. But we are called to have transformed minds and be linked to the Head—not to bring up the rear in producing the changes around us. Even righteous Lot was vexed because of his environment in Sodom. When we are at the right place at the right time we can break out of vexing, confusing, mind-altering powers that war against the covenant of holy God and all of the blessings He is ready to pour upon us.


      In this season, you must know your belief system. What do you believe in? Whomdo you believe in? Everyone has some sort of belief system that they develop for their life. Mine is the Word of God. In this season we must rehearse the Word. What revelation has come to you? That is what you use to war in the world around you. We must meditate on what God says until the power of that revelation enters our bloodstream and cell structure. We also must learn to worship and minister in our homes. Doing so will allow our gifts to be activated in a new way in small groups. When the time comes that we are not free to worship publicly in our church buildings, we will already know how to continue worshiping in our homes. Take the points I will write for the next two days and use them to speak into your life and the environment around you.


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