第九天:2011年10月6日(Tishrei 8, 5772)
閱讀: 詩篇24:1 哈巴谷書2:14 箴言29:18
這是追求個人、團體、領土以及世代的突破的時候了!根據聖經,一年是以猶太新年(Rosh Hoshana)為開始,然而大部分的人並不十分瞭解時間,因為他們並不瞭解從聖經所反應到地上的時間表。
Day 9 of 100 Days “The Conflict Of Covenant” Read Ps. 24:1, Hab. 2:14, Prov. 29:18
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月5日 23:41
This is a time to pursue personal, corporate, territorial and generational breakthrough! Biblically, the year always starts with Rosh Hoshana. Most people do not understand time very well, since they do not understand the earthly time frame the Bible reflects.
We can see many blessings manifested on earth in this season. We are entering into covenant conflict, which means that we are war- ring to see these blessings spread throughout the earthly realm. Psalm 24:1 declares that the “earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof ” (KJV). God has a plan of fullness. We must go to war to see this fullness manifested. When we open the portals of heaven, those blessings that have been shut up and unable to be seen will be manifested on earth.
Open the heavens and let the dew drop down! Lord, rend the heavens and come down! Look up and look again—your prayers and intercessions are creating a portal for His glory to overtake your land! When we are at the right place at the right time, we can see further than we have ever seen before. We are not a people limited to the finite space that we are in. We are a people filled with vision.
We can sense His presence, feel His presence, see His presence and move in His presence. God has promised to cover the earth with His glory (see Hab. 2:14). When He planted the Garden, His original intent was for His glory never to decrease, but to increase. As His glory increased, He could give us vision of how to effectively invade the whole earth with His presence. However, when we listened to the enemy, our perfect communion with God was broken and our vision be- came hindered. One word for glory is wealth. Open the heavens and see wealth released.
The same principle applies today. The enemy wants to stop the portal of glory from interacting with the earth. If we adhere to the plans of Satan rather than listen to God’s voice, we limit God’s presence from moving through us and increasing our boundaries. Because of this, there is a huge war raging over His presence. The enemy does all he can to prevent us from seeing what the Lord wants us to see. Satan longs for us not to have vision for our future. Remember, without a vision, we perish (see Prov. 29:18).