
第十二天:「修正的重要性」2011108(Tishrei 10, 5772)

閱讀:    耶利米書29:11以賽亞書44:22 利未記 23:26-32


昨晚我們開始進入贖罪日(Yom Kippur),非常令人敬畏。要仰望主並祈求祂顯明你在地上所有方向的修正,要繼續與天地連結。這裡是「修正的重要性!」,請讀耶利米書29:11:「耶和華說:我知道我向你們所懷的意念是賜平安的意念,不是降災禍的意念,要叫你們末後有指望。」



這就是我們現在過的神的日曆,本週我們進入「敬畏的十天」(Days of Awe),是一個尋求神的時候,要讓祂顯明出你生命中所有偏離的方向,然後在贖罪日(Day of Atonement)那天, (星期五晚上到星期六日落為止),是與神親近的時候,並要修正你的方向。如果神顯明出你所有的罪,要認罪悔改並求神赦免,如果這火冷卻下來,要讓聖靈再次點燃你的生命。因此不要錯過這個星期你與神的約會,要完全地歸向祂,並讓祂來指引你未來的道路!在以賽亞書44:22中神應許我們:「我塗抹了你的過犯,像厚雲消散;我塗抹了你的罪惡,如薄雲滅沒。你當歸向我,因我救贖了你。

這個星期五晚上(107)在日落時開始了贖罪日,這時候以色列的整個猶太公共部門基本上都關閉。在利未記 23:26-32中,嚴肅地命令猶太人民在這一天要刻苦己心,什麼工都不可做,如果他們不這樣做,便會有可怕的後果。除了偶爾會有阿拉伯人司機或是一輛救護車經過,整個街道則是暢通無阻,實際上在晚上及星期六早晨,許多的街道將充滿散步的夫婦與騎自行車和溜滑板的小孩。成千上萬的猶太人將會謙卑自己、禁食食物與水長達25個小時。Kippurkippurim可以翻譯為「藉由一個替代物贖回」,也包括「遮蓋」的意思。在聖經時代的這一天,一隻公山羊會被宰殺作為贖罪祭,而大祭司會將山羊的血帶進至聖所幔內,並彈在施恩座(the Mercy Seat)的上面和前面,【施恩座的希伯來文為「kaporet」,有贖罪、遮蓋之意】;第二隻公山羊,則代替民族的罪孽,被帶到猶太曠野並被釋放,其被認為是「該死的」(今天在以色列常見的罵人粗話,希伯來文是「代罪羔羊」的意思)…「沒有流血,罪不得赦免」。然而因著第二聖殿被毀,在猶太教的流血獻祭儀式便結束,在贖罪日這一天,所有的正統猶太人(religious Jews)和許多非正統(non-religious)的猶太人會在猶太會堂渡過,來禱告懺悔尋求神的赦免,好在來年的生命冊上有個「好記錄」。然而有些東西失去了,拉比猶太教(Rabbinic Judaism)從未能有令人滿意回答的問題就是,「但是,血在哪裡?」…每年在這節期接近贖罪日之前,在耶路撒冷的大露天市場會有一個地方,可找到成堆的籠子裝著活雞作為特別用途,在這裡人們可以付錢給一個極端正統(ultra-Orthodox)的猶太人,讓他抓起一隻雞在其頭上搖一搖,並吟誦以下的話:「這是我的替代品,這是我的減刑;這隻雞會死亡;但我得以被招聚進入一個長久快樂的生命與進入平安。」最後雞會被宰殺,並將其身體分給窮人作食物。我們並非蔑視那些透過這習俗來盲目尋求潔淨的人,然而再也沒有比古時所說的更貼切:「同樣的祭物年年不停地獻上,法律又怎能藉著這些祭物使來到上帝面前的人達到完全呢?(希伯來書10:1現代中文譯本)

停止吧!要祈求主來修正你的方向,求神赦免並領受恩典,讓祂的寶血來潔淨你的良心,在一個修正的道路上,自由地進入未來的季節!讓我建議你讀這本書《贖回時間》(Redeeming the Time,暫譯,以琳書房即將出版中文版)!那就是贖罪日!


昨晚Kalli Forest有一場比賽,而學校被閃電擊中,使所有的警鈴都響了起來。因為有龍捲風警報,他們帶走所有的人,並將我們帶進男更衣室,而婦女則集中在女更衣室中避難。請記得在猶太新年所說的關於閃電的話

Day 12 of 100 Days: “The Importance of Correction” Read Jer. 29:11, Is. 44:22, Lev. 23:26-32

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月8日 23:07

Robert Heidler wrote the following for Day 12.


     Starting last night, we entered into Yom Kippur. This is just awesome. Look up to the Lord and ask Him to reveal any course corrections for you in the Earth. Keep connecting Heaven and Earth. Here is “The Importance of Course Correction!”. ReadJeremiah 29:11

It's easy to get "a little" off course and not notice it.  One degree is tiny, just a 360'th of a circle.  If you're one degree off course, you'd probably think nothing of it.  But if you're flying across the Pacific Ocean, you'll miss your destination by 200 miles, and that could be a disaster.That's how our lives are.  It's easy to get "one degree" off course.  Your fellowship with God is not lost overnight.  Your marriage or business will not fail overnight.  But if you stay one degree off-course you'll end up in a mess! 


     What's the solution? The solution is to make course corrections!  We need to stop from time to time and examine our course.  A small correction now can get us back on course and avoid disaster.  But God! He built a yearly "course correction" into the biblical calendar.  Once a year He set a time to examine your life, see where you're off course, and get back on track.  God loves you so much He doesn't want you to fail.  He wants you to stay on track and arrive at the fullness of your destiny. 


     That's where we are right now in God's calendar.  This week we've been in the "Days of Awe" ...a time to seek God and let Him reveal any ways your life is off course.  Then on the Day of Atonement, (Friday night and Saturday through sundown) it's time to get with God and make your course corrections.  If He's shown you any sins, confess them and receive forgiveness.  If the fire has burned low, allow the Holy Spirit to re-ignite your life. So don't miss your appointment with God this week.  Be fully restored to Him and let Him direct the path to your future!  In Isa 44:22 God promises, "I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you."


(From Israel!)

     This Friday evening (October 7th) at sundown began Yom Kippur—the Day of Atonement.  At that time, the entire public Jewish sector of Israel essentially closes down.  Leviticus 23:26-32 solemnly commands the Hebrew people to deny themselves and to abstain from work on this day, with dire consequences if they don’t.  Except for the occasional Arab driver or an emergency vehicle, the streets will be free of traffic; in fact, later in the evening and on Saturday morning many streets will be filled with strolling couples and children on bicycles and skateboards.  Millions of Jews will humble themselves by fasting for 25 hours from both food and water. Kippur or kippurim may be translated ‘ransom by means of a substitute’…also included within the meaning is ‘that which covers’.  On this day in Biblical times a goat was slain as a sin offering, its blood  taken by the High Priest into the veil of the Holy of Holies and sprinkled on and before the Mercy Seat (Hebrew: kaporet);  a second goat, with the sins of the nation confessed over it, was led far into the Judean desert and released.  It was considered ‘damned’ (today in Israel a common curse expletive is the Hebrew for “scapegoat”)…“Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.”  Yet with the destruction of the Second Temple, blood sacrifice in Judaism came to an end.  On Yom Kippur all religious Jews and many non-religious will spend the day in the Synagogues, confessing their sins and seeking forgiveness and a “Good Signature” in the Book of Life for the coming year. Yet something is missing. A question which Rabbinic Judaism has never been able satisfactorily to answer is, “But, where is the blood?” … Each year during the days immediately preceding Yom Kippur an area in Jerusalem’s large open-air market may be found reserved for stacks and stacks of coops bearing live chickens. Here one may pay an ultra-Orthodox man to be allowed to swing a chicken over one’s head while reciting the following,  


     “This is my substitute, this is my commutation; this chicken goes to death; but may I be gathered and enter into a long and happy life and into shalom.” The bird is then slain and its body given to the poor for food.  We do not hold in contempt those who blindly seek cleansing through this practice; yet this, no more than in ancient times, “can never, by the same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year, make perfect those who draw near.”  


     Stop! Ask the Lord to correct your course. Ask forgiveness and receive grace. Allow His blood to cleanse your conscience. Be free to enter the season ahead on a corrected path! Let me suggest you read the book, Redeeming the Time! That is Yom Kippur!


 Prophecy from Keith …

     “Truly today is a day that Holy Spirit is entering this place in a surprise manner.  Today is a day that the wind is blowing in a new way. Today is a day that I have come forth to bring unity in this Body, and there will be a new level of unity that breaks the stronghold of the enemy.  Yes, there are pills and yes there are bills, but my God is a god that brings forth a release.  And today is the day as unity arises release occurs.  Yes, you will see your pots filled, see your vats overflow, and you will see your storehouse be made full.  But when My people come together as one I will cast down the uncircumcised philistine, and I will birth a new order for a new day.  So release the wind and you will see a change in the Garden.” 

Last night Kalli Forest had a game, and the school was struck by lightning and all the alarms went off.  They took all the men and put us in the men’s locker room and the women in the women’s locker room since there was a tornado warning.  Remember the word that was released at Head of the Year about lightning strikes and the day of containment. 


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