
第六天:2011103(Tishrei 5, 5772)Chuck Pierce.jpg  


閱讀:    詩篇16:5 馬太福音5:5 使徒行傳26:18 歌羅西書1:12 加拉太書5:22-23











4.  活在基督裡—「照著我所切慕、所盼望的,沒有一事叫我羞愧。只要凡事放膽,無論是生是死,總叫基督在我身上照常顯大。因我活著就是基督,我死了就有益處。(腓立比書1:20-21)在這裡保羅又再次將成功帶進一個永恆的觀點,為基督而活、並在一切所行的事上來尊榮祂,無論我們是生是死,都將會帶給我們最後的成功與昌盛。在整個教會歷史中,有許多值得尊敬的聖徒,為基督耶穌流血而成為殉道者,這些是上帝國度中偉大的成功故事。



Day 6 of 100 Days: What is Inheritance?: Read Ps. 16:5 Matt 5:5 Acts 26:18 Colossians 1:12 Gal. 522-23                                                                Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月2日 22:09

     Webster describes inheritance as a portion, birthright or heritage; a right of ownership. As believers we must agree that the ultimate issue in inheritance is eternal life. There is no greater inheritance that we can ever hope to obtain. Once that issue is settled, the greatest portion of our eternal inheritance is secure.

But there is more to inheritance than a promise of everlasting life. In the Bible, inheritance is often used to describe the present or future blessings of the believer’s spiritual life. Psalm 16:5, for instance, says, “O Lord, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup; you maintain my lot.” In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5:5). Other such Scriptures include Acts 26:18: “That they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me,” and Colossians 1:12:“Giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.”


     As Christians, it is true that God has provided for us a rich spiritual inheritance, both here and in heaven, that no unbeliever will ever enjoy. Because our names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, we have inherited such blessings as love, joy, peace and other fruit of the Spirit (see Gal. 5:22-23). As sons and daughters of righteousness, we have assurance of our heavenly standing. We know that God will never leave us or forsake us. The promises of inheritance for God’s children are endless.


      But figurative uses of inheritance, such as in the previously mentioned Scriptures, might lead us to believe that God’s main interest in our inheritance is purely spiritual. Such Scriptures also seem to indicate that our inheritance is collective rather than individual. But God has a much more specific interest in each of us as individuals. Each of us has an inheritance that is uniquely our own. This unique inheritance includes many facets, such as our individual destinies, or that which God is longing to accomplish through each life for His glory.


     It also includes physical inheritance, or those material things that God has set aside for each of us. Material possessions, such as money and lands, are important not only for our own necessity and enjoyment, but are also essential for the advancement of God’s kingdom here on earth.

God’s chosen spouse and our children may also be elements of personal inheritance. While they are part of our personal inheritance that we enjoy, they, specifically our children, are also recipients of our inheritance.


     Through our family, the deposit of God, which He has placed in one generation can be passed on to the next generation and beyond. Proverbs 13:22 says, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” Possessing our inheritance is not just an issue for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren.


     So, what is inheritance? Simply this: Inheritance is possessing the portion that God has given you.


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