
第四十天: 2011116(Cheshvan 09, 5772)

請讀:    路加福音第四章










我們必須在我們的試煉中順服。順服意味著「臣服」(to stand under),而抵擋則代表「堅決反對」(to stand against)。當我們順服神時,我們便能獲得我們所正在臣服的能力,就是從上頭所流進我們生命深處的大能與權柄,然後我們就可以去抵擋邪惡,而我們的靈是被聖靈所充滿的,就是我們所順服的那一位。從聖靈而來的大能與彰顯,使我們能去抵擋邪惡,在耶穌順服於施洗約翰的洗禮時,聖靈已停在祂身上,所以耶穌在進入曠野時是被聖靈充滿的。



Day 40 of 100 Days: “Jesus-Our Best Example in the Wilderness” Read: Luke 4

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月5日 21:14

    We have pressed through for 40 days! Now for the next several days I want to focus on the Jesus’ wilderness experience. We must see the wilderness as Jesus did. Decree you mind is being renewed today!

Chuck D. Pierce


     If we model after Jesus, we will always be victorious to come through and go into the next season. Jesus moved through His wilderness stops. To do so, He had to resist forty straight days. Never before had the enemy’s tempting voice so bombarded anyone on Earth. All mankind hung in the balance over this forty-day confrontation and war in the wilderness.


     The key to Yeshua’s victory was that He submitted. When He entered into the wilderness, He immediately submitted Himself to Father God. From submission He was able to resist the enemy.


  • He resisted presumption.
  • He resisted pride.
  • He resisted the lust of the eyes.
  • He resisted the promise of grandeur.


      We must submit in the midst of our testing’s. To submit means, “to stand under.”To resist means, “to stand against.” When we submit, we gain the power of what we are standing under. Then we can resist from that power and authority that are flowing from above into the very depth of our being. Our spirit man is filled by the spirit or Spirit to whom we are submitted. From the power and manifestation of that spirit, we resist. Jesus had entered the wilderness filled with the Spirit that had rested on Him when He submitted to be baptized by John the Baptist.


      The moment we stop resisting, our spirit man is invaded with an atmosphere that leads to vexation. Satan will meet you on every front and use any tactic to take the deed that you have been given. The enemy’s goal is to make sure you fall short in your ability to prosper. Not only are we to multiply, but also we are to expand the boundaries of our land, both spiritually and physically.


      Each phase of expansion in your life has a wilderness front. Most of us think, “If I can just make it through one wilderness, I’ve won the whole war.” Every phase of expansion has a wilderness front through which you must learn to war. You must always allow the Spirit of God to evaluate you in each of the phases.


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