
第二十九天: 20111026(Tishrei 28, 5772)

請讀:    馬太福音第十六章 




 Frank Damazio牧師在其「門戶教會」(The Gate Church)一書中,分享了以下關於門的意義:


1.   控制出入並提供堅固防禦的保護(參考約書亞記二章7節,七章5節;士師記十六章2-3節,十八章16-17節;列王紀下十一章6節,十四章13)

2.  為城市的法定或官方領袖坐下來仲裁之處(參考創世記十九章1節;申命記二十五章7節;撒母耳記下十九章8節;耶利米哀歌五章14)

3.  商業與社會功能交易進行之處,也是訂定與公證商業契約的地方(參考創世記三十四章24節;路得記四章111節;撒母耳記下十五章2)

4.  先知將預言的訊息帶來,並且向城中的長老傳達預言的地方(參考列王紀上二十二章10節;歷代志下十八章9節;耶利米書七章2節,十七章19)



Day 29 of 100 Days: Gates: “An Opening for God’s Presence on Earth” Read: Matt 16

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月26日 0:34

        We are the key for God’s presence to come into the earth. In order for God to use us effectively, we must understand the symbolism of “gates”. As we open the 29th door, decree we are opening new gates and new pathways are forming.

Chuck D. Pierce


       In The Gate Church, Pastor Frank Damazio shares the following on the significance of gates:


     The gate in Scripture is a very powerful symbol and is used in connection with a powerful church. Jesus connected the two in Matthew 16:16-18. The word “gate” in the original language can be defined as a structure closing, or enclosure; a large opening through a wall or a barrier created so that people and things can pass to another area, a new area. A gate opens the way into something. It is a passage- way or a channel, an avenue. Gates, because of their function in the Old Testament cities, took on a symbolic meaning. Both the prophets and Christ Himself used this symbolism. The Bible describes four functions of city gates during Old Testament times:


1. A place that controlled access and provided strongly fortified protection (see Josh. 2:7; 7:5; Judg. 16:2,3; 18:16,17; 2 Kings 11:6; 14:13).


2. A place where legal or governmental leaders of the city sat to hand down judicial decisions (see Gen. 19:1; Deut. 25:7; 2 Sam. 19:8; Lam. 5:14).


3. A place where business and social functions occurred and where business contracts were made and witnessed (see Gen. 34:24; Ruth 4:1,11; 2 Sam. 15:2).


4. A place where prophetic messages were brought by the prophets and delivered to the elders of the city (see 1 Kings 22:10; 2 Chron. 18:9; Jer. 7:2; 17:19).


     We will continue this study tomorrow. Know as we move forward that the Lord will use us to open gates of great importance.



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