第三十五天:2011年11月1日(Cheshvan 04, 5772)
請讀: 撒母耳記上第30章,撒母耳記下第5章
默想: 詩篇九十二篇
重建大衛的帳幕就是在地上的領域向前邁進,請注意前面的句子是現在式的時態。每個世代都被呼召來建立一個讚美的帳幕,大衛在地上建立了一個新的模式,阿摩司就曾預言,這種模式將會再度建立(阿摩司書9:11)。在使徒行傳中,使徒們說,「這就是阿摩司所預言的!」(請看使徒行傳15:15-17)在啟示錄中,約翰被帶進一個天堂的空間(heavenly dimension),並看見這帳幕充滿了一支敬拜的軍隊,在末後的日子,在地上相同的軍隊將展現出勝利,因為他們已贏得在天上的戰爭。我們是上帝在地上的軍隊,將要與天使天軍一起同工,來展現出聖潔神的得勝大能遍及世上的列國,而這樣的敬拜層次將會開啟一個全球性的收割。
Day 35 of 100 Days: “Rebuilding David’s Tabernacle!” Read: 1 Samuel 30, 2 Samuel 5, Meditate on Psalm 92
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年11月1日 4:37
The restoration of David’s Tabernacle is advancing in the earth realm. Notice the present tense of the preceding sentence. Every generation is called to build a Tabernacle of Praise. David built a new model in the earth. Amos prophesied that this model would be built again. In Book of Acts, the apostles said, “This is that which Amos prophesied!” In the Book of Revelation, John is brought into a heavenly dimension and sees this tabernacle filled with a worshipping army. In latter days, the same army on earth will express triumph because they have won the war in the heavens. We, God’s army in the earth, will co-labor with the Host of Heaven to express a Holy God’s overcoming power throughout the nations of the earth. This level of worship will unlock a global harvest.
David was a warrior. He knew the reality of an Almighty God and he praised Him violently. He was a shepherd and a king. He had a heart after God and his heart had to release praise. Your violent praise is preparing a storehouse for Kingdom harvest. Worship is the key issue at this time in the history of the Church. I believe worship will dethrone any throne that the enemy has built in this world. Let us stand together to put a canopy of protection around the nations as we worship, intercede and believe that God will move on our behalf.
The other key issue that breaks us forth in times of crisis and change is the anointing. David was anointed. His anointing was progressive. As a lad, the youngest of eight brothers from the House of Jesse, he was anointed by Samuel. He was anointed as King of all of Israel. However, this anointing led him through many dangers. He was anointed by Judah after winning a great battle at Ziklag. He was eventually anointed by all of Israel to the HILL that no one had ever taken, a hill that David would name Zion.
To do this he had to battle. To restore, recover all, and fulfill God’s ultimate plan, he had to war. The Lord’ troops were led forward by sound. The goal of His company of saints was to establish His glory. David’s ultimate goal as king was to get the Ark of His Covenant to the resting place on Zion’s Hill. To do that, he and his mighty army had to “take the Hill” first. Once the Hill was taken, they had to hear clearly how to advance. But the enemy also heard that this anointing and glory were on the move. The Philistines, David’s long time enemy, heard of his new anointing and how David had taken the Jebusites’ stronghold and secured the Hill for the Lord. They were determined to stop the Ark from getting to the place that God had ordained. David had to maneuver his way past this enemy force, but to do so he would have to hear the right sound!
The sound that he was to listen for was “the wind in the mulberry trees.” In 2 Samuel 5, David had experienced a major breakthrough in his own life. What had been prophesied over him 29 years prior had actually come into fulfillment. He then had to lead the armies forth into battle. When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed as king, they rose up against him. David defeated the Philistines and drove them out of his jurisdictional authority. However, they regrouped and came back at him again. He asked the Lord if he was to pursue them. In 2 Samuel 5:24the Lord answers, “And . . . when you hear the sound of the marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly.” The sound of marching was not just the wind blowing the tops of the trees, but the Hosts of Heaven and the armies of God rustling the leaves and signifying they were present to help David in victory.
This is a time to recognize the angels and Hosts of Heaven among us! If we will keep our spirits active and in communion with Holy Spirit, we will begin to see the presence of God and His Hosts of Heaven that are contending on our behalf. In the book of Revelation, we find the real issue is the relationship between the sounds of heaven and the demonstration of God on earth. Sound leads us forth. Be willing to allow the sounds of Heaven to order your actions today. Ask the Lord for a new anointing. Do not be afraid to take “your hill”. Not only take the hill, but be willing to establish a new form of worship in the place that God has called you to dwell. Let His glory and anointing in you shine outward. Dwell with Him and watch Him tabernacle with you.