第十天:2011年10月7日(Tishrei 9, 5772)
閱讀: 出埃及記33:15 民數記第九章 但以理書7:13
Day 10 of 100 Days: “Sound and Presence” Read: Ex. 33:15, Num. 9, Dan. 7:13
Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月7日 0:41
One time, Pam, my wife, and I were confronted by an evil spirit. We were seeking the Lord diligently. He was delivering us of many iniquities. I was also declaring that any familial spirit that had been in our bloodlines and had been sent against us would now have to fully let go and remove itself from our sphere of authority. When I commanded this force to leave our home, the change was instant and, as crazy as it sounds, the room actually lit up. God’s presence so flooded our bedroom that it became as bright as day. When we resisted evil, His glory came in and over- took our atmosphere.
The incident that night revealed a level of warfare we had never been in before—but that was not the most important thing. The main point was that God’s manifest presence was now free to rule this particular area of our lives. This also exemplified a truth that is key to this chapter: Once evil is confronted in our atmosphere, then God’s presence has the liberty to replace evil with glory.
His presence is everything. When He is not present a curse is in operation. Like Moses said, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here”(Exod. 33:15). His presence keeps us in His perfect timing. In the Bible, trumpets were an important instrument that produced sound and movement. In God’s kingdom, movement and advancement should always be linked with presence.
Sound and presence go hand in hand. When the cloud starts moving and the trumpet starts blowing, the Body of Christ must move forward, accelerate and keep going. We find in Numbers 9 that throughout the Israelites’ journey in the wilderness, the Lord accompanied them by means of the miraculous cloud of glory, which overshadowed the camp. When the cloud lifted, indicating the time for breaking camp had arrived, the priesthood sounded a long trumpet blast on a pair of silver trumpets to alert the people that the time for setting out had arrived. They also used other distinctive trumpet blasts. They sounded staccato trumpet blasts to convene the assembly. The priests sounded different combinations of trumpet blasts for declaring the onset of festivals and Sab- baths, and yet other blasts for invoking divine assistance in battle.
The use of the trumpets to indicate the onset of the Sabbath and appointed times carried over into temple practice and, even later, into synagogue practice. Here is how the rabbis operated: Six blasts were blown on Friday evening before the Sabbath. The first one warned people to cease working in the fields. The second one warned people in the city to cease working. The third warned people to kindle their Sabbath lights. . . . Finally, the last three, a tekiah, teruah and a tekiah were blown to mark the onset of the Sabbath. Therefore, we can surmise that sound and presence work together from heaven into the earth to guide us forward and keep us in time with decisions, confrontations and victories in the earth.
Sound and presence always accompany visitation and will continue until the Lord’s final return. There is that appointed time when all of Israel calls on the Lord and the great cloud of faithful witnesses assemble for their rule. Daniel describes our Lord as“One like a Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven” (Dan. 7:13).
The presence of God was positioned at the center of the Israelites’ community life. In the Garden, it was God’s intent for communion and our devotional life to be the center of all activities. His presence walked and talked with man and woman as they worked. And as they worked, they worshiped. This pattern now must be restored from generation to generation so that God’s in- tent for the earth and mankind can continue.
May His presence be the center of everything you do: when you worship, work and celebrate. May a portal of His glory remain open above you. May He flow through you into a dark world around you.
Blow a trumpet and declare a new level of His presence is coming into your atmosphere.