
第十一天:2011107(Tishrei 09, 5772)Chuck Pierce.jpg  

閱讀:    詩篇九十五篇 希伯來書第三章

「雷聲與閃電」 by Allen Faubion

上週我們在「全球國度中心」連續兩晚來慶祝猶太新年(Rosh Hashanah),這節期是以吹角節(The Feast of Trumpets)來開始,這是我們第一年精確地按所定的日期充分地慶祝這個節日。在今年猶太新年的前夕(928),我們聚集在「以色列禱告花園」來吹號角,首先我們聚集在打穀場來釋放出聲音,並請「新造的人」(剛受洗者)從上帝的百姓當中往前站,然後對著整個花園所蓋的每一個以色列支派區域來吹號角,最後我們穿越門進入外邦人的田,釋放出一個聲音來呼叫列國。當我們吹角的時候,有一列通勤火車也鳴聲經過,一架班機飛過我們的頭頂,並有加拿大鵝在天空盤旋,而車子在高速公路上馳騁過去。主已預備了運輸的大道在地上與天空,現在祂正在釋放出祂的呼叫聲。


在我每次傳講主的話語的另一部分意義時,天上猛烈地隆隆聲便會在頭頂上作響,你能感覺到地面的震動並看見閃電發出,這是一個徵兆與奇蹟。之後電視天氣預報員說,有超過三百個閃電打在德州的達福都會區(Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex),這都是在吹角節發生的,這就是我們現在正進入的恩膏,就在我們成為上帝聲音的百姓之時。

太新年就是上帝日曆時間的高潮開始,未來會有更多,現在我們是在「敬畏的十天」(Days of Awe)走到「贖罪日」(Day of Atonement)之時,是第二個階段的高潮。詩篇九十五篇與希伯來書第三章說到這個時刻,「聖靈有話說:你們今日若聽他的話,就不可硬著心…你們要謹慎,免得你們中間或有人存著不信的惡心,(希伯來書3:7-8,12)


Day 11 of 100 Days: "Thunder and Lightning" by Allen Faubion: Read Psalms 95, Hebrews 3

Chuck Pierce 寫於 2011年10月7日 23:50

     This past week we celebrated Rosh Hashanah for two nights at the Global Spheres Center.  This Feast begins with The Feast of Trumpets. This is the first year we have fully celebrated this Feast at the precise appointed time.  On the eve of Rosh Hashanah (Sept. 28), we gathered in the Israel Prayer Garden to sound the trumpets.  First we gathered at the threshing floor to releasing the sound and call for the One New Man to come forth among the people of God.  Then shofars blew over each of the tribes of Israel planted throughout the garden.  Finally, we through the gate into the field of the Gentiles to release a sound that would call to the nations.  As we blew, a commuter train blew by, an airliner flew overhead, Canadian geese circled, and cars raced past on the freeway.  The Lord has prepared the avenues of transportation on earth and in the air. Now He is releasing His call.


     We gathered Thursday evening in the Tabernacle in the Global Spheres Center to worship and celebrate Rosh Hashanah.  The worship was incredible.  Horns blew.  Several came forth to release the sound of their shofar shout.  It was powerful.  The worship team released a prophetic stream that was fresh and filled with the sound of the Feast of Trumpets.  The Spirit had prepared me with a prophetic message titled“People of the Voice–Activating in Us the Sound that Pierces World Structures.”  As I began to release this message something strange and wonderful began to take place.  First, I noticed a rumble overhead that sounded like thunder.  Since the sound was a bit faint I continued with this message on the voice of God.  Then it began to rain–no mistaking that sound overhead.  Weathermen gave us a ten percent chance of scattered storms and now we were in a downpour.  We began to declare the favor of God.  Several opened the large overhead door in the Tabernacle and people began to dance in the rain.  What a wonderful night.  


     Every time I delivered another part of the Word of the Lord the heavens violently rumbled overhead.  You could feel the ground shake and see the lightning strike.  It was a sign and wonder. Later the TV weatherman reported more than 300 lightning strikes in the DFW Metroplex.  All on the Feast of Trumpets.  This is the anointing we are now moving in as we become the People of His Voice.  LIGHTNING PICTURES




     Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the climactic time of God’s calendar. There is more to come.  We are now in the Days of Awe leading to the Day of Atonement, the second stage in this climax.  Psalm 95 and Hebrews 3 speak to this time. “Today if you hear my voice, do not harden your hearts…. See to it that none of you has a sinful unbelieving heart”


      Now that we have fully met with God and He has released his voice over us (Rosh Hashanah) it is time for us to watch (“See to it”) over our hearts to remove unbelief.  Unbelief is not a matter or doctrine or principles.  Unbelief is driven by fear and superstition and takes hold when we listen to its voice rather than God’s voice.    God’s voice breaks the hold of unbelief and His word cuts out its cancerous roots. On Rosh Hashanah we released three shofar sounds that are important for this week.  You can listen or download them to your own device. Three Horns–This is the sound of the three climactic feasts, Rosh Hashanah, Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles.  It is the sound of Father, Son, and Spirit.  It is the sound of Recovery, Restoration, and Prosperity. Three Horn-Recovery Restoration Surplus!(QUICKTIME FILE)


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